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Master Kovalyova Oksana

Oksana Kovalyova

Mining and geological faculty

Speciality: Ecological geology

Theme of master's work:

The Role of Tectonophysics Factors in Forming Zones of Ecological Risk on Areas of Technogenic Objects

Leader of work: professor of geology Victor Korchemagin




Year by year the problem of ecological risk becomes more actual and attracts everybody’s attention. There is a great necessity of analysis the consequence of economic activities of people influence and the feature of geo environment and processes in it.

The feature of geo structure of areas for human building influence is connected with tectonic instability zones. Such zones were made by great explosive distractions of rocks and made deformations of integumentary adjournment and basement of human buildings. Deformations become in anomaly zones of rock pressure. Zones of pressure and deformations in zones of ecological risk of tectonically nature have not been explored yet. Anomalies of these zones may bring different facts watering of priming coats. These zones are the subject of tectonophysics research, which is actual for Donetsk region and the city of Donetsk because this territory has parts of anomaly grade meanings of nowaday movies of crust speed and many regional zones of ecological risk.

The object of research work is the area for the new building of the Shirokiy region.

The subject of research work is deformations of construction.

The methods of the investigation:

The science newness of the research work is location of ecological risk zones by new geophysics and tectonophysics methods.

Basic position

The explored area is under Kalinin thrust influence. According to the materials of geological map the thrust spreads to the North-East (50-60 degrees) and brings breaks of the nearest spreading.

According to this map near this area the North-East thrust takes place. The authors have made a supposition, that on the development of the areas there must be small breaking defections of the same spreads. But these structures are shut with cover of crumbly sediments and unapproachable for observation.

According to this there was made a complex of geophysics tests with structural-geodynamic mapping. As a result of the explosions there were made geodynamic zones, which reflected breaking infractions of these trends. Control of these zones with boring bores showed that bedrocks are crushed and in some cases- flooded.

In the centre of the area was explored the open pit mine which uncover sandstones of the coal age. In these solids were made detailed tectonophisics explosions with massive indication burial cracking elements method. Also there were measured near 50 cracks. Then experiment records were worked up with special computer programs. There were made cracking roses of sandstones in the area for the new building of the Shirokiy region.

– The cracking rose of  sandstones in the area for the new building of the Shirokiy region

Picture 1 – The cracking rose of sandstones in the area for the new building of the Shirokiy region

1 – the cracking system;

2 – direction of the strain axe of total deformation zones;

3 – the direction of the main breaking defections.


Also according to the results of the explosions there can be the next conclusions: On the area of building there are many small breaking defections which reflect big thrust directions of the working region – the breaking system. These tectonic breaks are in bedrockand may deform the higher horizons and buildings on it. Cracking systems in sandstones reflect the main direction of big breaks, the reconstituted zone of total deformation according these cracks had showed the North-East direction of strain axe. Such position of strain axe may prognosticate the watering of breaking zones defections. Such watering zones may be under the rake of 900 towards the strain axe. The conclusion is that the watering of thrusts and breaks of North-East spreading – is the breaking system 2 (picture 1). The breaking system 1 (picture 1) shift deformations are more suppored.

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