Faculty: Electrical Engineering
Speciality: Electric Drive and Industrial Installation Automation
Relevance of the topic.
Recently, in connection with the development of the element base and the emergence of software that facilitates analysis and synthesis of complex systems, interest in systems of automatic control (SAC) with state observer(SO) has increased.The necessity to use devices of observation is predefined by their ability to estimate the value of coordinates which are not possible or very difficult to measure directly (using the appropriate sensors).Availability of additional information about the system allows to improve the quality of regulation and extends the possibilities of automation of technological processes. In electromechanical systems state observers are useful for evaluation of such signals as static, dynamic, electromagnetic and resilient moments,electromagnetic flows and linkage,the speed of an engine and the executive body of the mechanism,the tension of the material which is rolled etc.
The structure of the work.
1.1 Chosing of the object of regulation and its mathematical description in the space of the state
In general the linear system in space of state looks like the following:
where A,B,C D matrixes. The first equation in the system of equations (1.1) is called the equation of state, the second - the equation of observation .In general case the block diagram represented on the illustration (1.1) conforms the system Checking the observability of the object
For a total control it is necessary to have information about the current state of the system i.e values of the variables in every moment of time.Though some variables can be abstract, i.e not have
a physical analogue in the real system, and ,therefore, can not be measured.
Physical initial variables yi(t) are measured and observed in the system if i 1.3Calculation of correction coefficients
The calculation of correction coefficients can be carried out by a method of "balancing coefficients".The essence of this method is in that that u first of all should make a description of the system using state space
Then, after defining matrices A, B, C and D, and checking up the system on observability we find the characteristic polynomial of the state observer using the formula:φc(p)= p+l
Observing devices which restore the variables of an object can also identify the parameters of an object that can not be measured.In this case observing devices are made with selfregulation after parameters that are identified through the introduction of integrators, input signals of which is the difference between measured and estimated values of the variables of an object.
2.1 Adaptation to the change of the moment of inertia of billow of engine
We will consider the application of adaptive observing device of identification in the system of the inferior adjusting of speed of the engine of direct current.Unplanned changes of the moment of inertia appear in electric drive.We will build the adaptive observing device identifying changing of the moment of inertia.To simplify we will assume that in a closed system ,according to EDS, the feedback can be neglected, and the moment of resistance remains the same.
As the main action directed on the nonsteady part of the object we will take the current of the engine, and as an output coordinate we will take the speed.The scheme of adaptive system with observing device made in Simulink environment of Matlab package is represented on illustration 2.1
2.2 Adaptation to the change of active resistance of the engine
In the process of work of the electric drive(ED) systems there is a change of parameters of the object of regulation under the influence of the thermal state of the engine and modes of it's operation.It can result in violation of system characteristics and even loss of system efficiency. Therefore, nowadays the development and realization of devices that allow to adapt the system of regulation to change of parameters of the object of regulation is so relevant.
The structural diagram of SO model which restores the value of active resistance is shown on the illustration 1, where the following denotations are used:
KТ, KС -coefficients of feedbacks according to the current regulated and speed:
Km, Tm- amplification factor and equivalent time constant of energy converter which;
L a – inductance of electromagnetic circle of engine;
L1, L2 - coefficients of basic corrective feedback of SO which can be found with the help of the formula:
On the basis of these researches can be made a general conclusion that a state observer performs functions were entrusted to it, therefore, it can be recommended for use.