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Donetsk National Technical University Belikov Ivan

Master's thesis topic:

Analysis and development of methods for increasing efficiency of industrial networks with automatic testing elements.

Belikov Ivan

Faculty: Computer techniques and informatics

Speciality: System Programming

Scientific adviser: Ph. D. Malcheva R.V. (Arutyunyan A. R.)

Email: IvanBelikov[dg]rambler[d0t]ru

Materials on master's thesis: Abstract | Library | Links | Search report | Individual task


Production automation problem is important today. There are several prerequisites that set condition for using distributed network by automatic control system (ACS) developers. There are such prerequisites as following[4]:

  • to set several controllers, that are united in network, on territory of shop is more efficiently than branchy cable system building

  • host system has more connections than distributed system

  • appropriate to choose in the whole system ACS separate local tasks and to entrust every task to local controller.

So, using distributed objects control system (DOCS) in industry allows to increase the efficiency of production and output quality, to reach high field-performance data of equipment, to minimize in-process loss.


DOCS - geographically-distributed information systems of control and diagnostics that primary intent is to increase efficiency and safety of industry due to the following facts: on-line monitoring of technological objects; control labour-intensiveness decreasing; replacement outmoded facilities. Building DOCS cardinal problem on current evolution stage is network technology choice, choice of industrial nodes and controllers producer, choice of network structure[5]. Because of economic grievances a number of small and medium-scale enterprises cant use expensive DOCS building solution, that are proposed by leading firms in this scope(SIMENS, Advantech, ACP-DAS). There are many ways to increase effectiveness of networks. Significant results in this scope had been obtained by V.M Vishevskiy[1,2]. Their results are concerned with improvement of network technical functioning aspects.

There are number of investigation lines that aren't in full measure investigated:

  • existing building methods and analysis of data transmission networks mainly use queuing theory tool[3]. However, it is typical for DOCS to use common communication channels by several devices. There are many works, that describe shared channel functioning, but there aren't methods and models to describe several shared channels data transmission network, that allow to use different methods of multiple access in the context of one channel.

  • there are polling mechanisms for monitoring devices with message queue[2]. But DOCS also use devices without memory buffer for message queue in practice. There aren't appropriate models that allow to analysis such systems.

Therefore structures and building methods development, mathematical modelling of heterogeneous distributed DOCS, that will eliminate above-listed defects, is important today.

Aim of work

Object of the work is increasing efficiency and reliability of digital industrial network by developing and investigations of building heterogeneous DOCS with ability of automatic fault look-up algorithms. There will be solved following problem for goal achievement: developing and analysis mathematic models that will take into consideration character of different DOCS. Subject of research is building heterogeneous networks algorithms. Method of research is discrete mathematics methods.


This work is at conceptual stage now, so it is impossible to describe future results: as well there will be developed deleting nodes and connections algorithm (Figure 1), on conditions that not every node can be deleted (they have red label), remain connection and nodes costs sum will be minimal, net will be connected.

Algorithm execution results.

Figure 1. Algorithm execution results. (340x240, 7.9 Kb, 6 frames)


  1. Вишневский В.М., Лаконцев Д.В., Семенова О.В., Шпилев С.А. Модель системы поллинга для исследования широкополосных беспроводных сетей // Автоматика и телемеханика. - 2006. - №12. - С. 123-135.
  2. Вишневский В.М., Семенова О.В., Математические исследования систем поллинга // Автоматика и телемеханика. - 2006. - №2, - С. 3-56.
  3. Клейнрок Л. Теория массового обслуживания. - М.: Машиностроение, 1979. - 277 с
  4. Гусев C. Краткий экскурс в историю промышленных сетей. // Компоненты и технологии. - 2000. -№10, - C. 45-49
  5. Мальчева Р.В., Арутюнян А.Р., Трофуненко А.Н. Методика обоснования выбора организации сети для реализации систем управления и контроля//Зб. наук. пр. ДонНТУ. Серія: Інформатика, кібернетика та обчислювальна техніка, випуск93. - Донецьк:ДонНТУ. - 2005. - С. 228 - 235.

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