My vital principle: ” Victory over itself - there is main victory in life!”
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Магистр ДонНТУ Подобреева Елена Александровна

Helen Podobreeva

Faculty: Electrotechnical

Department: Power Supply of Industrial Undertakings and Cities

Speciality: Electrotechnical Systems of Electrical Consumption

Theme of Master's Work: «Possible methods of networks 0,22kV existing protection frames modernisation»

Scientific Supervisor: : Prof., Dr.Sci.Tech.,Alexander Kovalev


Master's Qualification Work


«Possible methods of networks 0,22kV existing protection frames modernisation»


         Сreation of safe electricity generating plant is the major problem of modern electric power engineering. At the present time in the world from a defeat an electric current more than 100 thousand of persons perishes annually.

         New residual-current device develops in Ukraine. Wide-ranging innovation in the power supply systems of apartment houses and public places possibly in the future [1].

         Theme of application residual-current device is problem of today in Ukraine. By the main task of scientists and specialists of Ukraine, which engages for questions of development and application of residual-current device, is protecting of our citizens from a defeat an electric current [6].


         Increase of reliability and fire stability networks 0,22 kV by expansion of existing and introduction of new facilities of defence.

Scientific value of work

         Scientific value of work consists in possible methods of networks 220 kV existing protection frames modernisation [3].

Practical value of work

         Practical value consists in the substantiation report of reliability systems of disabling the circuit breaker, protective disabling, terms of their prophylaxis, necessary for providing of the rationed fire safety security, in development of requirements to the relay spark protection and his principle diagram [2].

Condition of a question

         Daily there are more than 700 fires on territory of Ukraine. Meanwhile, the stake of fires makes from 20 % to 30 %, which conditioned for electrical engineerings reasons.

         Short circuits (s.c.) and developing currents of leak through the isolation of the electric wirings are principal reason of fires in electricity generating plant (to 70 % from the general of electro-fires). The electric wirings are most the fire-hazardous type of electrotechnical wares.

         The low level of fire safety is explained of the rows factors:

- bad technical state;

- low quality of electrical appliances;

- absence of effective services of safe exploitation of electricity generating plant;

- non-observance rules of fire safety during exploitation of domestic technique;

- very low efficiency of the electric protecting from malfunctions [4].

At a current in 300 А a safety device will work through 10 p. Circuit breakers work like. A temperature in the place of influence of arc arrives at 5... 8 thousands of degrees. It like influence of the electric welding. The self-ignition of isolation of the electric wiring can happen under the action of leakage currents, which are caused the senescence of insulants, their mechanical damages or destruction under the action of temperature and aggressive environment.

         A fire can be caused the leakage current and to result in s.c., and also development of leakage current can result in a short circuit and subsequent fire [7].

         Safety devices and circuit breakers on the leakage current through an isolation are not respond. At the present time the very reliable mean of electric defence is a residual-current device (RCD). New principles of estimation of efficiency of electric defence are developed in Kievan State Technical University, which take into account time of its operation and fire-hazardous consequence of s.c. [2].

         By the instrumentality of a complex "ARIAS" the calculation of the followings indexes is produced:

- probabilities of ignition of isolation of cable wares at each of types of s.c. on every area of network;

- probabilities of fire on the object of power supply at each of types of s.c.;

- probabilities of fire at all types of s.c.;

- probabilities of fire at all types of k.z. without the stocktaking of k.z. on a corps.

The protecting cutout is fast-acting defence which provides the automatic disconnecting of electricity generating plant in case of occurring in it of danger of defeat of man a current.

         The danger of defeat is conditioned tension of touch or, otherwise speaking, by a current, passing through a man, As is generally known,

         where is resistance of body of man, Om.

         The basic componentry of residual-current device (RCD) are a device of the protective disconnecting and executive branch is a circuit breaker. A device of the protective disconnecting is an aggregate of separate componentry, which perceive an input quantity, react on its changes and at set its value give a signal on disconnecting of switch. An executive branch is a circuit breaker which provides disconnecting of the proper area of electricity generating plant (to the electric network) at the receipt of signal from the device of the protective disconnecting [4].

Results of researches

         Purpose is a removal of shock hazard people at a touch to the earthed corps in the period of shorting on him of phase.

         Principle of action is the rapid disconnecting of the damaged equipment from a network in case if a current, which passes through explorer, earthing the corps of this equipment, will exceed some limit at which tension of touch has most a legitimate value is protracted

         Principle chart is resulted on a picture. A sensor is a current relay of RT, which possesses small resistance and which is plugged directly in the section of earthing wire [7].

Picture 1 is an of Principle chart of RCD, which reacts on the current of earth-fault (OK is a disconnecting spool of circuit breaker). (Animation: volume - 32,6 kB; size - – 332 x of 508  pixels; amount of shots - 7; delay between shots - 100 ms; delay between the last and first shot - 200 ms; amount of cycles of reiteration - 10)

Figure 1 - Principle chart of RCD, which reacts on the current of earth-fault
(OK is a disconnecting spool of circuit breaker). (Animation: volume - 32,6 kB;
size - – 332 x of 508 pixels; amount of shots - 7; delay between shots - 100 ms;
delay between the last and first shot - 200 ms; amount of cycles of reiteration - 10)

         Choice of setting. The condition of safe touch to the corps of equipment in the period of shorting on him of phase is expressed the following dependence:

         where is resistance of grounding of corps, Om; is complex resistance of relay coils, Om.

         Current of is a setpoint which comes through earthing explorer and determines the resulted terms of safety, i.e.:

Picture 2 is an of Principle chart of RCD, which reacts on the current of monophase short circuit.The relay of current is plugged in the section of grounding explorer

Figure 2 - Principle chart of RCD, which reacts on the current of monophase
short circuit.The relay of current is plugged in the section of grounding explorer

         On condition that will get

Conclusions on work

         The principle charts of RCD, which react on the triggering current at earth and on the current of monophase short circuit, are presented in this work.

         Dignities of RCD are simplicity of construction, relatively high reliability and clearness of wearing-out and possibility to provide selectivity of disconnecting.

         The shortcoming of UZO consists in that what in the case of precipice of earthing conductor UZO stops to work. UZO works nonselective at presence of metallic connection between protecting corps. And finally, shortcoming is absence of self-control of good condition [2].

List of literature

1. Носанов Н.И. Устройства защитного отключения и их применение./ Носанов Н.И. - Макеевка: ДонГАСА, 2003. – с.55-65.

2. Ковалев А. П. Оценка пожарной безопасности передвижных трансформаторных подстанций 110/35/6кВ./ Ковалев А. П., Шевченко А. В., Белоусенко И. В.- Промышленная энергетика, 1991, №6.

3. Рожкова Л.Д. Электрооборудование станций и подстанций: Учебник для техникумов. – 3-е изд., перераб. и доп./ Рожкова Л.Д. Козулин В.С. – М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1987. - 25 - 85 c.

4. ГОСТ 12.1.004-91. Пожарная безопасность. Общие требования. – М.: Изд-во стандартов, 1991.

5. ГОСТ 12.1.010-76. Взрывобезопасность. Общие требования. – М.: Изд-во стандартов, 1976. — 6с.

6. Электротехнический справочник. Т. 2. Электротехнические изделия и устройства / Под общ. ред. профессоров МЭИ. – М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1986. -712 с.

7. Григорьев С. Устройства защитного отключения - что это такое? [Электронный ресурс]/ Григорьев С. - 2004./ - Режим доступа к статье:

8. Электроснабжение. [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа к статье:

9. Поиск на портале -РЗА. Все о реле и релейной защите. [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа к статье:

10. ПУЭ. Область применения. Определения. [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа к статье:

         At writing of this dissertation master's work is not yet completed. Final completion: December, 2009. Complete text of work and materials on the topic can be got author or his supervisor of studies after the specified date.
