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abstract of thesis on the topic "Comparative analysis of structure of ecological networks of Ukraine and Poland" INTRODUCTION
The processes of degradation of natural landscapes and development of catastrophic phenomena that continue to take place in the environment as a result of human activity identifies the importance of creation of ecological networks. Ecological networks are able to solve such important tasks, as stopping of nature degradation processes, its recovery and protection. Formation of ecological networks is the most effective method of conservation of biological and landscape variety of territories. Ecological networking is also a condition of providing healthy environment for people [1, p. 13-14]. actuality: Taking into account small practical experience in forming ecological networks in the whole world, comparative research and evaluation of the prospects of ecological networks` creation in Ukraine and Poland seem to be very significant. Such researches are going to be performed by me during writing of my master's degree work. purpose and tasks: A purpose to get the comparative evaluation of the planned structure of ecological networks of Ukraine and Poland was put for writing of the work of master's degree.
To achieve this purpose it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to learn theoretical bases and general principles of creation of ecological networks; to estimate geographical and economic conditions of ecological networking ; to learn a nature protection legislative base and structure of nature protection territories of Ukraine and Poland; to give the comparative analysis of structure of nature protection territories of Ukraine and Poland. scientific novelty: The scientific novelty of this master's degree work is to get a comparative analysis of the planned structures of national ecological networks of Ukraine and Poland and to estimate possibility of forming national ecological networks on the territories of these countries. planned results: Planned practical results of this job are: acquisition data about representatives of physiographic of Poland and Ukraine nature protection territories, and also comparative analysis of planned structures of national ecological networks of these countries. research-and-development on the topic: Maximal level in researches of development of ecological networks is a level of the Earth. In Europe European Union Council and committees that are specially created by this organization are engaged in questions of development and adoption of ecological network Natura 2000. This program is realized in European countries at national and regional levels. In Ukraine the specially authorized central executive brunch, which is responsible for the questions of ecology and natural resources in Ukraine, together with the interested central and local organs of executive power are responsible for realization of the program of creation of ecological network. On the level of the Donetsk national technical university one teacher, associate professor, candidate of biological sciences Andrey Blakbern is engaged in questions of development of ecological networks. And that is why he is the scientific leader of my master's degree work. results to the moment of the author's abstract's completion: To the moment of the author's abstract's completion the following parts of diploma were accomplished: "Theoretical bases and general principles of ecological network's forming", "Geographical and economic description of Ukraine and Poland", "Nature protection activity and structure of nature protection territories of Ukraine and Poland (comparative aspects)", "Terms, tasks and methods of creation of ecological networks in Ukraine and Poland". CONCLUSIONS At this stage of the work on the master's degree diploma the following information for the next parts is collected and analysed: "Theoretical bases and general principles of ecological network's forming", "Geographical and economic description of Ukraine and Poland", "Nature protection activity and structure of nature protection territories of Ukraine and Poland (comparative aspects)", "Terms, tasks and methods of creation of ecological networks in Ukraine and Poland". On the basis of the collected material the following conclusion can be drawn: the structures of nature protection territories of Ukraine and Poland differ from each other in a quality relation (there are 9 categories of nature protection territories in Poland, and there are 11 categories in Ukraine; thus frequently all the categories of nature protection territories of Ukraine and Poland differ in functions they complete) and in a quantitative relation (a general area of nature protection territories of Poland is 32,11% of the conrtie's territory, while the area of nature protection territories of Ukraine is 4,73% of its territory). These facts underline that the potential of Poland in forming of the ecological network is larger than Ukraine’s at the present time. At this stage of the work on the master's degree diploma the calculations of nature protection indexes were completed for the geographical subprovinces of Poland and geographical provinces of Ukraine. On the basis of these calculations the following conclusion can be drawn: geographical regions of Poland are characterized with a greater evenness of satiation with the nature protection objects than those of Ukraine. For writing of master's degree diploma the calculations of other necessary indexes will be carried out. These calculations are necessary for getting the estimation of possibility of ecological network's forming on the territories of Ukraine and Poland. Construction of structures of the planned ecological networks of Ukraine and Poland on the maps will also be fulfilled. SOURCES
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екологічної освіти та інформації, 2008. — 440 с. an important remark: To the moment of the author's abstract's completion my master's degree diploma was not completed. The final master's degree diploma's completion is planned on 1 December 2009. Completed text of the master's degree diploma and materials on the topic can be obtained from author or her scientific leader after named date.
©Donetsk National Technical University 2009 Tetiana Karpova |