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Donbass is one of the main coal regions, where 80% of bituminous coals are mined. Coals are used as an energetic fuel and as an input material for coke production. However, donetsk’s coals are highly ashes (up to 40% in average coal) organic compounds mostly with a great content of sulfur (4-10%). That’s why before using in technological process average coals are to be preliminary enriched on concentrating mills. As a result coal sludge is left. It is being accumulated in settlings, isn’t finding wide practical application and is a permanent source of environment pollution.
Today about 160 million tons of coal sludges are at the 56 settlings of concentrating mills. They could be utilized as an additional energy resource [4]. Ash content of that mass fluctuates within the limits 30-70%, and content of organic residue makes up 30-50%. However existing technologies for extracting carbon containing combustible compound do not enable to do it in full measure [5]. That’s why in conditions of energetic resources deficiency it’s actual to conduct scientific-research work for new technologies creation on scale of coal industry, which allows to minimize losses of coal substance with wastes. Involving in heat-and-power engineering exploiting flotation and coal enrichment waste enables to reduce substantially material expenditure for manufacture of one entity of production.
At the present stage of economy development of Ukraine more attention is drawn to the problems of rational usage of natural resources and environment protection. It is dictated by the industrial enterprises’ desire to raise efficiency of production manufacture, to reduce and to eliminate completely negative influence on the environment
State importance of researching waste is determined by the Laws of Ukraine «About the waste» and «About environment protection», president’s decree “About geological studying and order of usage of anthropogenic mineral deposits of Ukraine”, corresponding Cabinet of Ministry’s decree. At North-Donetsk chemical-metallurgical complex was ascertained, that enrichment of enriched with the germanium donetsk's ashes to the germanium containing mudstone is possible and reasonable.
Extraction of the element makes 50-60% of the resources in coal. Profitability can be raised at the expense of expansion of the list of derivable elements, technologically connected to the germanium. Such results about complex extraction of germanium, gallium, molybdenum, lead, zinc from coal ashes were received on bench plants at the Institute of combustible fossil mineral and State institute of rare metals (Moscow). However, if in the middle of 80-s total volume of waste utilization made 170-190 million tons and it was mainly mining waste (overburden rocks, sludge of coal enrichment and other minerals), then over the 90-s till this day stable tendency to the reduction of waste volume is observed annually on average for 20% in comparison to the last year. Meanwhile rocks of waste banks of coal mine, sludge, which accumulate in sludge repositories, have a lot of interesting and useful properties, which must be used in the industry.
Research target: estimation of influence of CCM “Chumàkovskaya” on the environment taking into account requirements of coal-cleaning industry; possibility of accompanying extraction of minerals from sludge; possibility to improve the technology of waste enrichment and warehousing in the context of decreasing of negative influence on environment.
1. getting of overall description of the object of research and separation of polluting elements
2. selection of optimal and possible treatment procedures in connection with separate problem characteristics
3. state forecast and estimation of possibility of object usage at national-economic purposes
Object of scientific research
CCM “Chumàkovskaya” is situated in the Proletarian district of Donetsk at three industrial areas: the 1-st one is ground of main CCM manufacture; the 2-nd one is ground of functioning burning waste dump; 3rd one is the ground of not burning waste dump
In the north-west industrial ground of main manufacture CCM borders on the Donetsk railway administration’s lands, in the north-east with the PC “Mehprom” territory and Donetsk city soviet lands, in the east with the “Donetskugleobogaschenie”, in the south with the lands of freight transport administration of Gruztrance. Beyond the main manufacture boundaries of concentrating millis the is the residential private sector, administrative establishments. Control area of the mill makes 300 m and doesn’t correspond to the standards.
On the concentrating mill’s territory there is not functioning partially greened waste dump, planned of four old dumps. The height of the dump is 45 m. In the windy weather from the surface of the dump the carbonic dust is blown off. The area of dust-forming surface is 137861 ì2. Not functioning waste dump is surrounded on the northern, eastern and southern side with the private houses, and on the western with the industrial ground of main manufacture of CCM.
Functioning burning waste dump is situated in the south-east Donetsk’s outskirts in the six kilometers from industrial ground of the mine. The dump is considered to be burning. Burning of the dump has a poorly intensive character and focal structure. Evaluative gross emissions of the contaminants: ÑÎ - 401,341 tons per year, SiO2- 108,121 tons per year, Í2 S - 15,192 tons per year, NOõ - 0,629 tons per year. Mineral’s transportation on the dump is fulfilled with the KRAZ and BELAZ. In 2005 was taken out 1238201 tons of coal enrichment waste with the humidity of 17,9%. The height of the dump - 83,5 ì, surface’s square - 660000 ì2 .
There are plough-lands in the south of the dump, forest belt on the eastern and northern side. In immediate proximity to the waste dump there are dwellings, presented with the one-storied, individual houses. Control area of the mill makes 500 m
Scheme map of the main production CCM ground with plotted on it sources of contaminants emissions is on the scheme 1.
There is full stroke for enrichment of coking coal on the CCM “Chumakovskaya”: coal receiving facilities (car dumper ÂÐÑ-125), crushing-accumulating complex, enrichment in dense medium, jigging machines, dehydration in centrifuge, enrichment with the flotation, dehydration in vacuum-filter, thermal drying of the concentrate fines, coarse concentrate, floteconcentrate.
All the coking coal enrichment procedures conducted in the aquatic environment with the closed cleaning cycle.
In the filter-pressing section is carried out the flotation tailings’ thickening and dehydration, which loaded to the waste dump, where also the waste of gravitation is taken to. Through the conveyor-transport and storage system concentrate is loaded to the consumers. Continuous-handling mechanisms are equipped with the aspiration and cover systems in the places of possible dusting
The sources of contaminant formation at the CCM “Chumakovskaya” are: a) industrial boiler-house; b) boiler-house ABK; c) drying units; d) continuous-handling mechanisms and facilities at the sections of coal receiving, drying, gravitational and quality department; e) machine-shop; f) unloading area; g) area of concentrate loading to the wagons; h) functioning waste dump; i) not burning waste dump; j) slime pit; k) garage; l) combustive-lubricating materials storehouse.
The manufacture, its sumps and settlings have a negative influence on people, inhabiting neighbouring apartment houses and administrative establishments, on flora and fauna. Increased dust content in the air over the CCM and carbon monoxide, nitrogen, sulfurous anhydride emissions make a negative impact on people health, particularly on respiratory and immune system. Coal enrichment waste have a negative affect on enterprises’ economical activity, because it requires expenditures on its gathering, transportation, storage, and also complicates ecological situation in the places of mines, open-pit mines and concentrating mills allocation. It’s necessary to emphasize that material constitution of waste forming at the enterprises mostly enables to consider them as energetic fuel and technological material for output production, which is in requisition in different industrial branches. On the base of waste utilization creation of additional productions against the main specialization profile seems to be possible. This along with output production will reduce, and in some cases will completely eliminate, negative influence of waste and harmful emission on the environment.
Subject of investigation is the slurry coal as a source of mineral extraction, environment pollutant and utilization object.
For the estimation of CCM’s influence on the environment will be used the following methods of statistic-mathematical treatment:
- method of descriptive statistics for calculation of environmental indexes;
- måthods of classification for the estimation of object’s danger and complexity category;
- methods of spatial analysis for separation of the most dangerous pollution areas;
- regression analysis methods for forecasting of the future state.
For the purpose of estimation of ore elements content in the sludge, establishment of patterns of their geochemical distribution in sludgestore, possibilities of accompanying valuable components extraction and sludge utilization were taken tasts of coal slack at the CCM “Chumakovskaya”. The mill enriches the cocking coals at “Krasnoarmeiskaya Zapadnaya”. Ash content of the entrance raw materials makes on average 39%, and on the outlet the ash content of enriched concentrates goes up to 8,5-9,5%. Overall dimensions of the settling 110?27?3,3ì. Sludge which come through the ferroconcrete gutter, content different intermediate and final products of enrichment. Ash contest makes 70-78%.
At the beginning of the research was composed a scaled scheme-map of sampling. Tests are situated around the profile at a distance of 10 m, distance between profiles – 5m. Each test, sampling from the 5Õ5ì square with the help of the “envelope” method, contained five particular tests. As main method of analysis was used semiquantitative spectral analysis with the alternate scattering and photographing of spectrum of the test researched and check standard. This method is widely applied in analytical practice for determination of element content of minerals of different natural and industrial materials. Altogether were researched 60 tests on sludgesorage.