Impedance vector monitoring strategy
for on-line detection of eccentricity
in induction motors
Andreas Stavrou
XVII International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM 2006
      An efficient general strategy for monitoring the
condition of induction machines is developed and is applied to the
detection of the dynamic eccentricity level in smooth air gap
machines using the total machine impedance vector as the means
of estimating the machine integrity. It is shown that the fault
mechanism that is modulating the stator inductances can be more
effectively monitored via impedance estimation than current
techniques. On the basis of the derived methodology a series of
calculations is illustrating the effectiveness of the approach.
      Index Terms — Condition Monitoring, dynamic eccentricity,
impedance monitoring, induction motor.
      We call dynamic eccentricity the situation occurring when
the centre of the rotor of a machine is not at its centre of
rotation and therefore the position of the minimum air gap
rotates with the rotor. Dynamic eccentricity may be caused by
misalignment of the shaft, or wear of bearings, defective
installation, bent shafts, etc. The level of dynamic eccentricity
can be a good indicator of the condition of a machine. Careful
attention to this parameter is even more necessary in induction
machines, which have smaller air gaps between the rotor and
the stator than many other types of machines.
      The influence of the fault on flux harmonics, unbalanced
magnetic pull, vibratory forces, losses and torque, fluctuations
in the line currents were some of the areas of particular
interest of the research [2, 3, 4, 5]. Dorrell [6] demonstrated
the algorithm for the calculation of unbalanced magnetic pull
based on generalised conductor harmonic. The work of
Cameron et al. [2] was investigated further by Dorrel et al. [5]
by looking at the combined effects of static and dynamic
eccentricity. Htsui and Stein [8] used the shaft voltage signals
to detect eccentricities and shorted rotor turns in synchronous
machines. In an alternative procedure Cardoso et all [9] used
the Park’s Current vector approach to monitor the machine
condition by plotting the machine current loci for the various
machine conditions. Work aiming at simulation of dynamic
eccentricity was also carried out [7, 10].
      In this contribution we are going to develop an efficient
general strategy for monitoring the condition of induction
machines and we will apply the method to the detection of the
dynamic eccentricity level in smooth air gap machines using
the total machine impedance vector. The method is an
improvement on the Park’s Vector approach [9]. Current
techniques have the disadvantage of using a signal containing
a bulk of unused information. Discrepancies between faulty
and healthy conditions are superimposed on a widely varying
signal for all conditions and therefore difficult to uncover.
      The magnetic effects, in the case of dynamic eccentricity,
originate from the variations in the air gap length, and the
consequent distortion of the air gap flux density distribution.
In machines with dynamic eccentricity, stator coil MMF acts
on an air gap with varying length, and hence so far as a stator
coil is concerned the air gap permeance varies as a function of
rotor rotation. The rotor coils are, however, placed differently
in space with respect to the minimum air gap, but they are not
moving. The three rotor coil MMFs act on constant air gap
lengths (but not the same ones).
      The result of the distortion of the air gap permeance as
described above and, as a consequence of the flux linkage, is a
combined variation of the total machine impedance. When we
refer to total machine impedance seen at the machine
terminals we have in mind the classic steady state equivalent
circuit of the induction machine. In the paper, the steady state
total impedance expression is derived based on phasor
      The idea of impedance vector monitoring is based on
instantaneous quantities, not the phasors and is valid for
steady state and transient regime. The derivation of the steady
state expression is done for guidance of where the operating
points at any loading condition are going to be and of course
to clarify the dependence on the machine parameters.
      Let us refer to the basic steady state phasor equations of
symmetrical induction machines [1]:
      Where Vs - is the voltage phasor applied to the machine terminals, XM - magnetizing reactance, Xls,Xlr are thes tator and referred rotor leakage reactances respectively, rs,rr - are the stator resistance and referred rotor resistance respectively.
      since for any circuit:
      And taking into account:
we can write the expression for the steady state impedance
of a symmetrical induction machine [1]:
      By plotting the real and imaginary parts of Z in expression
(6), using the parameters of an 11 kW machine and by varying
slip (and hence loading) from nearly no load to full load, we
get the steady state curve shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Total impedance variation due to load change
      As can be observed from Fig. 1 in a symmetrical machine at
steady state the impedance represents a point on the complex
two dimensional space for any single loading condition.
      The magnetic effects, in the case of dynamic eccentricity,
originate from the variations in the air gap length, and the
consequent distortion of the air gap flux density distribution.
      We can write the permeance in the air gap as:
      Where å δ - defines the location of the minimum air gap with respect to the rotor datum, Figure 3. Coefficients λj - are calculated as in [6] and plotted in figure 2, ξr; - is an angle measure from the rotor datum.
Fig. 2 Amplitudes of the permeance harmonics
      Let us define reference frames as in Fig. 3. One sD-sQ - reference frame fixed to the stator, an rD-rQ - rotating reference frame fixed to the rotor. The minimum air gap, which rotates with the rotor angle, is located at an angle from the rotor datum. The rotation angle is defined as ωrt .
Fig. 3 Definition of the reference frames
The flux linkage with stator phase A winding can be
calculated using the integral:
      Where ba - magnetic flux density set up by stator phase A
nsA- Stator phase A winding distribution function, l - Core length, r - core radius.
      By following the procedure explained in detail in [10] we
arrive at the following expressions for the mutual and self
inductances of a machine having dynamic eccentricity
expressed in the rotor reference frame:
Lsd - Stator direct axis self inductance
Lsq - stator quadrature axis self inductance
Lrd - rotor direct axis self inductance
Lrq - rotor quadrature axis self inductance
Ldq - cross coupling inductance
Lm- magnetizing inductance of a symmetrical machine, λ0λ2p - Amplitudes of the permeance harmonics as can be seen in figure 2, of order 0 and 2P, for a 4pole machine (P=2) the harmonic λ2p=λ4
      A careful look at the above parameters (9) indicates that the
instantaneous value of the eccentric machine impedance will
no longer be of a single constant value. The main effect of
such a fault on a machine is for the field to become elliptic.
The greater the value of eccentricity, the greater will be the value of λ2p and hence the greater the asymmetry.
      The model used to generate the current and voltage values
is the general model developed in [10], in matrix form the
equations expressed in the rotor reference frame are as
      The mass unbalance is taken into account in the equation of
      At the machine terminals one can easily measure the three
phase instantaneous currents and voltages using current and
voltage probes and data acquisition board with sample and
hold availability, for simultaneous sampling. From the three phase data isA, isB, isC, usA, usB, usC, collected online, the D-Q axis quantities iD, iQ, uD, uQ, can be calculated continuously using the Park’s transformation given in (12)
where, the two axes values can be obtained by replacing
f quantities with i and u:
      Furthermore, the real Re Z and imaginary Im Z parts of the
instantaneous machine impedance can be calculated as follows
and plotted continuously:
      Where, impedance argument can be found as:
      Investigations concerning dynamic eccentricity, on a basis
of, of the parameters of an 11 kW, 4 pole squirrel cage
induction machine, given in the Appendix were performed. As
an example in figures 4-6 the instantaneous Z loci of a
machine having dynamic eccentricity and loaded at 25% ,65%
and at full load are shown.
Fig. 4 Impedance Loci for 30% dynamic eccentricity:
(1)-loaded at 25%, (2)-loaded at 65% and (3)-full load
The impedance trajectories for the three loading conditions
shown in Fig. 4-6 are placed or centered on the calculated
steady state curve shown in Fig. 1. As expected in the case of
30% eccentricity, shown in Fig. 4, the asymmetry causes
variation of the total machine impedance in a small range and as Fig. 5 and 6 demonstrate, as the fault develops it manifests
itself in a further variation of the total impedance.
Fig. 5 Impedance Loci for 50% dynamic eccentricity:
(1)-loaded at 25%, (2)-loaded at 65% and (3)-full load
ÐFig. 6 Impedance Loci for 80% dynamic eccentricity:
(1)-loaded at 25%, (2)-loaded at 65% and (3)-full load
      The idea of impedance vector monitoring for identifying
dynamic eccentricity is very promising since the procedure for
its implementation is simple and the means for achieving it not
very expensive. Further investigation is required to establish
the tolerances of its application using practical experimental
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[10] A. Stavrou, J. Penman, "Modeling Dynamic Eccentricity in Smooth Air-Gap Induction Machines", Proc of the IEEE International Electrical Machines and Drives Conference '01 Conference CD, Boston, USA, June 2001.