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Kulik Tat'jana

Kulik Tat'jana

Faculty: ecology and chemical tecnologies

Speciality: ecology in chemical techologies

Theme of master's work:

Research a structure of gaseous products, what appear by self-extending interaction of chlorate of sodium with salts of cobalt, and their use for disinfecting water

Scientific adviser: Jyliya Mnuskina

DonNTU > Master's portal

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information
Name: Kulik Tat'jana
Date of birth: 24 april, 1987
1994 - 2004 Comprehensive secondary school ¹ 125, Donetsk
2004 - 2008 Donetsk National Technical University
Department of ecology and chemical technology.
Speciality: ecology in chemical technologies.
Bachelor of science in ecological safety
2008 - 2009 Donetsk National Technical University.
Department of ecology and chemical technology.
Speciality: ecology in chemical technologies.
Master's degree course
Work experience:
July 2006 Open Ltd. Company "Donetskcoke"Donetsk
Educational practice
July 2007 Open Ltd. Company "Donetskcoke"Donetsk
Engineering practice
April 2008 The VII international scientific conference of students and post-graduate students "Protection of the environment and rational use of natural resourses" at Donetsk Nationa Technical University.The report on a theme: " Receiving decontamination agent in the self-interaction in the system CoCl2 - NaO2"
April 2009 The VIII international scientific conference of students and post-graduate students "Protection of the environment and rational use of natural resourses" at Donetsk National Technical University,The report on a theme: " Production of chlorine in the self-interaction in the system CoCl2 - NaClO3".
Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, basic English,basic German;
Additional skills: PC user: AutoCAD; MathCad; Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, Word); EOL+; Statgraphics, Turbo Pascal, Visual Basic for Application
Hobbies: Reading,embroidery,inline skating,traveling.

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