Simplicity of operate of a DC-Motor caused until recently its primary application in the adjustable electric drive.
The best dynamic both cost indexes have asynchronous and synchronous engines, and also Brushless DC-Motor [1].
    Selfcontrolled Synchronous Motor, Brushless DC-Motor – the motor in which switching of sections (phases) of a winding stator is carried out by means of semi-conductor comutator, operated the signals, allowing to reveal rotor position in relation to stator [2].
    Brushless DC-Motor possess variety constructive advantages, in relation to existing types of electric mashine: absence of the knots demanding servicing; explosion safety maintenance; the high reloading ability on the moment; high speed, possibility of optimisation of operating modes on speed and loading; the highest power indicators; high reliability and the raised resource of work; a low overheat of the electric motor, at work in modes with possible overloads.
    Thus, advantages Selfcontrolled Synchronous Motor with electronic control systems unite in themselves better qualities of contactless motors and d.c. motors, and often and surpass them.
        The mathematical model of the Brushless DC motor is used to research
processes in the electric drive [4].
        The equation featuring electrical part of the motor in coordinate
system d, q is:
        The vector coincides with the direction of axis q. Decomposing vectors on axes d, q in expression (1), we get the following simultaneous equations:
        The equation of torque of the motor is:
       The condition of mechanical balance is presented by the expression:
        Change of rotational speed of the Brushless DC motor is carried out by changing voltage brought to the motor and use pulse-width method of regulation.
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