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Program device registration complex of working indication of motor vehicle components
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Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. Aim and tasks of work
3. Supposed scientific newness and planned practical value
4. Review of works and existing solutions according to the theme
5. Description of received and planned results
6. Conclusion and decisions
7. List of references
1. Introduction
With planned and precautionary system of the technical service and maintenance a motor vehicle after a while (appointed run) in a compulsory order is exposed to the preventive impact in fixed volume. At the same time despite the mode correction of the technical service and maintenance depending on several factors individual approach is absent.
However there is a necessity of such point of view. As even motor-cars work in the same conditions, technical fettle of each car with equal working out as a result of an entire serial of causes (individual features of car, quality of driving, the technical service etc.) can be different. Not for each motor-car need to all operation provided by ‘strict’ volume of various kinds of the technical service. The execution of these useless operation lead to incomplete realization of individual properties of car, the technical service costs increase - on the one hand, and not at all contribute to improvement of technical condition – on the other.
The most complete use of individual possibilities of an automobile and supplying with this base high effectiveness of mobile structure during the process of exploiting could be put into practice due to wide implantation in the technological process of the technical service diagnostics of technical condition of motor vehicle.
2. Aim and tasks of work
The task of this work is development of a program device complex of registration and collection of information from the motor vehicle components with the object of the timely revelation and prevention it to be out of commission. In the context of this project the algorithms of diagnostics will be investigate and will be lay the foundation of breakdowns prediction methods.
3. Supposed scientific newness and planned practical value
Supposed scientific newness consists in elaborated methods and adaptation algorithms of received data. And also there is an association of the many spheres of science.
Practical value of implemented project is the realization diagnostics system, which will guarantee the complete proof from unexpected breakage on a road to a certain extent.
4. Review of works and existing solutions according to the theme
In this part I’d like to advert to scientific articles, published announcement, commercial products etc.
I have already examined enormous amount of web-sights and periodicals. I’ll try to summarize all the explorations and compare now existing specimens with theoretical prospective examples.
The main feature of the diagnostics equipment is that it is directed toward stationary use, in other words, a car is driven in a garage, connected up, passed the technical inspection, disconnected and we just wait the next planned checkup.
Autotester Svyatohor-Renault. For the diagnostics of Svyatohor motor-cars with control blocks FENIX-5. The device permits to examine the parameters of engine working, direct of the executive mechanisms, view errors and also delete mistakes. |
Diagnostics tester АСКАН-10.3. The area of use is diagnostics of the engine control systems during the providing technical service and maintenance by the the service centre’s staff, car owners, and also by concerns, which produce motor-cars with electronic engine control system. |
Tester ДСТ- 6С-МК-Кф-ПК. Tester ДСТ-6С is assigned for diagnostics of internal-combustion engine of cars, equipped with electron engine control systems.
Tester ДСТ-6С is used for the providing technical service and maintenance in the service centre, by car owners, and also by concerns, which produce motor-cars. |
Tester ДСТ-10Н Кф (complete version) with 8 insertions. Tester is assigned for diagnostics of internal-combustion engine of cars, equipped with electron engine control systems. |
5. Description of received and planned results
As a result of elaboration we received the model of program device fusion complex for the automobile. The information from the units of motor vehicle is registered, after that is given warning if necessary.
Picture 5.1 Scheme of the electrical principle model. (8 cartoons, size 820х573, 554758 byte)
6. Conclusion and decisions
In this project we developed principle scheme and schedule of realization of methods and algorithms for the prevention the failures on vehicles.
We achieved the solution of our task just because of careful analysis of existing problem. On the base of this analysis we have chosen the way of problem solution by means of detail designing and following realization of particularized complex.
7. List of references
1. Справочник Изделия и компоненты, предлагаемые фирмой "КТЦ - МК". Микроконтроллеры фирмы ATMEL семейства AVR. 2 издание
2. В.С. Яценков. Микроконтроллеры MICROCHIP, практическое руководство. 2005г.
3. Н.И. Заец. Радиолюбительские конструкции на PIC микроконтроллерах. Книга 2. М.2005г.
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