Now there is an automation of processes in all knowledge spheres of the environment world. In some areas of application this automation is reduced to software creation for the personal computer, but in most cases it requires the specialized computers creation. As it is visible from figure 1, the specialized computer consists of two basic parts: the Control Unit (CU) and Operational Automaton (OA). The CU functions forms the control signals on the basis of some algorithm for OA.
The control algorithm of system sets by control code acting in CU from external environment. The control algorithm of OA is called microprogram and is realized by the control unit device. One of the basis problems at creation of the specialized computer is the search of the compromise between speed, cost and universality of CU. Also the time of designing and realization of the CU circuit is important.
Now as hardware basis the wide spectrum of the Programmed Logic Integrated Circuit (PLIC) is used for creation of digital systems. This basis finds a use in systems of computer facilities and digital automatics, allowing considerably to increase such characteristics of devices, as reliability, speed, integration scale. The opportunity of programming of internal PLIC structure allows to build reconfigurable systems.
CU with hardware logic is known to win on speed in front of control units with programmable logic, but have hard structure and can not be changed. PLIC allow to replace all configured devices in a microcircuit. Thus, there is in opportunity to create reprogrammable CU with hard logic.
One of CU disadvantages with hardware logic is the labour input of designing. The System of the Automated Designing (SAD) can decrease human expenses at CU creation.
In resent researches 4 architectures of the Mealy CU on the counter for realization in FPGA basis were offered: PC1R1, PC1R2, PC1R3, PC1R4. First at synthesis of such structures of the control unit’s is the flow-chart (example of flow-chart on fig.2) on Linear Sequences of States (LSS). These splittings are various also it is accepted to name them LSS1, LSS2, LSS3, LSS4 accordingly.
From the theoretical point of view the structure PC1R1 differs by speed and hardware expenses from the Mealy control unit on a register and its further researches are inexpedient. In the SAD the three other architectures of Mealy CU will be implemented.
The purpose of work is the Mealy CU synthesis for the subsequent realization on PLIS wish FPGA architecture and their characteristics research.
Basis research problems. For achievement of an object in view during researches it is necessary:
1. To analyze existing Mealy CU structures and to specify most suitable for the subsequent realization in FPGA basis.
2. To develop the stage algorithms of Mealy CU synthesis.
3. To develop SAD of Mealy CU.
4. To investigate by the developed SAD the time of Mealy CU designing, dependence between optimum structure of the CU and initial flow-chart characteristics.
Methods of researches. During researches were used and will be used further: the vehicle of the theory of finite automata, theory of sets, Boolean algebra and applied combinatory, theory of chances and theory of the graphs.
is determined by the following positions:
1. Algorithm of flow-chart splitting on LSS4 for Mealy CU realization on the counter of architecture PC1R1.
2. Algorithm of flow-chart splitting on LSS2 for Mealy CU realization on the counter of architecture PC1R2 with use splitting on LSS4.
3. Proof of algorithm applicability of splitting on LSS2 to transposed flow-chart for the subsequent realization of CU architecture PC1R3.
During the Mealy CU SAD creation some researches with its help are supposed. Further SAD usage is possible on several directions: continuation of scientific researches, usage in educational process, usage for real digital device designing, further completion and usage in systems of the decision of adaptive tasks.