Faculty menedgmentai innovatsiy
Speciality:Professional selection of staff
The program of socio-economic development of Ukraine determines necessary pre-conditions of increase of level of profits and life íàñåëåííÿ is cardinal growth of the productivity of ïðàö³ on the base of innovative model of development of economy, äîñÿãíåííÿ macroeconomic proportions, proper to the tendencies of the permanent economy growing. Vazhlivim the task of scientific search are sources growth of the labour in the modern terms of market economy of Ukraine productivity. Therefore primary objective of this work - to make attempt to define, in the first section theoretical to basis of growth of the labour productivity. Tasks scientifically research work:
The labour productivity is the base index of the use of labour resources on an enterprise, in industry, in the state. This index is a result in the analysis of activity of management of personnel, efficiency of the programs of increase determines motivations, teaching of personnel and others like that. In the first section will consider the concept of the labour and value productivity its growth on the different levels of economy. Overcoming of economic crisis Ukraine possibly ëèøå on condition of increase to efficiency of public labour. It should be noted that questions of effectiveness and åôåêòèâíîñò³ of human activity always stood in a center attention to the economic theory and economic practice. In the çàãàëüíîìó understanding in economic theories under efficiency of public production understand a relation to the result of activity (which volumes can be and cost of âèðîáëåíî¿ and realized products, size of added âàðòîñò³, income, and others like that) to the charges on his production. The last are determined by the cost of the used åêîíîì³÷íèõ resources (costs of human capital, costs of ïðèðîäíèõ resources and cost of capital goods). Attitude of result toward charges is considered economic by efficiency. Except for economic efficiency, there is ïîíÿòòÿ of social efficiency which â³äïîâ³äí³ñòü understand under to the result of public labour to the necessities of company and personality.
IFor 2001-2007, when after the decade of slump economy of Ukraine of beginning to grow, the physical volume of GDP was increased on 67%, and quantity of busy - only on 4,5%. It seems that the public labour productivity over the years rose in 1,617 time and due to its increase it was got 97% increase of GDP. Average annual growth of the labour productivity rates for 2000-2006 were 7,1%, and the average annual real wage - 18,2%, I.e. in 2,56 time is more. One of main macroeconomic problems of our country is the low labour productivity. Lag of rates of growth of the labour productivity from the rates of growth of pay-envelopes results in inflation. Investments can decide a problem in modernization of productions and in-plant training of personnel. The labour productivity in Ukraine makes only 25% from the productivity in 25 countries of European Union, here the same index in relation to Poland, Czekh, Slovakia and Hungary - 44% makes. The problem of modernization of production in Ukraine for years independence was especially aggravated, it confirmed an index average annual gross investments fixed for 17 years (1991-2007 years), which is equal to 29,5% from this index in 1990. Thus a decision of problem of modernization is priority direction for growth of the labour productivity. Impossibility of decision of this problem in modern terms is explained by an unwillingness to inlay large facilities in unstable economic and politically country. Insignificant investments in educated by a soviet «gigantomania» industry of Ukraine incapable to show out the productivity on the European level. Thus there is a question of qualification of the Ukrainian workers and engineers, whether they are ready to work with an on principle new production equipment. An answer can be found in the higher technical universities of country and in most cases negative answer. A problem is in that future engineers are in a position only on books to study a modern equipment, on practical employments in university laboratories they in most cases are waited by àíòèêâàðèàò of soviet epoch. For the decision of problem of low level of the labour productivity it is necessary to decide two questions: a question is political to stability and question of conforming to of education the modern requirements. Maximally free to the competition - one of the basic requirements to the state for forming of competitive modern business. In Ukraine there is a free competition between the producers of commodities and services, but at the market of labour a healthy competition absents. A swift rise in prices and worsening of quality of labour resources becomes illness of all our economy. Domestic enterprises are all more frequent forced to import specialists. There is the reserved circle in the situation of deficit of high-quality personnel; an enterprise does not want to teach a personnel, because high-quality specialists rather than all will be enticed by competitors and tries to entice employees, the same exciting the cost of shots. For years independence Ukraine lost the main competitive edge - cheap and high-quality labour force.
In the last 10 years there is reduction of rates of growth of the labour productivity in an international economy, special this tendency is characteristic for the developed countries where already the modern production systems are effectively used and involved most backlogs. Thus in developing countries the rates of growth are high enough, although on the whole the indexes of the productivity considerably yield to such in the developed countries. Thus for the last ten years of the USA strongly passed the competitors on economic indicators. Published by the workinggroup of professor of the Groningenskogo university in Netherlands Bart Van Arka the comparative analysis of indexes of different countries in 2005 confirmed the tendency of the last ten years to slowing down of the economy growing of countries of Europe and Japan. In Europe it is explained to those that Europeans do not wish to work. For example, wageworkers and office workers in the USA (including workings not complete working day), on the average, work 36 hours in a week, and their vacation makes two weeks in a year. A wageworker or office worker in Germanium conducts at work on the average 31 hour in a week and has six weeks of vacation. Mainly, such distinctions are determined by a conscious choice. A tendency to reduction of amount of workings clock in Europe was observed constantly, since 1950. In the USA an analogical process stopped at the beginning of 1980th, and since, in spite of further growth of profits, the citizens of the USA did not consider necessary to «get» a reduction on your own the greater amount of spare time. Europeans accede to that a decline of level of profits is a price for the greater amount of time, conducted house The middle labour productivity in Europe was compared to the analogical indexes in the USA in 1995, however since it went down on 10%. Since in a period from 1987th for 1995 growth of the ïî÷àñîâîé productivity in EU-15 exceeded the index of growth of the productivity in the USA on 1,2%, in the last ten years a tendency changed cardinally. And now already the USA demonstrate annual growth of the productivity on 1% higher, than in Europe. A decline of economic indicators of Japan was not such expressed, however much the specific problem costs before it - traditionally the low labour productivity. By comparison to the USA and countries of Europe, Japan a more capital was always required on the average and labour force for the production of one unit GDP - mainly, by reason of low efficiency of sphere of services and agricultural sector. The results of researches of separate companies show in the field of retail business, that advantage of the USA is fully determined by aspiration and willingness to build new shops, closing here old, already being not competitive. In other words, the «effect of Wal-Mart» transformed the economy of the USA so, as far as shops of this company are a landscape of entire country. In Europe, opposite, growth of the labour productivity is scienter braked by a legislation about planning and measures on purposeful support of becomings antiquated noncompetitive companies. The professor of the North-western university Robert Gordon considers that the capability of existent producers in Europe is arrived at due to impoverishment of users, that, according to his opinion, is a too large price for support of small and unproductive business. Supposition, that the European economy not enough effectively draws on new technological accomplishments, confirmed by the results of research of distinctions in the productivity of separate companies of the USA and Great Britain, Center of economic activity of London school of economy conducted by a professor by John by Van Reenenom. The curious opening was become by that the level of the productivity of factories, belongings to the American companies, does not depend on that, they are located in the USA or in Great Britain. The restaurants of networks of McDonald’s and Starbucks in London work similarly effectively, as well as in New York. The British companies in analogical industries of economy demonstrate more low level of the ïî÷àñîâîé productivity and on the whole are less effective, in spite of comparable with the American companies volumes of investments in perfection of production process. In opinion of Van Reenena, comparatively more low efficiency of the European economy is determined by differences in administrative approaches and use of technologies. The American companies, on the whole, more effective use technological works, and that lightness with which they discharge employees and hire new compels a personnel to work with a maximal return.