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Recovery of stable economic growth in Ukraine requires ascertaining the real state of the investment processes and the causes of decline in investment activity. Ukraine has a powerful, industrial-developed product potential, infrastructure, favorable geographical position. In terms of economic potential, as evidenced by expert estimates, Ukraine is among the first five countries in Europe and the efficiency of its use is in the second hundred of the world. World experience shows that countries with economies in transition unable to emerge from the economic crisis without the involvement and effective use of foreign investment. Characterizing the state of foreign investment in the Ukrainian economy as a whole today, it can be identified as the crisis compared with the dynamic processes occurring in the international economy. As the crisis can also be characterized and internal investment. Sustainable recovery in investment activity is usually a sign of the beginning of sustainable economic growth. Meanwhile, the state investment in Ukraine for almost the first five years of independence can be characterized as a paralysis of the entire capacity of productive economic fundamentals. Over the years, investments in fixed capital fell almost five times the drop-down by an average of 21% annually. And only since 2000 began building the investment, but to date has not yet reached the level of typical levels in 1990. Scientists say that Ukraine may withdraw from the crisis primarily through its own forces and means. However, an intensive transition to a competitive model of the national economy requires the collaboration with the global economic system in which foreign investment is an important economic lever. In addition, consideration should be given to issues such as managing the investment process in general and investment planning processes in particular, as the principal factor in increasing investment activity. | |
Note that the above issues are devoted to works of famous Russian and foreign specialists: Blank, Goncharov V., Knysh M.I, Krushvits L., Kovalev V., Peresada A., Savchuk V., Hobta V. and others, however, still remained a number of issues in relation to this issue. Development of these professionals in a dynamic market economy is gradually losing its relevance which requires a rethinking of the problem and find ways to improve the efficiency of investment planning processes. | |
The purpose of the master's work is the development of theoretical propositions, as well as the methodological and practical recommendations that have an impact on the effectiveness of the planning process for investment in industrial enterprises of Ukraine. To achieve this purpose it is to consider and decide the following tasks: - to explore the current state and problems of investment processes in Ukraine; - to define the role of planning in the management of investments; - to analyze the development of methods and models for planning and evaluation of the effectiveness of investment; - to consider the use of economic and mathematical models for investment planning; - to consider the nature of network planning, construction of network graphs, calculation of parameters of network scheduling, the optimization; - to examine the risks of investment in planning processes - to develop recommendations for improving the investment planning processes. | |
The object of research is enterprise "MMZ "Istil (Ukraine)". Subject of research: theoretical and methodological features of the planning of investment processes in Ukraine. | |
Methods of research: theoretical and methodological basis for research is a comprehensive, systematic, process and integration approaches, methods of analysis and synthesis, abstraction and formalization of economic phenomena in the sphere of management, to achieve the goal of the method of theoretical synthesis, qualitative analysis and synthesis, statistical and graphic methods. | |
Restoration of sustainable economic growth in Ukraine requires ascertaining the real state of the investment processes and the causes of decline in investment activity. According to the Professional Center for European Studies, the business risk of investment in Ukraine is 80%. He makes a slight flow of direct investment. In the global flow of direct investment to Ukrainian economy accounts for about 1% which is very little. Scientists say that Ukraine may withdraw from the crisis primarily through its own forces and means. So an important precondition for attracting both domestic and foreign investors is an effective mechanism for managing the investment process in general and investment planning processes particularly as the main factor of increased investment activity. The planning traditionally includes the goals of investment process and identify effective ways of achieving them through decisions. However, despite the traditional content of this function, investment planning becomes specific inherent in a new phase of development of Ukrainian economy features that result in the unacceptability of previously existing approaches and principles to the management of investments. It should be noted, new aspects of the planning process, which requires certain approaches to planning: - continuity of a planning; - increasing complexity of the calculations performed; - increasing the flexibility of planning; - ensuring optimal decisions [8, p. 68-69]. In addition, planning for the implementation of investment projects requires the application of modern computer technology using a variety of economic-mathematical methods. The main method of study of economic systems is the method of modeling, which is contains theoretical analysis of the object model and practical steps towards the development and use of models. Instrument for considering the tasks presented in the form of economic-mathematical modeling. It is a large number of methods of this class, which, in turn, include: mathematical statistics, econometrics, methods of experimental study of economic phenomena, etc. The main practical problems solved with the help of the economic-mathematical modeling of the investment activity of industrial enterprises are: • analysis of external and internal environment of the company, affecting the implementation of investment projects or programs; • formulation of objectives of the implementation of the modeled process; • identification of the type formed the economic and mathematical model based on the actual conditions of investing; • selection of the most important factors affecting the implementation of the investment process, and the formation on that basis, the parameters of economic-mathematical model; • selection criteria of indicators, respectively, the main tasks that are solved through the realization of investments; • definition of methods and instruments for finding a solution to the economic and mathematical models; • economic forecasting, prediction of progress in the implementation of planned investments; • choose the best options for investment; • development of management decisions [9, p. 29-30]. Given the existing problems in the planning of investment suggested the use of network planning. Network models can be widely used on all Ukrainian enterprises in the development of both long-term and current plans. Network planning will not only determine the needs of various productive resources in the future, but also to coordinate the management of consumption in the present, it will combine into a single system for all material, labor, financial and many other resources and means of production in the ideal (planned) and in actual (current) economic conditions. Network diagrams are used not only for the planning of long-term work, but also coordination between managers and executing projects, as well as to determine the necessary production resources and their rational use. Network planning can be successfully applied in various spheres of production and business activities, such as: marketing research, conducting scientific research, design development, implementation of organizational and technological projects, development of prototype and serial production, construction and installation of industrial facilities , repair and modernization of technological equipment, the development of business plans for the production of new products, restructuring of current market conditions in the production, preparation and placement of the various categories of staff, the management innovation of the company, etc. Using of network planning in a modern production contributes to the achievement of strategic and operational objectives: 1) clearly establish the detailed tasks for all units and services based on their integration with the sole purpose of strategic planning period; 2) more effectively and efficiently use the limited resources available to the enterprise; 3) to prediction of the implementation of the basic stages of works, focusing on the critical path, and promptly take the necessary planning and management decisions to adjust the timing; 4) carry out a multivariate economic analysis of different technological methods and progressive ways of work, as well as the allocation of resources to achieve planned results; 5) make the necessary adjustments to the schedule of works due to changes in the external environment, internal environment and other market conditions; 6) used for handling large volumes of reference and regulatory information, compliance with the current calculations and construct the network model of modern computer technology; 7) to receive the necessary planning data on the actual status of the progress, costs and results of production; 8) to ensure the planning and management of the interaction of long-term overall strategy on short-term specific objectives of the company [10, p. 209-211]. Thus, the using of network planning helps to develop the optimal strategic development plan of the company, which serves as the basis of operative management of the complex during its implementation. During building the network schedules it must be taken into account the existing realities and the specific characteristics of each enterprise [11, p. 123-124]. Analysis of established network models designed primarily to identify the possibility of achieving the planned strategic and tactical objectives, to give a mark the effectiveness of socio-economic outcomes and find real ways to optimize the limited production resources. In the end, optimization of network scheduling is to improve the planning, organization and management of complex operations in order to reduce the flow of economic resources and improve financial results given the planned limits. The results of a network of strategic planning can be used in enterprises in the development of annual plans for technical, economic, social, employment, financial, investment and all other kinds of market activities. | |
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