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Master of DonNTU Medvedeva Yulya

Faculty of ecology end chemical technology
Speciality: Chemical technology of refractory non-metal and silicate materials

group TTM-08m


Study the possibility of applying new gluing additions in the production of heat-resistant wares

Scientific leader: Professor Panasenko Anatoly


1 Actuality of theme

2 Purposes and tasks

3 Experimental part



      Such gluing additions, used in a heat-resistant production, are presently known: lignosulfonat technical, sulfite yeast grain, metilcellyulose water-soluble, sodium tripolyphosphate.

      Lignosulphonates – anionic surfactant species. In water usually are in the colloid state. They reduce the surface-tension of water insignificantly, create proof emulsions and suds. lignosulfonat technical - by-product of processing of wood. sulfite yeast grain - it is a product, appearing at processing of sulfite waste liquor in forage or food yeasts. Methylcellulose water-soluble - it is fibred material of white color with a rather yellow or greyish tint. sodium tripolyphosphate - it is scattering powder of white color with the mass stake of sodium tripolyphosphate 9,7±0,3%.


      A considerable role in the production of heat-resistant wares is played by the applied gluing addition. The most wide application in the heat-resistant production of the Donetsk area has lignosulfonat technical (LST) is departure of pulp-and-paper mill, left from Russia. Ecological policy of Ukraine, directed on prohibition of import to Ukraine of wastes, limits possibility of delivery of lignosulfonat technical on territory of Ukraine.


      The purpose of this work is research of possibility of replacement of gluing addition in the production of heat-resistant materials on condition of more complete use the resources of the Donetsk area and decline of the man-caused affecting environment.


      In this work analyze possibility of replacement of standard gluing additions, left to Ukraine from abroad, on a liquid phase malt barley-corn – waste productions of beer, on superplasticizer «DOFEN», and also on the polymers of benzol separations of by-product coke plant. In addition, for comparison the results of tests are resulted with application as gluing addition of water.

      Researches were conducted on fire clay recovery. Charge solution was 30% clays, 70% chamotte and 4% over mass of gluing addition. Mass was moistened clay slurry to 6% of eventual humidity. Prepared slurry mixed up with shallow fraction of chamotte in a porcelain mortar, where added other clay and after mixing added remaining part of chamotte of large fraction in order to avoid the milling of chamotte. Mixture was ground until white grains of chamotte were not covered clay tape, i.e. while mass did not purchase a homogeneous grey color. After preparation the masses were prepared by hinge-plates for 50 grammes on technical scales and pressed on a hydraulic press with effort 90 Mpa.

                                                                                                 Animation- Preparation chamotte recoverys.  Amount of shots 11, amount of shots 5, size 100КВ,

Picture1 - Preparation chamotte recoverys
(Animated figure. Stills 11 , amount of shots 5, size 100 КВ, made in Gif Animator )

      The pressed recoverys weighed on technical scales and abandoned on the preliminary drying on shelving in the flow of days. After the preliminary drying recoverys again weighed on technical scales and placed in a drying closet on drying at the temperature of 120 0C during 5 hours. Then a temperature was promoted to 200 0C and maintained recovery during 3 hours. The then dried up recovery again weighed on technical scales exposed to the test on mechanical durability. Middle findings of values of mechanical durability on 6 for foregoing possible gluing additions resulted parallel recovery in a table.

       Table – Values of mechanical durability, Mpa

Gluing additions
Number of specimen Cross-section area, сm2 Breaking load, kgf Compressive resistance, Мpа
LST 1 8,7 1187,5 13,65
- 2 9 1187,5 13,2
- 3 9 1062,5 11,81
- 4 8,5 937,5 10,6
Sulfite yeast grain 1 8,7 2125 24,43
- 2 8,7 2250 25,86
- 3 8,7 2125 24,43
- 4 8,4 1937,5 23,07
- 5 8,7 1437,5 16,52
- 6 8,7 2187,5 25,14
Water 1 8,1 1000 12,35
- 2 8,85 1000 11,3
- 3 8,7 875 10,06
- 4 8,7 875 10,06
- 5 8,7 937,5 10,08
- 6 8,7 937,5 11,00
Malt barley-corn 1 8,7 1625 1868
- 2 8,55 1562,5 18,28
- 3 8,25 1750 21,21
- 4 8,85 16,25 18,36
- 5 7,95 1625 20,44
- 6 8,98 2312,5 25,8
The polymers of benzol separations 1 9,12 937,5 10,3
- 2 9,1 1250 13,8
- 3 9,04 1312,5 14,5
- 4 9,81 1187,5 12,1
- 5 9,03 1375 15,2
- 6 9,1 1250 13,8
«DOFEN» 1 8,86 2625 29,6
- 2 9,65 2125 22,00
- 3 8,89 2375 26,7
- 4 8,9 2437,5 27,4
- 5 8,87 2525 29,6
- 6 8,98 2312,5 25,8


- use of polymers of benzol separation and water (the last presently finds application in a heat-resistant production) as gluing addition of undesirable;

- as gluing addition, except for traditional sulfite waste liquor, can be used malt pellet – liquid phase malt barley-corn – waste productions of beer, and also superplasticizer «DOFEN» it is an oligomeric product on the basis sulfo-acid of naphthaline and benzylthiophene, which turns out on the basis of products of concentration of sulfo-acid of naphthaline, his derivatives and analogues with formaldehyde.


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© DonNTU 2009 Medvedeva