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Cellular communication there are 20 years, but only last decade it has started to extend actively worldwide, involving in the networks of any wishing to combine mobility with availability. Today is from what to choose, as only at our country there are various standards of a mobile communication and enough of their operators. Cellular telephones have ceased to be luxury and industrial necessity. The mobile phone has turned to a habitual subject of use, prevalence for a long time surpassed stationary phones.
In Ukraine only operators of a mobile communication of standard GSM with a national covering is (without virtual operators) four. It “Kievstar”, "MTS", “Life” and “Wellcom”. Each of them represents not one brand and not one million subscribers. About increase in availability of a mobile communication at subscribers requirements to its quality while cost fades into the background raise. In a pursuit of subscribers, operators should increase a communication quality that is reached, basically, input of new base stations. But, that these base stations have justified the means enclosed in them, it is necessary to make network planning, that is to be defined with the location of base station and its parametres.
Urgency substantiation
Now wireless networks use the big popularity. It speaks variety of their advantages. Standard GSM at present is the most widespread wireless technology. It is considered, that mobile networks of standard GSM have still developed the resource and have not reached peak of the development. Mobile networks of national operators still develop, increasing the covering and user's base. Construction of such networks demand the big labour expenses, first of all, for their planning. But now, in my opinion, creation of networks from zero has lost the urgency as a number of operators of the given standard was already generated, and occurrence new, with yet not created network, is practically unreal. Planning assumes not only creation of a network from zero, but also addition of its new elements and optimisation. Importance and labour input of these problems even above, than at construction of a new network.
Every day the user's base of operators increases, new roads are under construction, the city landscape and a climate varies. All it considerably influences, apparently, simple problem of input in a network of additional base station.
Thus, it becomes clear, that network optimisation, and input of new station and adjustment of its parametres is its main tool as it is never earlier actual at present.
The purposes and work problems
The purpose of the given work is optimisation of parametres of base stations for improvement of indicators of a covering in a network of a mobile communication of standard GSM. In this case it is understood as working out of algorithm of the automated finding of a site of base stations taking into account an existing network and adjustment of its parametres. The given algorithm, analyzing an existing covering and parametres of base stations, and also a map of a relief and a topographic map, will define an optimum site of new base station, to adjust parametres new and to correct parametres of old base stations, and also to count a covering taking into account the entered base station.
The review of existing decisions
For designing of networks of cellular communication it is possible to use various methods of the computer analysis and the automated designing. The main lack practically all such methods is that they or do not allow to optimise existing networks, or strongly complicate the given problem for the operator. Also they do not give a full picture of work of a network after its optimisation that leads to undesirable consequences in the form of failures in the network slave as only having typed certain volume of statistical data it is possible to correct parametres of the entered base station. From the best party in the given question company Nokia product - Nokia NetAct Planner proves. However this package is used only by company Nokia and practically it is never given to other manufacturers of the equipment and, especially, operators.
One of packages used at designing is automated system RPS-2. It is intended for the automated designing of wireless networks of various architecture (radio relay, òðàíêèíãîâûõ, cellular), applying various standards of data transmission. System use allows to develop the project of a new network in deadlines, to estimate its merits and demerits, to analyse indicators of electromagnetic compatibility of a projected network with other networks working in the same district, and to optimise characteristics taking into account concrete geographical conditions of district at the set distribution of the traffic and sources of hindrances. On the functionality, accuracy and completeness of calculation of characteristics of a network, on convenience of the user interface, program RPS-2 does not concede to the most known foreign analogues, favourably differing from them the price, it is essential lower requirements to a computer configuration, the Russian interface, availability of technical support and support.
Other system of the automated designing is program Wireless InSite developed by company Remcon Inc. The given program analyzes distribution of radio-waves in the conditions of the city environment and the crossed mountain district, and also analyzes degree of population density of district. Also it models physical characteristics of a rough landscape and city structures, carries out calculations at electrodynamic level, and then deduces characteristics of distribution of a signal.
Well and the package most attractive, in my opinion, is Nokia NetAct Planner. Package NetAct Planner uses open interfaces for data exchange with control systems of work of cellular networks, for example Nokia NetAct ™. NetAct ™ Planner consists of 6 modules: WCDMA Planner, Radio Planner, Link Planner, Transmission Planner, Quality Planner and Rollout Planner, including the full tooling, necessary for planning and expansion of cellular networks 2G/3G, GPRS and EDGE. Software products of series NetAct ™ are the major part of concept Connecting@Care which includes a wide spectrum of the decisions allowing operators to support at high level quality, reliability and efficiency existing GSM and GPRS networks, and also the future networks of the third generation.
Planned result
As a result of performance given master`s works is planned to develop the algorithm of the automated finding of a site of base stations taking into account an existing network and adjustment of their parametres is planned to develop works. For performance of the functions set in algorithm will be used special relief and topographic maps, methods of step-by-step optimisation and various models of distribution of radio-waves in space.
The conclusion
Now the person ceases to search, where is cheaper, let and the worst quality. It quality bought production or service first of all interests. In conditions of a rigid competition manufacturers are compelled either to reduce the prices, or to raise quality, and more often to combine both these of the approach. For operators of a mobile communication a problem, in any measure, it is possible to solve by means of correct planning of the networks, that is in advance to possess a network of higher, than at the competitor, quality.
Offered working out should help the decision of a problem of qualitative integration of new elements in already existing networks, thereby reducing both human, and monetary expenses of operators.
The note: the given author's abstract is not the definitive version of the author's abstract master`s works since end of researches on a subject master`s works is planned till 31.12.2008
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