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Shtashkevych Tatyana

Faculty of ecology and chemical technology

Speciality: Chemical technology of high molecular compounds

Theme of master's work:

"Influence of maintenance of inert additions on preventive properties of explosives"

Scientific adviser: Mangos Yuri

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


NAME: Shtashkevych Tatyana.

PARSONAL DATA: 1 february 1987.

ADDRESS:10/21 Sofiska strit, Donetsk, Ukraine.


LANGUAGES: Russian, Ukrainian, English basic.

SKILS: Turbo Pascal, Math Cad, PC user, Lab VIEW, Compass 3D.

SPORTS: swimming, tennis.


1993 - 2004 - Comprehensive secondary school ¹ 71 in Donetsk.

2004 - 2008 - Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of ecology and chemical technology, speciality "Chemical technology of high molecular compound". Bachelor's diploma.

2008 topresent - Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of ecology and chemical technology, speciality "Chemical technology of high molecular compound". Master's cours.


july 2005 - Donetsk plant of chemikal products, Ukraine. Educationl practice

july 2006 - Open Ltd. Company "Donetskcoke", Ukraine. Engineering practice

DonNTU > Master's portal || Abstract