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Master of DNTU Chernikov Sergey

Chernikov Sergey

Donetsk national technical university

Faculty: "Mechanical"

Speciality: "The mechanical equipment of factories of ferrous metallurgy"

The abstract of the master's thesis on the theme: "Research methods of rationing of vibration rolling mill cages 950/900"

Scientific Leader: Cand.Tech.Sci. the senior lecturer Sidorov Vladimir


         In works measurement of the general level of vibration, measurement of parametres of a vibrating signal, the spectral analysis of a vibrating signal were most full investigated. Measurement of the general level of vibration allows to define a category of a technical condition of the equipment, using methods of mutual, relative or absolute comparison. Measurement of parametres of a vibrating signal a shock impulse, the peak-factor, bending around vibration speed-up) is used for an estimation of a technical condition bearing equipment knots. The spectral analysis of a vibrating signal provides revealing, identification of damages and possibility of the analysis of tendencies of their development since the earliest stage. The analysis of time realisations is used rather seldom, allowing to judge stability of proceeding processes in the mechanism. Expansion of objects of diagnosing, necessity of recognition of an actual condition of the mechanisms working in a short-term mode, demands working out of methodology of the analysis of time realisations of a vibrating signal at new modern level of requirements of the decision of practical problems.


         The purpose works is research of methods of rationing of vibration agrees ISO and statistical values (working out of an analysis algorithm of time realisations of a vibrating signal). The object in view is reached by the decision of following problems:

  1. Drawing up of dynamic model of system.
  2. The analysis of fluctuations arising in system.
  3. Drawing up of library of time realisations.
  4. The analysis of the time forms measured in industrial conditions.


         Now pressing question is definition of an actual technical condition and forecasting of terms of refusal of mechanisms and their separate elements. Exclusive practical value of the decision of the specified question has a following substantiation: «Achievement of peak efficiency of use of the metallurgical equipment is possible only in the presence of the information on a technical condition of mechanisms. The obtained data have the big practical interest and are used at definition of volumes of repair work, admissible degree loading and terms of operation of cars».
         The preliminary analysis of entrance influences and reactions corresponding to them is necessary for statement of the authentic diagnosis about a technical condition of object. In our case «the technical condition of elements of the car is defined by three factors: physical processes of ageing, technological loadings and external influences, in particular, carrying out of technological service and repairs». On fig. 1 the model scheme «a black box» which is evident is resulted shows object of research given ìàãèñòåðñêîé works, the factors influencing object of research and corresponding to them responses.

Figure 1 – The model Scheme "a black box"

   From the resulted scheme it is visible, that target parametre of system is time realisation of a vibrating signal. It is supposed, that for the mechanisms working in short-term and repeatedly short-term mode, the given parametre is the most informative. This assumption finds acknowledgement at the reference to references:
1. "Transience processes with variable accelerations are difficult for diagnosing, since. Process of measurement demands a certain time interval during which the measured parametre does not remain to constants. In this case it is expedient to spend joint registration not average, and instant values of vibration … and to receive for the analysis their time development".
2. "In some cases, when in the oscillatory process accompanying work of the unit, …, it is necessary to keep the phase parities bearing the basic information on parametres of a technical condition, it is enough to address to the analysis of time realisation of process".
3. "… allocation and registration of time realisations vibration acoustics a signal around own frequency of teeths of pair wheels is a simple and reliable method of diagnosing of occurrence of a crack, ñêîëà and breakages of teeths of wheels".
4. We have so got used to use the spectral analysis in our research work, that sometimes are inclined to ignore in general signal representation in time area. At the same time the information which can give such representation, it is difficult take, considering only a vibration spectrum.
   For example, casual process (continuous noise) and the transient connected with any irregular events, have similar spectra which, nevertheless, correspond to signals of the perfect different nature that is clearly visible on their time realisations. In time area we will easily distinguish the knock of details leading to asymmetry of the form of a signal which can be a consequence of easing of mechanical connections .
   Hence time realisation vibration a signal bears in itself a trustworthy information about a technical condition of the mechanism of a short-term operating mode. In our case it rolling mill cage (fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Rolling a cage: 1 - a cover, 2 - the case, 3 - top shaky, 4 - bottom shaky, 5 - the support top is shaky, 6 - the support bottom is shaky

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  © DNTU, 2008 Chernikov S