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Akimochkin Artem

Faculty: Computer science
Speciality: Economical cybernetics

Theme of master's work:

"Development and research of adaptive trading systems invariant to changes of a market situation"

Leader of work: Ph.D. of technical science Alexander Smirnov

ICQ: 468-016-054


Brief CV: Average mark at period of studying in university is 4.92.

Languages: fluent Russian, Ukrainian. English is sufficient for reading and writing correspondence. Got the diploma of bachelor with a honor.

Hobby:  photo, music, psychology.

Programming: Visual Basic (VBA) Bases, Delphi Bases, HTML
Use of packages: MathCAD, MathLAB, Mathematica, STATISTICA, MetaTrader (and others similar), GPSS.
Professional interests: imitating modeling, programming of computing processes, the mathematical analysis and management of financial structures, games at financial stock exchanges (FOREX) (theory), math modeling of economy, forecasting, and construction econometric models, decision-making in conditions of uncertainty.
Practical use: Photoshop, CorelDraw, 3D Studio Max.

Short biography:

- The Childhood -

I was born on May 7, 1986 in Makeyevka, Donetsk region. My father - Akimochkin Valery engineer of mechanics of the trading equipment. Mother - Akimochkina Elena - medical assistant-laborarant working in public healthcare. Since childhood I was a disobedient child with inquisitive mind, it was expressed in deep analysis of a toy car (up to the smallest details). Then I became interested in hi-tech. Parents encouraged my aspiration in every possible way. They have bought my first computer ZX-Spectrum , it was pleasant to me not only to play games, but also to write small programs.

- School -

In the age of 7 I went to school ¹47 of Makeyevka. In an elementary school I liked almost all subjects: drawing, writing, math. However, somewhere in process of education I’ve lost interest to subjects. In 5th class I was smart at mathematics, physics and computer science. I liked other subjects less: biology, chemistry, history, geography. At these subjects I could not find logic communications in a studied material and quickly forgotten everything. For this reason I have not grown fond such subjects.
At the senior school I wished to have a PC, but at that time it was an expensive luxury. My parents told me that they’ll buy me a PC if it’s required for my future occupation. Now I had a purpose to become a programmer. I began studying mathematics and computer science actively, took preparatory courses at Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU). My strong knowledge in the field of mathematics and programming, payed off, but unfortunately, in a year when I graduated school there was extremely high competition on a programmer specialty. Therefore I decided to try an adjacent specialty “Economic cybernetics”. I’ve successfully passed ratings and got in budgetary place.

- The University -

Studying at university appeared much easier, than at school. Here everything studied at school, received second, deeper sense. Despite of all knowledge university gave, it demanded many efforts and time in exchange. Daily commute, complex lectures, course works and independent persistent work - all of this gradually perfected both a professional knowledge, and personal qualities - punctuality, the responsibility, purposefulness. The university allowed to feel the freedom of a person. From the third year we began studying capital management and stock behaviour. It was always interesting to me to describe something spontaneous by means of mathematics, for example stock price. Within that year a theme for my master’s work was born - “Development and research of adaptive trading systems invariant to changes of a market situation” My master’s work supervisor is Ph.D. Alexander Smirnov, the leading expert of faculty in the field of exchange trade. In 2007 I passed the state examination on a number of disciplines and received the bachelor's degree with distinction.

- Future plans -

In the near future I plan to protect my master’s work with honour to accept a title "the master of economic sciences". After university graduation I plan to find interesting and highly paid work as an analyst, in order to put into practice the knowledge received for 5 years of study. I consider, that acquired knowledge, skills would be the strong base to the further development and self-improvement not only within the limits of the specialty. During next 5 years after graduating university, I plan to try myself in various areas of business: insurance, bank activity, exchange trade. Finally having chosen a direction of the future activity I plan to receive the second education on corresponding specialty.
In 10 years, having reached some successes in career, I plan to change my residence to one of large cities of Russia, or the near abroad if possible.
In 20 years I plan to feel firm ground under legs, to be to completely devoted to favorite work and family.

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