Abstract of thesis on a theme:

«System of the controlled from distance testing of students in Internet on an object «Theory of treatment of graphic and voice information in digital systems»»

Executed: Trizna Sergey Vasilievich
Leader: doc. Samoschenko O. V.

Controlled from distance education on a base Internet got the row of on principle new functional possibilities as compared to the traditional controlled from distance teaching due to appearance of powerful of communication technologies, and also hypertext systems of search information. Students and graduate students of engineerings specialities, working at home or in a laboratory at the personal computer and having an access to Internet, get possibility actively to use not only local but also global informative resources on an interesting scientific and technical subject. For example, to carry out the mathematical design of technical devices and systems; to execute chemical, physical and other experiments with the use of virtual laboratories; to look after multimedia descriptions of difficult processes and phenomena; to control the level of the knowledges, got by Internet or by means of the internal teaching.

Testing plays an important role in a feed-back in a chainlet «teacher - taught». Thus in the internal testing a teacher taught there are problems, related to subjectivity of estimations of teachers, by impossibility to test the large stream of students one teacher.
In this connection within the framework of development of information technologies automation of testing process is especially actual is creation of the systems of the computer testing, which would allow to design both knowledges and methods of work of teacher, the same managing a testing process. They not only provide the considerable economy of time of teacher but also allow quickly and objectively to estimate the real knowledges of student, that can be effectively used a student at. With the purpose of filling in of existent blank development of universal shell program, which is a complex of programmatic facilities for creation of the computer systems of testing, is conducted. It is needed also to mark claimed of such systems of testing at the corporate trainings and certification examinations, step-up qualification of employees of firm.

The chart of the testing system is described in the article, structure of the subject filling of such system and the variant of realization of server of the testing system is examined in Internet.
Setting of the testing system Testing as a choice of right answer from the transferred alternatives at an answer for the hardly certain list of questions is wide-spread approach. But he can not fully expose the real level of knowledges of testable.

The examined system of testing includes three programmatic means:

In this material principles of functioning of web-site of the testing system are offered in Internet. Dignity of the system is support of reflection in a question and answer of elements of formulas and pictures, that allows to use it in different disciplines, and wide possibilities of answers and connections between questions do possible testing on a certain object more high-quality, than traditional choice from alternatives.
The guided process of testing allows to automatize control of the knowledges got students. The use of Internet of technologies is given by access to the system to the wide circle of persons, interested in the estimation of level of the knowledges in different educational and special disciplines. Realization of testing with the use of frame questions-answers and allows to expose the tree structure of the subject filling and make the individual model of knowledges of testable.
Realization as three programmatic facilities allows to create the arbitrary sets of tests, conduct the controlled from distance testing, control a testing process and carry out the analysis of the got results.