Last years within the limits of re-structuring of coal branch in Ukraine intensive closing of mines is conducted. In most cases closing of mines occur to the drainage termination. In this connection the goaf appears flooded. Normativeli-methodical documents, operating now can not provide authentic parametres of barrier pillars and other actions for maintenance of safety of conducting operations as researches were executed on small (less than 300) depths even in restoration of mines of Donbass during the post-war period. As water inrush cases in a goaf from drowned waste through pillars of the standard sizes have been noted.
The scientific substantiation of approaches to definition of parametres of pillars on the basis of the account of geomechanical processes was not carried out or carried out rather approximately, basically the account of geomechanical processes occurred in the form of introduction in formulas of parametres which should consider the given process. In this connection an actual scientific and practical problem is research of the tensely-deformed condition of a coal seam and surrounding hills in vicinities of barrier pillars, calculation of the sizes of a barrier pillar near drowned waste as rocks in contact in soda change the properties. In this connection geomechanical processes proceed not as in a barrier pillar which has not undergone to water influence.
To see that occurs in the Hills and a barrier pillar, in particular, it is necessary to solve a plenty of the equalizations, with a considerable quantity of variables which would describe hills with all properties which inherent in rocks being with a roof, to soil and in the pillar. For reception of results by solution of the equations «in manual» or with application of specialised software packages for solution of mathematical problems (MathCAD, MathLab) it would be required huge expenses of time and forces for drawing up and calculation of the equations.
In this connection it was accepted to apply solution software package Ansys. The given program considerably simplifies task in view solution as there is no necessity to work out the difficult equations as at solution the method of final elements (MFE) (the short description of a method final элиментов is more low resulted) is used, and initial data is the model of hills with the specified parametres and properties гонных soils. But as the built in graphic editor does not possess big possibilities Ansys allows to create hills model (and other objects) in external graphic complexes, for example AutoCAD, and then to import graphic model in Ansys where parametres and properties to each layer of soils will be appropriated.
The idea of operation consists in an establishment of law of change of the sizes of barrier pillars depending on stratification depth of a pillar, properties of soils of a roof and soil about a pillar, and also depth размокания a pillar.
Calculation of barrier pillars is made taking into account influence of mine waters on a barrier pillar, that is at calculation of the sizes of a pillar will be considered, that the pillar selvage is subject размоканию. Barrier pillar calculation will be made in 3D space.