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Sheremet Andrey Gennadievich

Faculty: mechanical

Speciality: Metal-catting tools and systems

Subject of outlet activity:

Synthesis of cam gears of machine tools of automatic control units for manufacturing of hardware

The chief:d. t. s. prof Gusev V.V.

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Email: a_g_sheremet@mail.ru

About myself (Main):

    Mean ball in a training period at university 4,31. Freely I possess Russian, Ukrainian. In bulk, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I possess English tongue. I have basic knowledge of English; I have experience working with the computer, in particular with the CAD/CAM systems..

    Hobbies - music, sports (swimming, track and field athletes)

Brief biography:

    I was born in city Makeyevka on March 26, 1983. My father, Sheremet Gennadiy Anatoliyevich, was born on May 12, 1957. He is a pensioner now, having the rank a captain of air forces. My mum was born in city Makeyevka. She is an operator of glassblowing machines, now she works at Makeyevka metallurgical plant named after Kirov. My elder sister, Sheremet Nataliya, took an active part in my upbringing. She graduated frome DonNTU on a speciality «Ecology»

    As my father was a military person my memories about early childhood are connected with often moving from one place to other. I started going to school in Lithuania in city of Vilnius. In 1994 all our family returned to Makeyevka where I continued my studying going to school ¹ 53. In 1999, I successfully finished 9-th class, and I entered Makeyevka metallurgical technical school on a speciality ûProcessing of materials on machine-tools and automatic transfer linesì. I studied there for 4 years which were the most cheerful and at the same time the most fruitful years referring studying.

    In 2003, having finished a metallurgical technical school with distinction I had an interview to enter DonNTU,the speciality «Metal-cutting machines and systems». Studying at university was not easy for me, at the same time it was interesting. Having received the Bachelor`s degree I decided to continue my education and do master`s degree course.

    Now I am doing master`s degree course and I am working actively over my master`s work under the supervision of the doctor of engineering science Gusev V.V.

    Now it is necessary to systems develop systems of automatic design of twin cams. The system should provide kinematic and power calculation of cams. The availability of such systems of designing will allow to reduce set-up time for manufacturing of new production,are reduce the cost price of designing of cam gears.

    In future I plan to defend successfully my master`s work to find worthy application of the obtained knowledge.

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