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Bogomyakov Vitaly
Faculty: CITA (Faculty of Computer Informational Technologies and Automatics) Speciality: CSD (Computer Systems of Diagnostics) Theme of master's work: "Specialized computer system for diagnostic phychomotor reactions" Leader of work: Jaroshenko N. A. |
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Urgency In psychology, psychiatry and other areas connected with research of mentality of the person, a leaging role play experimental diagnostic techniques. These techniques allow to express quantitatively various features of people which define their inwardness and relations with world around. Such quantitative expression turns out by the organization of the special stimulating environment in which the person for check in of those or other parameters of reactions of the examinee and the task of rules of transformation of registered parameters in an estimation of diagnosed properties is located. In development of experimental diagnostic techniques means of stimulation, check in and processing of the diagnostic information have great value. These means have found the fullest application in modern highly productive computer systems. Use in modern psychodiagnostics of opportunities of modern computers: compactly to keep, quickly to take and comprehensively to analyze, and also evidently to display the experimental information. The received effects can be divided on qualitative and quantitative. The first type of quantitative effects is connected mainly with automation of routine operations of traditional experiment, such as instructing tested, presentations of stimulus and check in of answers, conducting the report, calculation and delivery of result, etc. Due to such automation raises a level of standardization, accuracy and speed of reception of target diagnostic data that happens vital in such areas as clinical inspection or psychological consultation. Besides efficiency of processing of the information at computer experiment allows to spend mass diagnostic inspections in brief terms, that in turn, is used for decisions of problems of the professional psychological plan. Qualitative effects can be divided on two categories. The first is made with the effects provided opportunities of modern computers to realize new kinds of diagnostic experiments. Here carry an opportunity to generate new kinds of stimulus (dynamic and polymodal), on new to organize stimulating sequence (for example so-called adapted testing) to register earlier not accessible parameters of reactions of examinees to make out diagnostic techniques in the form of computer games, etc. the Second category of qualitative effects is connected with use in psychodiagnostics of last achievements in the field of information technologies. These achievements concern ways of creation and conducting computer databases, algorithms of pattern recognition in psychodiagnostics and the methods of the artificial intellect based on a manipulation by knowledge in the considered subject domain. Survey of existing researches Computer diagnostic systems are intended for carrying out of complex experiments. These experiments can have the practical, research and mixed purposes. In the practical purposes special means of computer systems allow to make out a set of diagnostic techniques which results display the various parties of mentality of examinees, in the form of sequence of tests. The uniform supply with information of sequence of tests within the limits of computer system often is a basis for synthesis of integrated diagnostic parameters. The purposes of researches is studying new laws of mental phenomena by means of known diagnostic techniques and designing of new toolkit of diagnostic measurements. For achievement of the specified purposes in research computer systems ways of formation verbal and not verbal, static and dynamic test stimulus, the task of the order of their presentation by the examinee, definition of registered parameters of diagnostic experiment and the description of algorithms of calculation of test estimations function. These ways are presented in research computer diagnostic systems in the form of meta languages and so-called environments which are built on besides in the given systems ways архивирования experimentally - the psychological information are provided, a manipulation with her and the statistical analysis of the diagnostic information. The theoretical analysis Classification of diagnostic techniques The psychodiagnostics is characterized by a wide spectrum of methodological approaches. A variety of these approaches causes existence of different systems of classification of diagnostic experiment depending on significant attributes allocated by different authors for classification. ![]() For psychodiagnostics as such significant attribute formalizability of a diagnostic technique by which the opportunity of use in diagnostic experiment of computer information technology is defined can serve. For a concrete definition of concept "formalizability" it is meaningful to allocate rather independent elements of diagnostic experiment which give in to ordering. To them concern in the first, turn, Influence on the examinee during experiment (stimulus), answers (responses) of the examinee to this influence and operations with the information, reaction to stimulus. Accordingly, the basis for classification of psychological techniques different connections of forms of test tasks with ways of reaction tested, can serve as the added characteristics of procedures of processing of experimental data. Data of theoretical researches On the basis of representations about coding the information by cycles of neural activity, employees of laboratory Lebedeva had been received the equation for calculation of time of decision-making (t) about quantity{amount} of simultaneously displayed stimulus To depending on number of M equiprobably expected: t = KT (1-pk) (1-p) k / (K+1) (1), Where p = (1 (1-R))/KM (T=1/FR) (F - Berger's constant, and R - Livanov's constant). Feature of this equation is that it comprises two physiological constants: Berger's constant (F=10) and (R=0.1) also allows to estimate Livanov's constant on the basis of physiological parameters, mental. Thus as authors mark, numerous experimental checks have proved this approach. Using the given equation we have estimated value of expenses of time necessary for definition of quantity of simultaneously shown objects in our researches. Thus following results are received: for decision-making in case of one signal it is necessary 489 ms, two - 659 ms, three - 742 ms, four - 791 ms, five - 824 ms, six - 848 ms, seven - 865 ms, eight - 879 ms and nine - 890 ms. But it is known, that a level of a functional pressure, also states of health are necessarily reflected in speed of processing of the information. Use of an electrocardiogram in psychophysiology Loadings on the certain functional systems of an organism of the person during performance of different kinds of activity often have excessive character (such factors name stresses), leading to a pressure and failures of mechanisms of adaptation. It is revealed, that the excessive pressure of separate systems and an organism as a whole are a source psihofiziological frustration which in the further can develop in certain psihosomatic disease. Therefore their operative revealing and elimination is extremely important. PHYSIOLOGICAL INDICATORS of FUNCTIONAL STATUSES is three groups of physiological reactions on which judge change of a physiological status of the person: impellent, vegetative. Among impellent parameters often use a level of impellent activity. According to two kinds distinguish physiological stress and psychological. Last subdivide on information and emotional. The information stress arises, when the person does not cope with a problem, the correct decision in necessary rate has not time to make at the high responsibility for consequences of the accepted decisions. Analyzing texts, solving those or other problems the person, processes the information. This process by decision-making comes to the end. The volume of the information which is processed, its complexity, necessity often to make of the decision - all this and makes information loading. Change a physiological status of the person first of all finds reflection in the form of deterioration of its ability to processing the information. Therefore, to an estimation of influence of different kinds of activity on a functional status of an organism of the person many researchers apply measurement of speed, accuracy of impellent reactions and the periods of intimate reductions on the offered information loadings. Thus change of the period of intimate reductions are used for an estimation of a level of a physiological pressure. The review of results and conclusions During designing specialized computer system « Diagnostics of factor of attention and psychomotor reaction of the person » has been certain following positions: - Test tasks based not to a diagnostic technique which use: stimulus - nonverbal, dynamic; the order of presentation - casual, variable; reactions tested - dynamic reaction through controls; - For preservation of the results received at testing it has been designed and created by a DB which consists four particles; - For normal job and functioning of specialized computer system technical maintenance has been chosen; - For definition to what of diagnosed classes the patient concerns is used экстенсиональный a method - the most close neighbours from the theory of pattern recognition. For definition of diagnosed classes the algorithm that allows to do breakdown of statistical sample without known entry conditions is used; - The program which forms test tasks has been developed for definition of individual characteristics of the person, and also allows to conduct a database and to do breakdown on classes, and to do definitions to what of classes the patient concerns. The developed computer technique has provided an opportunity of reception of a quantitative estimation of factor of attention and psychomotor reactions of the person. Statistics of the minimal intervals of time necessary for correct perception of visual stimulus with casually varying spatial and quantitative characteristics are established. © Bogomjakov V.I. - DonNTU |