Borland C++ Builder 6, Borland Delphi, Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Fox Pro, MATLAB R2007a, Macromedia Flash 8, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004, Photoshop CS, MS Office
native language
native language
fluent technical and informal language;
fluent technical and informal language;
Classical Music, Art, Painting, Traveling,
Foreign and Russian Literature XIX-XX century.
I was born on the 18th of October 1985 in Donetsk (Ukraine). Childhood was happy and light-hearted. That's why awareness of this period of life came that time, when childhood officially was over with entrance to the University. Description of "Childhood" and "Adolescence" I don't clear separate it, because presence of childhood in everyone makes him more humane and in rare cases - genius. In confirmation of this "hypothesis" I want to remind you of eternal truths: "all genius is simple", "all children are genius", and "geniuses are children in many aspects ". So, I'm afraid to be a child!
School was a wonderful period of awaring this world: analysis of my attitude to life, (position in life) and its to me, which began from seven years in 1992 and passed in Donetsk secondary school ¹136. I was lucky, because I met in my life genuine Teachers with capital (big) letter, not only in School, but also beyond it. However, I want to make warmly mention of school head - Galkin Sergey Georgievich - the pedagogue and the leader of considerable talent, creative and humane, with original approach to all disciplines, among which it was difficult to give preference to only one subject. At the same time, with a glance to individual inclination I took part in mathematical competitions and won prize places. Curiously enough, draughtsmanship and physics seemed to me very fascinating, and, at the moment of study priority resolutions in the tenth and eleventh classes, choice was obvious. Besides this, child's ardour for drawing grew into my hobby. This walk of life also appeared rather successful, and I made my parents happy with my "masterpieces" at annual exhibitions. Creative spending of spare time stayed in my memory: all kinds of intellectual entertainments and concerts, hands on which united friendly group and diversified school weekdays.
Entrance to Donetsk national technical university demanded an explanation from me to do everything in my power. I attended various preparation courses, studied with private tutor, in the eleventh class I absolutely hadn't day off work. My energies was paid for it - I finished school with distinction in 2003 and entered the Donetsk State Technical University with interview receiving mark "very good". When crossing speciality they told me about connections between department of computer science and informatics and foreign Universities, particularly in Germany, that exist special German- and English-oriented groups, at that time I decided to join the University and study in German group. Beforehand my friends let me know about study hardships is waiting for me. But studies in the university started rather easy. I passed all examinations, finished the first course with distinction and however made up my mind to enter in German group. I am glad, that then I wasn't afraid and chose that way.
Surely, we had more complicated summer practice then usual groups - we studied additionally German three hour per day, learnt huge toms of vocabularies and tried to speak "broken" German. But this intensive syllabus gave positive results - we successfully took an examination. In the sequel I understood why my friends gave me the advance - it appeared truth, though initially I didn't believe them. However it was interesting to learn, and, besides standard training program, I was profound interested in scientific researches in programming area and in 2007 took part in the third student international scientific and technical conference "informatics and computer technologies". The practice showed, that sometimes not all things came easily to me, of course. But nevertheless, I could study very well (only two "4" during all study course). In 2007 I finished 4 courses and received Bachelor's Honors Degree, and entered on Master's courses in addition to study my basic speciality: "System programming". I'm happy with my choice. University opened for me the doors in other world.
Scientific adviser of my graduation master's work is Head of "Computer science" department, Professor V. A. Swjatnyj. Mainstream of scientific work - parallel and distributed computing. Foreign collaboration with Universities and companies Germany rest on the basis of research in this field. I had 3 academic scientific courses in Germany (in september 2007, in mart 2008, june 2008), and I am sure - it will be more in a future. Undoubtedly, this experience will be useful in my future work.
My university experience showed that À. Dyuma had an accurate observation - people take advices only for not following them. I have made a choice in spite of parent's and friend's opinion, maybe, for somebody my choice is the worst, but the most fortunate exactly for me. This step also taught me to go straight on and make all for achieve my goal, don't complain and don't surrender or stop halfway. Then you'll make all.
In near-term outlook I am faced with writing of graduation master's work and successful defence of it. After graduating from the University I'll improve my skills in occupation and in 5 years I'll become a chief executive officer of big programming company. I found many excellent employees among of my classmates, so our company will be successful and in years of it existence will take up a leading position on world market. Perfectly learning such courses like "Business management", "Investment planning", "Foundation of research projects" and other in the University, we will remain leaders during the tens years. Attain such success, we'll never forget native University, which gave us way in life.