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Kabanov Aleksandr

Kabanov Aleksandr

Faculty: economy

Speciality: economy of enterprise

Theme of master's work:

Optimisation mechanism management profit on enterprise

Scientific adviser: Meshkov Andrey

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Average mark in the period of studies in university was 4,95. I know ukrainian and russian languagies. I like play football and billiards very much.

Short biography:

I, Kabanov Alexander was born on 27 of October, 1987 in Donetsk city. My parents: Kabanov Igor – driver and Kabanova Irene is a salesman-consultant. In childhood I liked to play in noisy games on fresh air with my friends. Later began play football. I Was finished general school ¹ 138. In 1 and 3 class I received praiseworthy deeds. At school I liked to study geography and history, not rarely I won school olympiads on these objects in 5-8 classes. At school I was surrounded by careful teachers. After completion of school in 2004 I was entered Donetsk Institute of Municipal Economy on speciality economy of enterprise. A choice of this speciality was realized by me. In 2008 year I was finished Donetsk Institute of Municipal Economy with a red diploma, my average mark was 4,95. In summer of the same year I was entered in Donetsk National Technical University. The theme of my diploma work is: «Optimization mechanism of management profit on enterprise». In future I plan to work on speciality, and in a long-term prospect by a sole proprietor.

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