![]() Bogdanova KatiaFaculty: Economics
Experience of the developed countries convincingly testifies that a basic form, providing effective economic vital functions in the conditions of market economy, is marketing.
Today many firms of the USA, Western Europe, Japan and many other countries carry out entrepreneurial activity by principles of marketing.
Annually the milliards of dollars are outlaid on marketing in the world. Expenses on marketing make about half of product cost. The world market of marketing researches on the average grows 10% a year.
In Ukraine marketing went through several phases. The first stage is the middle 60s, it is a period, when basic theoretical researches of the applied character developed in capitalist countries under influence of scientific and technical revolution.
In this period the economy of Ukraine was built on principle of the state (directive) planning. Suppliers, outlets, prices, production volumes, salaries and many other indexes «went down from above». The necessity of application of marketing did not arise up and, as a result, in this period the prevailing number of domestic economists was examined marketing, as «one of instruments of capitalist enterprises, directed on achievement of primary purpose, enriching due to a robbery and deception of workers». Thus, as an antipode and a proof against the use of its mechanism in our country, «advantages» of the centralized system of management were propagandized in the most science studies. Such an approach rejected the positive elements of marketing.
On the second stage (70s - beginning of 80s years) there is a successive overvalue of marketing role as a basic conception of market economy. Exactly in this period the objective estimations of marketing began to appear in works of some economists, its elements which potentially befit for the use in our terms were determined.
As Ukraine was becoming a country with the market economy a great deal of things changed. The last stage (from the middle 80s to the real moment) is characterized mainly by a new perception of the domestic economists of marketing in all its displays.
In the conditions of market economy it's not enough just to produce products. Basic task is to define correctly the necessity of the customer. An unfavorable economic situation as the one in Ukraine nowadays is greatly explained by the fact that many businessmen did not realize a marketing necessity until now.
They operate under principle: «we sell what we produce», but not the contrary as that is required by the market rules. As a result of it, the products of domestic producers are frequently uncompetitive, are not in demand for consumers and, as a result – long time there was an exceeding of import above an export. Thus, ignoring marketing at the level of separate businessmen does damage not only their business but also economy of Ukraine on the whole (at macroeconomic level).
Many domestic and oversea researchers are engaged in the questions of realization of marketing functions. At present thanks to Gerasimchuk V. G., Starostenko A.O.'s works, Druggist С.С., Kardash V. J., Vojchak A.V., Nemtsov V. D., Gerchikova I.M., Fathutdinov R. A., Sharova J.P., Golikova V. I., Dihtyay Е., Herichen H., Azarjan O. M., Mazarak A.A., Chervanyova M. D., Mova V.V., Gingston P., Jackson P., Udalov F.E., Jakovlev A.P. and other scientists are developed the general representations about ways of the salvation of this problem and its influence on organisation process and industrial-economic activities of the enterprises in general, its branches and structural divisions.
Urgency of a theme of research: For today at the enterprises of Ukraine cases of the qualified application of marketing are rather rare. Many businessmen consider till now a word "marketing" by a synonym of words "advertising", "sale". And it's only one of the marketing elements, and not the most important one. All factors set above specify that for Ukraine at the moment studying of the given problem is rather actual and even necessary for stabilisation and increase of efficiency of its economy.
Subject of research: Open Society «DBKK».
Object of research: Optimisation of marketing activity of Open Society «DBKK».
The purpose of research: To analyse a condition and to define directions of marketing activity improvement. For the purpose achievement it is necessary to solve following problems:
- To study history of marketing occurrence and development;
- To consider the points of view of domestic and foreign authors on the concept "marketing";
- To study essence of marketing;
- To consider basic elements of marketing activity of the enterprise;
- To carry out the analysis of marketing activity at particularly taken enterprise;
- To make offers for improvement of marketing activity of the enterprise.
Transformation of national economy from command administrative to the market one has entailed unprecedented changes in all fields of activity. Necessity of essential increase of a standard of living, revival and lifting the domestic economy, the establishing of image of Ukraine, require knowledge and clever application of acquisitions of the world economic theory and practice concerning industrial-economic and commercial fields of activity, market research, its structure, formation and functioning.
The economic party of marketing is reduced to distribution industrial-technological and marketing functions for the purpose of a priority in the market and successful satisfaction of requirements of consumers [6]. It covers:
- Manufacture preparation;
- Process of product manufacturing;
- Maintenance of corresponding functions of services and departments;
- System of financial and economic actions of the firm.
The commercial party of marketing means formation of an especial way of thinking directed on satisfaction of initial demand, that is interest in purchase and consumption of the goods. Commerce subordinates and directs the manufacturer to make only that it is possible to sell, without forgetting about constantly growing requirement and needs of consumers in the market. This function of marketing includes:
- Revealing of requirements and different groups of customers, working out and manufacturing of the goods;
- An establishment of the price and other stimulating factors;
- Revealing of rational ways of delivery of the goods in the necessary quantity, packing, and with corresponding informative support.
Generally marketing is a system of the organisation and sale of the goods, directed on satisfaction of requirements of concrete consumers and users and on reception of the profit based on market research and market forecasting [4].
Application of marketing by the enterprises is carried out taking into account principles, the purposes and specific functions which are carried out by it in industrial-marketing activity.
It is necessary to consider that sale is one of the main elements of marketing which goes after such elements as revealing of consumer requirements, working out of the goods and an establishment of the corresponding price, adjustment of system, their effective stimulation. A role of sales in marketing activity is caused by following circumstances:
1. In sale sphere the result of commercial manufacture is defined;
2. The adaptation of a marketing network to inquiries of consumers influences a success in competitive activity;
3. The marketing network continues manufacture process, incurring function of completion of the goods, storage and sorting.
Research of the basic forms and sale methods is directed on search of perspective means of advancement of the goods from the manufacturer to the end user and the organisation of retail trade on the basis of the all-round analysis and an estimation of efficiency of used channels and ways of distribution and sale.
The capacity of grain market in Ukraine makes approximately 5-5,4 million t/ies [1]. However, by data of State Statistics Committee, it's baked half fewer.
Compared to 1990s annual production volumes descended three times and continue to go down [2]. But, despite it, the deficit of bread absents. At the market of bread which nobody stocks for the future use, there was set balance of demand and supply. Experts, determining its volumes, to all appearances, are oriented on the decision of Cabinet #656 from 14.04.2000, which ratified the set of food stuffs for basic task and demographic forces of population of country.
The norm of consumption of rye and wheat bread makes 101 kg a year for a working person [3].
Its cost had an effect on the value of bread. In the days of the USSR bread production was a grant, therefore bread was bought for cattle. Now it is an impermissible luxury. Growing prices compelled many people to revise the attitude toward bread – everybody tries to acquire exactly so much, then not to throw out it in garbage.
Reduction of amount of population on 4-6 millions of persons, naturally, also affected market of bread. The pattern of consumption changes: the rising to the end of 2008 level of welfare of people allowed to "re-form" the ration basis of which was more recently made by flour wares, in behalf on green-stuffs, fruit, milk, meat and fish wares.
Part of producing is being done on small private enterprises and home baking. This products, certainly, are not the subject of an account and on fully objective reasons is not considered by statistics. Thus the analysis of situation and planning of necessities of industry becomes complicated in raw material. The bakeries are opened also in many super- and hypermarkets. However, largeproducers positively behave to this circumstance: in fact exactly in the shops of large format the best of all there are for sale their most expensive sorts of products. Import which barely drags as far as to 1% from all realization, does not render the special influence.