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1. Quality of cars: the Directory in 2 т. Т.1/A.G.Suslov, E.D.Braun, N.A.Vitkevich, etc. - М: Mechanical engineering, 1995. - 256с.
2. Quality of cars: the Directory in 2 т. Т.2 / A.G.Suslov, J.V.Guljaev, A.M.Dalsky, etc. - М: Mechanical engineering, 1995. - 430с.
3. Dalsky A.M.technological maintenance of reliability of high-precision details of cars. - М: Mechanical engineering, 1975 222с.
4. The directory of the technologist-machine engineer. In 2 т. Т. 2 / Under the editorship of A.M. Dalsky, And. G.Suslov, And. G.Kosilovoj, R.K.Meshcherjakova. - М: Mechanical engineering, 2001. - 944 with.
5. Technological bases of maintenance of quality of cars / K.S.Kolesnikov, G.F.Balandin, A.M.Dalsky, etc. - М: Mechanical engineering, 1990. - 256с.
6. Pole M.S.Tehnologija of hardening. Technological methods of hardening. In 2 т. Т. 2. - М: Mechanical engineering, 1995. - 688 with.
7. Suslov A.G. Technological maintenance of parametres of a condition of a blanket of details. - М: Mechanical engineering, 1987. 208 with.
8. Проскуряков JU.G.technolog of strengthening and form-building processing of metals. - М: Mechanical engineering, 1971. 203с.
9. Papshev D. D. Otdelochno-strengthening processing by superficial plastic deformation. - М: Mechanical engineering, 1978. - 152 with.
10. Balter M. A. Hardening of details of cars. - М: Mechanical engineering, 1978. - 184 with.
11. Kragelsky I.V.friction and deterioration. - М: Mechanical engineering, 1968.
12. Kragelskij I.V., Dobychin M. N, Kombalov V. S. Bases of calculations on a friction and deterioration. М: Mechanical engineering, 1977 with.
13. Михин N.M.external a friction of firm bodies. - М: Mechanical engineering, 1977. 220с.


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