During the study at the University my average mark was 4,8. I do not master foreign languages. I have experience in working with PC on the level of experienced user and in soldering equipment.
Email: max_dn@mail.ru
I, Kirichenko Maksim Olexandrovich, was born 30/09/1985 in Dokuchaevsk, Doneck region.
Father: Kirichenko Olexander Ivanovich works as a machine-operator at flux plant in Dokychaevsk. 16/02/1960.
Mother: Kirichenko Natalya Vladimirovna works as a boarding school teacher in Dokychaevsk. 28/05/1960
Sister: Kirichenko Elena Olexandrovna works as an assistant of the judge in administrative court, Dokychaevsk 16/08/1981.
From 1988 to 1991 I attended kindergarten “7 Skazka” in Dokychaevsk. From 1991 to 2003 I attended secondary school ¹ 4 in Dokychaevsk. Special attention I paid to exact sciences (mathematics, physics) what helped me to pass my entrance exams to the University successfully. I had no inclination to the humanities. During the study at school many times I took part in many Olympiads on mathematics, physics, labour study winning prize places. In 2003 I won the 3 place in the regional Olympiad on physics. From 1992 to 1999 I attended musical school in Dokychaevsk. Also I Was fond of weight-lifting and other kinds of sport. I was fond of tourism, took active part in school and town life. I was a member of KVN group. I entered the university on day department on faculty CITA, after I had passed my entrance exams successfully.
The fact that influenced the choose of the University is that from my point of view it is the only one university where I can get deserving education and that it is situated near the place of my residence.
The topic of masters work was chosen at the place of practicing. It can be formulated as follows: the research and development of coal-seam of heterogeneity determination system structure of control of coal-plough machine service velocity.
From 2006 I has been working as an private owner of a business on repairing mobile phones.
In future I am to open Design Bureau.
Additional information: unmarried, have an driving license, free time I prefer to spend in the family circle.
Email: max_dn@mail.ru
I, Kirichenko Maksim Olexandrovich, was born 30/09/1985 in Dokuchaevsk, Doneck region.
Father: Kirichenko Olexander Ivanovich works as a machine-operator at flux plant in Dokychaevsk. 16/02/1960.
Mother: Kirichenko Natalya Vladimirovna works as a boarding school teacher in Dokychaevsk. 28/05/1960
Sister: Kirichenko Elena Olexandrovna works as an assistant of the judge in administrative court, Dokychaevsk 16/08/1981.
From 1988 to 1991 I attended kindergarten “7 Skazka” in Dokychaevsk. From 1991 to 2003 I attended secondary school ¹ 4 in Dokychaevsk. Special attention I paid to exact sciences (mathematics, physics) what helped me to pass my entrance exams to the University successfully. I had no inclination to the humanities. During the study at school many times I took part in many Olympiads on mathematics, physics, labour study winning prize places. In 2003 I won the 3 place in the regional Olympiad on physics. From 1992 to 1999 I attended musical school in Dokychaevsk. Also I Was fond of weight-lifting and other kinds of sport. I was fond of tourism, took active part in school and town life. I was a member of KVN group. I entered the university on day department on faculty CITA, after I had passed my entrance exams successfully.
The fact that influenced the choose of the University is that from my point of view it is the only one university where I can get deserving education and that it is situated near the place of my residence.
The topic of masters work was chosen at the place of practicing. It can be formulated as follows: the research and development of coal-seam of heterogeneity determination system structure of control of coal-plough machine service velocity.
From 2006 I has been working as an private owner of a business on repairing mobile phones.
In future I am to open Design Bureau.
Additional information: unmarried, have an driving license, free time I prefer to spend in the family circle.

© DonNTU, Kirichenko Max Alex, 2008