The introduction and urgency
In connection with global development of modern telephone systems,
and also moral and physical deterioration of operating analogue switching equipment there is an introduction question in industrial telephone systems newer,
reliable, answering not only Ukrainian, but also to the European standards, the equipment. Especially sharply this problem costs for a conference
circuit of collieries which except requirements on a communication quality and speed of connection should be explosion-proof,
have low power consumption, possess special functions of the loud-speaking notification, the precautionary alarm system and listening of industrial noise.
In parallel questions of workings out of computer system of metane danger and its monitoring are solved with a task
in view in Ukraine in collieries, recommendations about application of gauges and remote terminal units äåãàçàöèîííûõ monitoring systems and
automatic control, a substantiation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of parametres îòêà÷êè methane, creation of mathematical model
of a measuring instrument of concentration of methane for collieries, a substantiation of structure of a high-speed measuring instrument of
concentration of methane of system of gas protection of collieries.
The urgency of my work consists in the following:
the existing analogue switching equipment has become outdated both morally, and physically that complicates communication system work as a whole;
the most part of the existing equipment is laid off, there are no completing products, spare parts and devices that
leads to sharp increase in time and expenses of work for search and elimination of malfunctions;
application of manual switching reduces speed of connection and worsens a communication quality between subscribers;
there is no panel of the mountain dispatcher that complicates process of the control of work in mountain developments and breaks requirements
"Fire prevention rules in collieries";
existing underground communication does not answer both Ukrainian, and to the European norms on
maintenance spark-protecting communication lines in mountain developments;
the existing equipment of communication occupies the considerable areas, has the big power consumption that leads to an
overload of an electric network, and in the absence of pressure in a network - to the fast category of a reserve food;
underground telephone sets with functions of the loud-speaking notification, the precautionary alarm system and listening of industrial noise are absent that also contradicts.
Scientific novelty
Novelty of my work consists in the following:
The comparative characteristic of complexes spark-protecting the communications, applied in territory of Ukraine and Russia,
and delivery of recommendations about application of this or that complex for certain object;
Research of work of a complex of mine conference circuit ÑÀÒ together with ÖÀÒÑ Coral FlexiCom on existing objects.