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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Bazarova Nataliya

Bazarova Nataliya

Faculty: Economics Speciality: Economics of enterprise

The theme of the master's work:

"Improving the investment planning processes"

Scientific leader:

Hobta Valentina

Materials on the theme of master's work:

Autor's abstract

About me:

at the moment I'm studing at speciality of "Economics of enterprise". My mean score during studying at university was 5,0 . My native language is Russian. I speak Ukrainian language fluently. Also I know English. Has received the bachelor's degree with distinction. I have operational experience with the programs of Microsoft Office, Statistica, Photoshop etc.

The biography:


My name is Bazarova Nataliya, and I was born on 2 October 1987 in Donetsk.

My parents, no matter how strange, long thought and debate, what would be my name — the options were very different... but fortunately for help came my older sister, and I am very grateful to her for that! But just for that! During next five years she has been deeply involved in my upbringing — drop me, and some heavy things was dropped on me, overturned carriage, etc. But when I matured a bit, we broke bikes, taps in the flat, smear plasticine and cut out all the furniture from curtains to dress dolls. And yet, according to parents, I have always hungered many sweets, chocolate or something sweet, and so did not miss any opportunity to find a favorite delicacy in the apartment.

School years

But soon, in my opinion, the carefree childhood was over and I went to school. Despite the fact that I could read and count the interview was failed, and I was not taken in the class in which I wanted.

So, from 1994,I was studied at secondary school ¹ 70 (in 2001 — high school district of Kiev Donetsk). Like everyone in the school I went there without smile on my face, but for the most part, in good faith. And even I had my favorite subjects: mathematics, geography, history, and in the upper — justify. During the school I had (often not of my own volition) to participate in regional and city competitions in physics, history, mathematics, Ukrainian and Russian languages and literature. From the fifth form I started to attend the school dance club, but it lasted not very long. From 6 class I was trying to play tennis, although in the future I would try to resume this hobby.

So, unfortunately, or fortunately, in 2004, I graduated from school and received a certificate with honors.


In the same year I entered the Donetsk National Technical University, the specialty "Economics of enterprises". In 2008, I received a diploma of bachelor, at this point - again a student of the first course, but the Magistrature.

The theme of my master's work is "Improving the investment planning processes". Supervisor is Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor., Head. Chairs "Economics of enterprises" Hobta Valentina, what I am, of course, very pleased. Results of research were published in the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists "Current status and problems of investment development".

Future plans

After graduating from the Magistrature I'm going to forget for some time about the university and take up a career, but for myself, I decided that later I would write the master's. Nothing in addition to plans for the future, even the earliest, I would not say ...

About me | Autor's abstract

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