In this lab you will investigate phase lock loop (PLL)
operation using the CMOS 4046 integrated circuit. It contains two different
phase detectors and a VCO. It also includes a zener diode reference for
power supply regulation and a buffer for the demodulator output. The user
must supply the loop filter. The high input impedances and low output
impedances of the 4046 make it easy to select external components.
This lab is complicated.
Be sure that you understand how the circuits are
supposed to work before coming into the lab. Do not
try to build something that you have not fully analyzed.
Read this entire assignment before beginning to work on it.
Data taken in Part 1 will be needed in order to
complete your designs in the rest of the lab, therefore, do this part
Handle the 4046 with care. CMOS integrated circuits
are easily destroyed. Avoid static discharges. Use a 10kOm resistor
to couple the signal generator to the PLL. Turn off the signal generator
before turning off power to the 4046, or else you will power up the
entire circuit from the signal input. Avoid shorting the outputs to
ground or the supply. A TTL gate can withstand this kind of abuse,
but CMOS cannot (be careful of loose wires). CMOS does not have the
output strength to drive capacitive loads. VSS should be connected
to ground, VDD should be connected to 5V, and pin 5 should be connected
to ground (otherwise the VCO in inhibited).
VCO Operation
Read the circuit description in the datasheet. The VCO constant
(KO in radians/sec-volt) is the ratio of the change in operating frequency
to the change in input voltage (on pin 9). Measure KO, that is, graph the
output frequency versus the input voltage. Be sure that your data covers
the range from 5 kHz to 50 kHz. Make the measurements with various values1
of R1, R2, and C. Approximately, how is KO related to R1, R2, and C
Measure the rise and fall times of the VCO output. Investigate the effects
of capacitive loading.
Passive Loop Filters
RThe loop filter is placed between the phase detector output and the VCO
input. This filter attenuates the high frequency harmonics present in
the phase detector output. It also controls loopdynamics. Often a simple
RC filter will function adequately. These designs avoid embarassing level
shifting and output limiting problems inherent in active filter designs.
On the other hand, active filters may offer superior performance.
Phase Comparator II
Before continuing, consider the output of phase comparator II of the 4046.
The output is a tristate device. This causes a reduction of the ripple
when the loop is locked. Instead of a 50% duty cycle beat note at twice
the fundamental, there is no beat note at all. Unfortunately, when one
wishes to construct a block diagram for the loop, KD is not well-specified.
When either the upper or lower driver is on, the output looks like a
voltage source, but when the output is floating, it is essentially a curren
t source (a source of 0 amps). Therefore the value of KD will depend on
the specific filter. Consider Figure 1.
Figure 1: Phase comparator II output
So the phase comparator output is vPO = +5V when the upper driver
is on, vPO = 0V when the lower driver is on, and vPO = vD when
the phase comparator is in the open state. We can find the
average value of the output:
Note that the value of KD depends on the value
of vD. This makes the mathematics of the loop much more confusing.
In fact KD is different for positive and negative phase errors
when vD is not 2.5 volts. In order to get a usable output, we
can modify the output to yield a fixed value of KD. To do this
we can put an active element in to define the value of vD when
the output is open. In both Figures 2 and 4 the open value is
defined as 2.5 volts which leads to an equal value of KD for
positive and negative phase errors . If you use phase comparator II
with just an RC network, be sure to realize that the loop
dynamics may be considerably compromised at extremes of
lock range.
A simple second order PLL with “passive” loop filter is illustrated
in Figure 2. Phase comparator II is used. Consider the following
specifications:loop crossover frequency:1000 rad/s; phase margin :45°;
center frequency:19 kHz;phase detector II
Figure 2: Passive loop filter
Where we define the center frequency,
fO, as the VCO output frequency when pin 9 is 2.5 volts. Using the
topology illustrated in Figure 2, design and build a circuit that
meets these specifications.
Document your design with block
diagrams and Bode plots of the magnitude and angle of the loop
transmission. What is the steady state phase error and lock range?
How do your predictions and measurements compare?
The phase margin of the loop may be
deduced from measurements of the step response of the loop. One
technique is to apply a FM signal to the input and look at the
demodulated output. Specifically, use a square wave to modulate
the frequency of the function generator which you are using for
your input3. Observe the VCO input voltage. Measure the risetime
and peak overshooot. Are these results compatible with a second
order system with the specified crossover frequency and phase margin?
NOTE: the frequency deviation should be very small so that the PLL
does not break lock.
Figure 3: Lag loop filter
The loop filter is replaced by the lag
network illustrated in Figure 3. It will allow you to set KO independently.
Hence, the loop may have a wide lock range (as determined by KO) anda narrow
bandwidth. Design and build a circuit to meet the following specifications:
loop crossover frequency:1000 rad/s;phase margin:45°;center frequency:19 kHz;
lock range 9 kHz to 29 kHz;phase detector II
The lag filter does not provide much attenuation of the high frequency
ripple from the phase detector. This is evident when you observe the
voltage at the VCO input (pin 9).
XOR Phase Detector
What happens if you substitute phase comparator
I (an exclusive-or gate) for phase comparator II in the lag compensated PLL?
You should be able to answer this question theoretically
and experimentally. Specifically, what is the phase detector gain KD, the
loop band¬width, the phase margin, the steady state phase error, the lock
range, and the ease of acquiring lock (experimentally)?
Note: if you have difficulty in acquiring lock, try slowly scanning the input
frequency until the circuit locks. Will this circuit lock on harmonics? Is the
circuit duty cycle sensitive?
Active Filters
Return to the lag compensated PLL using phase
comparator II. Apply a FM modulated input to observe the step
response as before. Look at the output of the phase comparator (pin 13). The
steady state phase error and dynamic tracking error should be apparent if
you mentally average out the high frequency components4. Try varying the input
frequency range.
Active filters are used to reduce this
tracking error. A possible active filter PLL realization is illustrated
in Figure 4.
Certain precautions must be taken when
such filters are used. The opamp can easily supply voltages to the 4046
that will burn it out. For this reason, it is a good idea to diode clamp
the inputs to the PLL as shown. The low pass filter (R3 and C2) provides
extra attenuation of the high frequency phase detector ripple. It also
should keep the opamp from slew rate limiting.
Again the active circuit specifies the
open state output of phase detector II to be 2.5 volts. The inverter is
necessary because the PLL wants a non-inverting topology. R4C1 sets the
crossover frequency, and R2 sets the zero location, hence the stability.
1/(R3C2) should be set at least afactor of 5 above ?c. KD is the same
as before (as it would be for any loop filter which specified the open
state volatage of the phase detector as 2.5 volts).
Figure 4: Active loop filter
Feel free to design your own second
order loop filter topology if you wish, just be careful not to destroy
the 4046. Design and build a PLL using an active loop filter to meet the
folowing specifications: loop crossover frequency:1000 rad/s;phase margin:45°;
center frequency:19 kHz;lock range 18 kHz to 20 kHz;steady state error:0;
phase detector II
Linear Phase Detectors and Frequency Synthesis
Consider the problem of trying to lock onto
a signal in a composite mix of signals. The zero crossings of the composite
signal may not coincide with the zero crossings of the signal you wish to
lock to, thus the use of zero crossing sensitive phase detectors, such
phase comparator II, or even XORs, is impossible.
We wish to use a linear phase detector
that implements an analog multiplication of the composite signal and the
VCO output. Since the VCO output is a square wave (a series of ones and
minus-ones) we can relax our requirement to needing a multiplier that can
multiply the incoming composite signal by either 1 or -1 with minimal
Figure 5: Linear Phase Detector
Consider the circuit in Figure 5. What
is KD for this phase detector? What will be the steady-state phase error
for a zero output?
Note that KD will depend on the
amplitude of the incoming signal. For the rest of this lab, assume
that the signal that we wish to lock to has an amplitude of 300 mV
Now, also consider the problem of
wanting a VCO output frequency that is twice the input frequency.
By putting a divide-by-two block in the feedback path as in Figure 6,
the closed loop system should implement a multiply-by-two function.
Figure 6: Multiply-by-two PLL
Design and build a circuit to meet the following specifications:
loop crossover frequency:100 rad/s; phase margin center45°; frequency
lock range:38.0 kHz; steady state error:18.5 kHz to 19.5 kHz; phase detector:linear
Note that “zero steady state phase error”
is not well defined for a frequency multiplier system. For our purposes,
we define “zero steady state phase error” to be when the positive going
transistions of both the input and output coincide. Using a D-flipflop
(74LS74) implement a divide-by-two block in the feedback path of your PLL.
Be sure to include its effects in your loop analysis. Note that if the
phase detector has a steady state phase offset, you can compensate for
this in your divide-by-two block. Phase shifts of ±90? or 180? can be
accomplished by mixing the input and output of the D-flipflop with the
appropriate network of inverters and XOR gates.
Draw the appropriate Bode plots.
Make measurements of the step response. Again look at the phase detector
output (pin 13). What can you say about the dynamic tracking error?
What about the steady state error?