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Speciality: "Mechanical equipment of factories of ferrous metallurgy"
The resume
The biography
My childhood
I, Trifonov Anatoly Ivanovich, was born on December, 17th, 1985 in a town Gorniak of a Selidovsky district of Donetsk area. Mother, Trifonova Lyudmila Anatolievna, was born on August, 10th, 1958 in Gorniak, the housewife. The father, Trifonov Ivan Nikolaevich, the former miner, and now is on pension. Sister, Fedorova Tatyana Vladimirovna, was born on September, 24th, 1978 in Gorniak, at the moment she is not working. At preschool age as well as all children I tried to become more adult and wished to go to school very much. Besides I has distinguished with the big eagerness to knowledge.
School days
In September, 1992 – my children's dream has come true – I went to school ¹ 17. In June, 2003 in Gorniak I has finished comprehensive school. In the school days I actively participated in a public life of school: participated in every possible competitions, contests on different subjects I often occupied prize-winning places as on team and personal results. I consider as one of the basic achievements that in those years I defined my main objective in a life – to receive higher education and a speciality necessary for me and other people.
University life
September 2003 – June 2007 – I received qualification of the bachelor on a speciality. Since September, 2007 I have been doing masters degree course – in group Mex-07ì. I will remember my students life for a long time because in this interval of the life I met a lot of new friends, changed the vital principles, got acquainted with the wife. And in general it seems to me, that exactly the student's life has formed me the person, such what I am now. The basic achievement of this stage of a life, I consider is getting – HIGHER EDUCATION, well and certainly a choice of the further vital direction.
Labour activity
My labor activity though I am only 22, is various enough. My first place of work was Open Company "Innovator" where I worked as the simple handyman under the contract for a period of 6 months, It was physically hard work and it strengthened in me desire to get education. The Open-hearth furnace Shop of Branch "ÌÊ" of Joint-Stock Company “Donetsksteel “MZ “” became the following stage of my labor activity where I worked in August, 2006. There I worked as the mechanic-repairman of 4th shift on MNLZ. Repair and equipment service was the primary goal for me. In September, 2007 I was transferred from this shop in the department of automation and mechanization management (UAM) on a post of the engineer-designer of a bureau of mechanization where I work, to this day. My basic task is designing of the every possible metallurgical equipment, working out of the working documentation and introduction of the new equipment.
The future
What I wish to reach in the future? Yes, to answer this question I mentally mooned in the dreams! So, in the first I wish to receive master is degree, in the second I wish to promote on a career ladder as high as it is possible, in the third I wish to become the daddy, in - the fourth.... Yes, this list can be continued indefinitely but as to me it seems to dream of the future not bad but it is necessary to start always with real possibilities and to try, proceeding from them, to reach the highest tops.