A Comparative Investigation of Electrical
Parameters for Fault Detection and Condition
Monitoring in Induction Motors - Stator
Winding Current and Electromagnetic Flux
Marian Dumitru Negrea, Pedro Jover Rodriguez, Antero Arkkio
XVII International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM 2006
      Abstract—This paper presents a comparative investigation on
the usefulness of the electromagnetic flux monitoring approach in
comparison with the classical motor current signature analysis
approach when aiming to identify various faults in cage
induction motors. The research for evaluating the ability of the
chosen parameters in fault detection and discrimination is
performed on a 35 kW cage induction motor. The relevant fault
signatures of the studied diagnostic media are issued both from
measurements and from two-dimensional numerical
electromagnetic field simulations at steady state. Based
exclusively on data obtained from simulations, a study of the
modifications brought by various stator winding designs to some
of the asymmetrical air-gap electromagnetic flux density
harmonics responsible for the detection of various faults is
carried out. The studied faults are an inter-turn short circuit in
the stator winding, rotor-cage related faults (bars breakage),
eccentricities (static and dynamic) and a bearing failure.
      Index Terms—stator current, electromagnetic flux, fault
diagnosis, induction motor.
      In general, on-line condition monitoring and diagnostics
require the sensing and analysis of signals that contain
specific information, which is characteristic of the
degradation process, problem, or fault to be detected. In this
respect, measurements of signals such as: currents, voltages,
electromagnetic magnetic flux, speed, torque, vibrations and
temperature can supply relevant fault information.
      Current monitoring is the method that is most applicable in
industry but is also known that the current spectrum is
influenced by many factors including: electric supply, static
and dynamic load conditions, noise, machine geometry and
fault conditions and these conditions may lead to errors in
fault detection. Moreover, when a commercial diagnostic system has to operate between a few kW up to MW range of
different designs and driving a wide range of mechanical
loads, the diagnosis from sensing only the current and its
subsequent analysis becomes much more complex than it at
first appears [1].
      An electric machine, by definition, produces
electromagnetic flux. Based on the fact that any small
unbalance in the magnetic or electric circuit of an electrical
machine is reflected in some of the transmitted fluxes, the
magnetic flux monitoring may be efficiently used as an
additional or alternative mean to the widely used stator current
monitoring. Faults, such as turn-to-turn winding shorts,
unbalanced supply voltages or rotor-related ones create
greater asymmetries and increase in amplitudes of the
frequency components associated with such particular
phenomena are expected to reflect these asymmetries.
      This work uses field analysis in the attempt to provide an
accurate evaluation of the magnetic field distribution for the
test machine. The finite element analysis is a flexible tool
when studying faulted electrical machines as practically all the
electromagnetic faults can be analyzed using the same basic
tool. When the results provided by the simulation tool are
correctly verified by the experiments, at least from a
qualitative point of view, it becomes realistic to claim that, if a
monitoring system cannot detect and diagnose an artificial
fault from the virtual measurement signals, it hardly works
with real electrical machines, either.
      In the present work, the magnetic field in the core of the
machine is assumed to be two-dimensional. The threedimensional
end-region fields are modeled approximately
using end-winding impedances in the circuit equations of the
windings. A more detailed view on the electromagnetic model
used in our simulations is to be found in [2], and a description
of the fault implementations in the numerical simulations is
described in [3].
      For fault detection purposes, we are more interested in
qualitative than exact quantitative results i.e. more interested
in detecting how the monitored parameter behaves as a
function of time and not so much in magnitude. In this respect
the finite element meshes to be used can be relatively sparse,
as long as the geometric symmetry is the same as for the faulty machine and the time dependence of parameters is modeled
      For sensing the electromagnetic flux in various machine
locations, the following search coils were studied (see Fig. 1):
   - internal search coil mounted around one stator tooth (“1”);
both in simulations and experiments,
   - external search coil formed of 200 turns with its length
equal to the axial length of the machine and width equal to 2
pole pitches (“2”); both in simulations and experiments,
   - search coil formed of 200 turns mounted at the non-drive
end (“3”); only in experiments,
   - search coil formed of 300 turns mounted internal around
the motor shaft (“4”); only in experiments,
   - search coils sensing the electromagnetic flux harmonics of
order “p+1” (“5”) and “p-1” (“6”); both in simulations and
      The external search coil placed over 2 pole pitches and the
ones purposed to sense the harmonics of order “p±1” were
chosen bearing in mind that in a healthy machine the
symmetry forbids the flux going through these search coils
(the magnetic field of a healthy electrical machine is periodic
from one pole pair to the next one) but in a faulted machine
such a flux exists. The electromagnetic flux harmonics of
order “p±1” determined by analytical means and are of the
following form [4]:
where p is the pole-pair number of the motor, ω1 is the
fundamental frequency, ωw is the whirling frequency, φp and
φw are phase angles.
Fig. 1. Search coils positioning for measuring various electromagnetic fluxes.
      The following equations are used for verifying how well the
faults are reflected in the indications of the studied fault
  - inter-turn short circuit reflected in the electromagnetic
flux [5]
  - broken rotor bars reflected both in the electromagnetic
flux and stator current [6,7]
  - dynamic or static eccentricity reflected both in the
electromagnetic flux and stator current [8]
      In the above equations, fs denotes the machine supply
frequency, R gives the number of rotor slots, nd = 0 in case of
static eccentricity, and nd = 1, 2, 3… in case of dynamic
eccentricity (nd is known as eccentricity order), s is the slip, p
is the number of pole pairs, k is any integer, nsa and nrt are any
integers (sa=saturation, rt=rotor) and nωs is the order of the
stator time harmonics that are present in the power supply
driving the motor (nωs = ±1, ±2, ±3, ±5, etc.).
      The test cage induction motor described in Table I was fed
from a PWM inverter having a switching frequency of 3 kHz.
A DC generator was used for loading the motor. The currents,
voltages, power and supply frequency, were measured using a
wide band power analyzer. The measurements and simulations
were carried out for three different load conditions (no-load,
half-load and full-load). The current and voltage waveforms
were recorded with a transient recorder. The sampling
frequency was 40 kHz and a typical number of samples was
20000. The measurements were carried out only for the
original stator winding topology consisting of 2 parallel
branches (“2B”). The Appendix describes all the studied stator
winding configurations. The tests for the inter-turn short
circuit were carried out only at half-load and no-load
operation points.
      The short-circuit was implemented between two-adjacent
turns of the stator winding, was controlled from outside the
motor and did not comprise any resistor specialised in limiting
the effects of such a severe operation state.
      A dynamic eccentricity of 33% was obtained by fitting nonconcentric
support parts between the shaft and bearing. In
order to create an artificial static eccentricity, the inner
diameter of the motor end-shields was decreased about 0.6
mm (the size of the machine air-gap is 0.8 mm). Both endshields
were then shifted in the same direction for obtaining a
static eccentricity of around 30 %. The rotor cage failures
were artificially obtained by drilling holes in the rotor bars
and a bearing failure was created by machining a rectangular
window in the bearing outer race.
A. Broken rotor bars
Current monitoring
      A rotor-cage related failure is reflected differently for
motors equipped with various stator winding configurations.
The distortions according to Eq. 3 are to be found in all of the
studied cases but the ones according to Eq. 4 stand only for
the motors equipped with a stator winding configuration of
type “2B” and “4B”.
      However, the new frequency sideband components given
by Eq. 4 provide a precise signature of the rotor-cage fault
which is not the case for the ones given by Eq. 3 that may also
appear due to pulsating loads, interactions between the motor
and the train equipment and particular rotor designs [9]. Fig. 2
is meant to offer an example of the previously mentioned
Fig. 2. Frequency spectra of the stator winding branch current.
Electromagnetic flux monitoring
      At least for a motor operation at full and half-load, the
studied rotor-cage related faults were reflected in well-defined
associated fault frequency components (given by Eq. 4) in all
of the studied search coils. This is in opposition with the
results obtained from the case of the branch current
monitoring where a cage-related failure was reflected in this
manner only for those motors equipped with a stator winding
configuration of “2B” and “4B”. In this respect, the benefits
of using search coils for detecting rotor-cage related failures
become obvious.
      Fig. 3 presents the frequency-domain representation of the
voltages induced in the “p-1” search coil during a rotor cage
failure both in simulations and measurements.
      In a motor equipped with stator winding configurations of
“NB” and “SB” type, a rotor cage-related failure produces
additional side-bands characterized by higher amplitudes than
the corresponding ones sensed in a motor equipped with stator
winding configurations of “2B” and “4B” type.
B. Inter-turn short circuit
Current monitoring
      Based on measurements, no new frequency components in
the line current spectra appeared as a consequence of the fault
in the stator winding of the test machine.
Fig. 3. Frequency-domain representation of the voltages induced in the “p-1”
search coil.
      For this fault, only a rise in the amplitude of the 3rd
harmonic component and of the fundamental was observed
from experiments. This amplitude change was independent of
the machine loading. With reference to the case of healthy
operation, an increase of around 6 dB independent of the
machine loading was found in the amplitudes of the rotor-slot
      However, one should have in mind that low-voltage motors,
and especially, random-wound motors usually have
appreciable levels of inherent asymmetries and it may be
possible that the residual asymmetries of the motor may lead
to the appearance of the third harmonic component in the
supply currents, even when no faults are present in the motor.
      The simulations were in a relatively good agreement with
the measured results. In comparison with similar signatures
produced by other faults, the new frequency side-bands
produced in the frequency spectrum of the branch currents by
the inter-turn short circuit are so small that they may be
considered in-existent. The simulations also predicted minor
modifications (increment of about 2-3 dB) in the magnitude of
the principal slot harmonics and in the magnitude at the
fundamental frequency (3.5 dB for “4B” and “SB”, 1.6 dB for
“2B” stator winding type).
Electromagnetic flux monitoring
      For a machine equipped with winding configurations of
types “2B” and “4B”, an inter-turn short circuit does not
produce any new characteristic frequency side-bands
components to be captured by the studied search coils. The
measurements pointed out that the new relevant frequency
signatures for detecting shorted turns from electromagnetic
flux given by Eq. 2 are not observed in the studied search
      Search coil around stator tooth. From the measurements,
the only significant changes in comparison with the healthy
operation were observed at 500 Hz (10 dB increase at halfload
and 6 dB at no-load) and at 900 Hz (10 dB increase both
at half-load and no-load). In the high-frequency range, no
modifications were found in the amplitudes of the slot
harmonics in opposition with the increases of around 6 dB
observed in the branch current.
      The simulations indicated the difficulty to find clear fault
signatures in the motor equipped with stator winding
configuration of “2B” and “4B”. However, the changes
produced by an inter-turn short circuit to the rotor slot
harmonics captured by this search coil were found to be more important (7-15 dB) than the ones found in the branch current
(2-3 dB). Fig. 4 presents the modifications sensed by this
search coil during an inter-turn short circuit in a stator
winding of type “NB” and “SB”.
Fig. 4. Frequency-domain representation of the voltages induced in the search
coil wound around stator tooth - simulations – half load – inter-turn short
circuit in stator winding.
      Search coil wound around two pole pitches. From
measurements, the only sign of a possible failure was
represented by an increment of the fundamental frequency of
about 9 dB and 14 dB at half-load and no-load testing,
respectively. This is in agreement with the simulations where,
for the winding configurations of types “2B” and “4B”, an
inter-turn short circuit did not produce any new characteristic
frequency side-bands components. In the high-frequency
range, the experimental implemented turn-to-turn short circuit
is reflected in a relatively slight increment of the rotor-slot
harmonics with about 4 dB in comparison with the healthy
operation. Fig. 5 presents the modifications sensed by this
search coil during an inter-turn short circuit in a stator
winding of type “NB” and “SB”.
Fig. 5. Frequency-domain representation of the voltages induced in the search
coil wound around two pole pitches – inter-turn short circuit – simulations at
half load.
     Search coil“p+1”. From the measurements, the major
increments in the amplitude of the fundamental frequency (12-
16 dB) and in the magnitude of the 3rd harmonic (24 dB) are
found higher than those produced by this fault to the other
fault indicators. For the winding configuration of “2B” and
“4B” type, the simulations also indicate the fundamental and
the 3rd harmonic as responsible for carrying important
information about an inter-turn short circuit.
      Search coil “p-1”. Relying on the measurements, the major
changes produced by an inter-turn short circuit to the 3rd
harmonic (19 dB both for half-load and no-load operation) are
to be noticed. Fig. 6 shows the new frequency side-band
components sensed by this coil during an inter-turn short
circuit in stator windings of type “NB” and “SB”.
      The search coils around the shaft and at the non-drive end
of the machine offer useful information about the winding
failure especially by capturing the major modification
produced in the magnitude of the fundamental frequency
Fig. 6. Frequency-domain representation of the voltages induced in the “p-1”
search coil – half-load simulations.
      With reference to the healthy operation, these modifications
consist of increments in the magnitude of around 13-15 dB (at
half-load and no load) for the search coil around the shaft and
20 dB (relatively independent of the loading) for the one
placed at the non-drive end of the test motor.
      In comparison with the healthy operation, increments in the
magnitude of the rotor slot harmonics of around 4 dB (at halfload
operation) for the coil placed at the non-drive end and of
around 7 dB (both at half-load and no-load) for the one wound
around the shaft were found.
C. Static and dynamic eccentricity, bearing failure
Current monitoring
      Relying on both, experiments and simulations it was
observed that the studied static eccentricity and bearing failure
does not bring any major modification in the spectral content
of the branch current (in simulations, the same conclusion is
valid for the case of static eccentricity independent of the
stator winding configurations).
      Considering only the experimental data, it was also found
that the studied bearing failure does not produce any major
distortion in the spectral content of the branch current but only
increases of around 6-8 dB in the amplitudes of the rotor-slot
harmonics relatively independent of the machine loading.
      Studying the stator current spectra for both the symmetric
and dynamically eccentric rotors it was observed that in the
symmetrical condition only the base frequency exists while
for the dynamic eccentricity condition, side-band frequencies
around the base frequency appear at specific frequencies given
by Eq. 5 (see Fig. 7).
      An interesting conclusion drawn from the simulations is
that the dynamic eccentricity is not reflected in the indications
of the branch currents for the cases of “NB” and “SB” stator
winding configurations.
Fig. 7. Spectrum content of the stator winding branch current - dynamic
eccentricity – simulations (topmost figure) and measurements at full-load.
Electromagnetic flux monitoring
      Search coil around stator tooth. From measurements, it was
found that a bearing failure and static eccentricity were not
possible to be detected from the indications provided by this
search coil. For the case of static eccentricity, the same
conclusion was drawn after analysing the simulation data
corresponding to the motor equipped with the original
winding configuration (type “2B”). Since not even the rotorslot
harmonics offer an important hint about static
eccentricity, it becomes clear that other means of detecting
this type of eccentricity are needed. The dynamic eccentricity
was easily detectable both from measurements and
simulations corresponding to various winding configurations.
      Search coil around two pole pitches. Based on
measurements and simulations, only the dynamic eccentricity
may be detected via this search coil. In the high-frequency
range, the experimental implemented dynamic eccentricity
was not reflected very clearly in the magnitude of the rotorslot
harmonics (the rotor-slot harmonics magnitude increases
were only 2 dB at a full load motor operation in comparison
with the healthy operation and smaller for lower loadings).
Slightly higher modifications (3-5 dB) are to be found for the
experimental implemented static eccentricity independent of
the motor loading. However, one may not confidently rely on
such modifications to claim the ability to detect a static
eccentricity since such modifications are common to other
faults/asymmetries (i.e. turn-to-turn short circuit in the stator
winding). In the high-frequency range, the experimental
implemented bearing failure was very poorly reflected in the
rotor-slot harmonics by increasing their magnitudes with
around only 2 dB only at half-load in comparison with the
healthy operation.
      Search coil “p+1”. From the measurements, the static
eccentricity is clearly revealed in the information provided by
the changes in the magnitude of the following frequency
components in comparison with the healthy operation:
- fundamental: increments between 11-14 dB,
- 3rd harmonic: increments between 2-10 dB,
- rotor slot harmonics: increments between 5-15 dB
independent of the loading.
      Based on simulations, Fig. 8 points out the similar behavior
of the frequency components sensed in a motor equipped with
“NB” and “SB” winding configurations and running under
static eccentricity conditions. It is also observed that the
magnitude of these sidebands is inversely proportional with
the number of parallel branches in the stator winding.
      From the measurements, the dynamic eccentricity is clearly
revealed in the information provided by the changes in the
magnitude of the following frequency components in
comparison with the healthy operation:
- side-bands situated at around 50 and 150 Hz (according
to Eq. 5) that gradually increase from 6 dB at full-load to 16
dB at no-load,
- rotor slot harmonics: increments between 12-24 dB (fullload),
8-22 dB (half-load), 8-17 (no-load).
Fig. 8. Frequency-domain representation of the voltage induced in the “p+1”
search coil - simulations.
      Search coil “p-1”. Relying on the measurements, the static
eccentricity is clearly revealed in the information provided by
the changes in the magnitude of the following frequency
components in comparison with the healthy operation:
- fundamental: increments of around 15 dB (independent of
the loading),
- 3rd harmonic: increments between 10-20 dB (getting
higher at lower loads),
- rotor slot harmonics: increments between 4-6 dB
(independent of the loading).
      From the measurements, the dynamic eccentricity is clearly
revealed in the information provided by the changes in the
magnitude of the 3rd harmonic that are of around 4 dB
independent of the loading
-rotor slot harmonics: increments between 14-26 dB (fullload),
12-20 dB (half-load) and 8-20 dB (no-load).
      A bearing failure was not possible to be detected from the
“p±1” search coils since only a small change in the magnitude
of the rotor-slot harmonics (increment of 2-3 dB) in
comparison with the healthy operation was found. Moreover,
such minor changes in the magnitude of the rotor-slot
harmonics were also found for other types of failures, and
therefore, such indication is not even suitable for achieving
discrimination between them.
      Both for the “p+1”and “p-1” search coils, the dynamic
eccentricity was easily detectable from simulations
corresponding to various stator winding configurations.
Search coil wound around the shaft. A search coil purposed
to sense the axial flux was found able to indicate a failure in
the bearing, this being the clearest mean to observe this fault.
However, this signature was found almost similar with the one
obtained from the static eccentricity (Fig. 9) that, in terms of
apparition of new frequency components, was also invisible in
the indications of the previous mentioned search coils. In the
high-frequency range, the bearing failure was relatively
clearer reflected in the indications provided by this search
coil; an increment of around 10 dB in the magnitude of the
rotor-slot harmonics at full-load seems to be more important
than the similar modifications produced by the same fault and
by various faults in other search coil indications. For the halfload
and no-load, the same modifications were about 7 and 4
dB, respectively.
      The static eccentricity was also reflected in the rotor-slot
harmonics by increasing their magnitudes with 8-10 dB at a
full load motor operation with reference to healthy operation.
For half-load and no-load motor operation points these
indications decrease to a level of 4 and 3 dB, respectively.
Search coil placed externally at the non-drive end of the
motor. This search coil was not able to sense the cases of
static eccentricity and bearing failure.
Fig. 9. Frequency-domain representation of the voltages induced in a search
coil placed around the motor shaft – measurements – full-load.
      However, even with this poor performance on detecting
static eccentricity and a bearing failure, such an external
search coil is able to indicate the dynamic eccentricity even
from measurements at no-load.
      It was found that the detection accuracy of various
abnormalities in an induction machine (especially those
related to eccentric rotors) is enhanced by using the air-gap
mounted search coils sensing the harmonics of order ‘p±1’.
Clearly, some of the abnormalities difficult to be detected by
the classical motor current signature approach (bearing failure,
static eccentricity) have been detected via monitoring the
electromagnetic flux.
      In most of the cases, our simulation tool has the ability to
identify the frequency components responsible for the clear
distortion of the electromagnetic flux and stator current
waveforms due to various failures.
      For motors equipped with stator windings of “NB” and
“SB” types, all of the studied faults were reflected in a similar
way in the indications provided by various fault indicators.This is important to notice since these configurations are
completely different. Therefore, it is concluded that not only
the number of parallel branches but also the winding internal
connections affects the fault indications.
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