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Bondarenko Yekaterina

Bondarenko Yekaterina

Faculty of Economic
Speciality: Management of innovative activity

Theme of master's work:

Increase competitiveness of enterprise by intensification of innovation factors

Scientific adviser: Stepanova T.A.

About author


Introduction (Motivation)

The success of functioning every enterprise in the final analysis depends on the level its competitiveness. Thereby we must to recognize that we need in improvement the exist methods of valuation and management by competitiveness of enterprise that founds on the narrow correlation of universally laws of economy and management, psychology and sociology, statistics and theory of probability, another science.

Urgency of subject

Success of organization, which works on the market, in many things depends on ability to replay on demands which move out its business environment. The process of reception by organization the managerial decision — the process transformation of information about business environment in movement.
The conception "competitiveness" has different interpretations depends on the object which it is used. At systematic study this conception we can separate out the structure which successive includes the valuation of competitive ratio of produce, organization area of economics. Thus, the diagnostics and valuation of competitive ratio of produce is the important indicator for aims of government regulation of markets and for making the competitive strategics of separate organizations on these markets.
The integrated assessment of competitiveness organization in this period development of economics needs in special attention to the valuation exactly innovation factors of development enterprise. It binds with elaboration and release of innovation produce, introduction new sort of technics and technology as well as changes in organizational structureof enterprise. We need to mark that elaboration, pruduction and introduction on the market of new goods is long and expensive process
Thereby exactly improvement of valuation methods of competitiveness of enterprise at the expense of strengthening of innovation factors is the important question for realization the practical activity of enterprises which depends on activization innovation activity in conditions of competition on the market.

The scientific meaningfulness of Masters work

It was offered the new instruments of valuation the competitiveness of enterprise, shows the appropriateness of influence of innovation factors on indicators of competitiveness of enterprise. The scientific of results this research consists in progress of foundations research of business environment of organization with a glance influence of innovation factors on competitive position of organization on the market.

The practical value of Masters work

The resume of Masters work with a practical view is the system of indicators the valuation of competitiveness of enterprise which you can use in specific conditions of enterprise.

The methods of research

The methods of analysis (methods of comparison, index, balance, graphic, economic - mathematical and other) and methods of economical substantiation.

The object of research.

The competitiveness of enterprise.

The subject of research.

The logic and scientific reasons of influence the innovation factors on result of methods valuation the competitiveness of enerprise in food industry.

The content of Masters work

In introduction is based the urgency of subject, defined aim and research task, opened The practical value and scientific meaningfulness of results.
In the first part is researched theoretical foundation of valuation the competitiveness of enterprise and showed the features of influence the innovation factors on the rise of indicators the competitiveness.
Also is cosidered the approaches to management of competitiveness and methods of valuation the competitiveness of enterprise including model with ideal spot, graphic and matrix methods.
In the second part is execute the detailed analysis of financial condition "Sarmat" on the market of Ukraine and maked the valuation the competitiveness the existed type of production and developed of directions of intensification innovation factors of enterprise with the view of growth the indicators of competitiveness. Such innovation factors appear development and introduction the innovation types of products, probable variants of introduction the new technology and organizational changes in the structure of management of enterprise which are considered and analysed with the view of valuation the reasonability their realization.
In the third part is based the fundamental direction of improvements the valuation the competitiveness of enterprise at the expense of influence of innovation factors in conditions of market economy. Also is moved the suggestion about introduction the mechanismes of control influence the innovation processes on the indicators of competitiveness enterprise.
There is developed the methodology of formation the innovation policy of enterprise in the context formation its competitive advantages, the system of indicator the valuation of competitiveness enterprise in consideration of innovatio factors.