Theme of master's work:MARKETING AUDIT AT THE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISEScientific adviser: Ph.D. - Amelnitskaya E.V.The abstract on a theme of master’s work
IntroductionMarketing activity is a necessary component at each big enterprise which works in market conditions and is compelled to struggle for the part of the market and the buyer which aspires to receive competitive positions in the market and successfully to do the business. Each modern company has in the strategy of development – the marketing plan. Therefore very much the great value is given to an estimation of efficiency of marketing activity of the industrial enterprise. Theme urgencyThe theme urgency consists in necessity of an estimation of efficiency of marketing activity at each enterprise. Because marketing activity and its result directly is connected with sale of production and the enterprise income. Marketing expenses can be big enough, therefore it is necessary to count and to know accurately what effect for the enterprise will bring certain marketing actions. The scientific importance of workWork solves a problem of difficulty of an estimation of marketing actions as in a complex and on separate elements of the marketing program. As now there is no uniform confirmed approach to definition of marketing efficiency. Practical value of results of workPractical value of the given work is working out and an economic substantiation of a technique which will allow to estimate and optimise expenses on marketing activity of the enterprise. The basic resultsThe technique of an estimation of efficiency of marketing activity of the industrial enterprise is developed. The basic partConcepts and kinds of economic efficiencyThe term "effect" in a translation from Latin means "result". Also, the category "efficiency" can be interpreted as "productivity". The term effect matters result, a consequence of change of a condition of the certain object caused by action of the external or internal factor. If to spend mathematical analogy the effect is a delta, a gain of some variable or its difference of the previous and following values. It is clear, that value of this delta can be both positive, and negative or in general zero. Similarly before and the effect can be as positive when changes are useful, and negative when changes are destructive, or zero when changes are not present. However, last case namely when zero, it is possible to consider result in concrete conditions either positive, or negative effect and separately not to consider. Thus, exists as objective change of a condition of certain system (object), and its estimation. This estimation can have quantitative and qualitative character. We have already resulted a typical example of quality standards, having divided set of effects on positive and negative. As to quantitative pricing it is carried out by means of various quantity indicators which can be divided on two big groups: partial and the general. Hence, actually production efficiency definition consists in an estimation of its results. Volumes of made production in natural or cost (for wholesale prices or under the cost price) expression or profit can be such results. But the in itself size of these results does not give possibility to do conclusions about efficiency or an inefficiency of work of the enterprise as it is not known, by what price the received these results. From here for reception of an objective estimation of efficiency of the enterprise it is necessary to consider also an estimation of those expenses that these or those results have given the chance to receive. Manufacture process is carried out through a combination of factors, that it define: means of labour (fixed capital), subjects of work (circulating capitals), a labour (manpower). Besides, essentially manufacture is influenced by a financial condition of the enterprise, and also certain organizational, administrative, technological and other advantages that are displayed as immaterial resources. Therefore for an estimation of expenses logically to take an estimation of all listed resources. Proceeding from it it is possible to make such definition of efficiency: efficiency of the enterprise represents a complex estimation of end results of use of the cores and circulating capitals, labour and financial resources and immaterial actives for the certain period of time. [1] As the most important indicators of economic efficiency of a social production the capital intensity and a capital intensity serve labour input. Identification the companies businesses Redundancy of an industrial infrastructure and actives, limitation of financial and human resources, and also gradual loss of competitiveness of production of the industrial enterprises of the CIS countries conducts to necessity of radical reorganisation of the enterprises and concentration on the most competitive бизнесах. But even after the cores бизнесы have been identified, there can be a problem: the business classified on the above-stated matrix at the enterprises on the post-Soviet territory can not have anything the general with similar business "to world measures". So, for example, in the world there are no manufacturers, whether which hydraulic career dredges delivered to the consumer only. Caterpillar, Liebherr, Komatsu, O&K, Hitachi carry out complex deliveries of the equipment for open mountain workings out: dredges, loaders, dump-body trucks, graders, scrapers, other technics. And at the comparable prices the probability of acquisition of separately taken dredge at the manufacturer from the CIS aspires to zero. However, the set example concerns already a following stage of works - to a stage of the strategic analysis and the competitiveness forecast бизнесов. [3] The analysis and the forecast of branch tendencies. Search of perspective products and technologiesAt carrying out of the analysis of branch tendencies it is important not to become isolated on the analysis of tendencies in the traditional markets: for the majority of manufacturers of an industrial output of the CIS countries this post-Soviet territory. It is possible to result set of examples when technologies actively used in the CIS countries, зарубежом are superseded for a long time more modern and effective. For example, practically anywhere in the world (except for only several countries) for open mountain workings out rope career dredges are not got. From the end 70х years, it is technics it is gradually superseded by hydraulic dredges. Or other example - agricultural tractors: in the world the share of catarpillars in park does not exceed 10 % and this technics is used at work in specific soil-climatic conditions, on the big spaces or in the countries with a mountainous lay of land. However, for example, in Russia the share of catarpillars in park makes about 40 %. There is a natural question: demand in Russia on caterpillar a tractor in the long term will be how much mass 5-10 years and whether has sense now to do the rate on this technics? Probably, it is more rational to consider catarpillars as "milk cow", in parallel investing in workings out of wheel tractors or concentrating on other perspective niches for catarpillars - for example, the road-building technics, first of all, бульдозерной. [3] The forecast of a long-term competitive position of the company on each business (product). The analysis and the forecast of a market position of competitorsThe competitive position of the company in the market is defined by degree of conformity of production of company KFPR - to key factors of decision-making by the buyer about purchase. Analyzing degree of conformity of production of the company and production of competitors КФПР, taking into consideration a current share of the company in the market, it is possible to predict accurately change of a competitive position of the company and to make purposeful efforts on strengthening of a position of the company in the market. Estimation of marketing activity of the enterpriseEstimation of efficiency of marketing activity – the important component of work of any marketing subsection. Marketing subsections of the enterprise – one of the key centres who are responsible for preparation of essentially important decisions for the company and other involved subsections co-ordinating activity. It defines especial importance of the control and increase of efficiency of marketing function.
Technique based on calculation of dynamics of indicatorsDuring calculation of this technique following indicators will be calculated:
The part of profit of the enterprise from commercial activity is a defining indicator at an estimation of quality of the organisation, functioning and management of marketing system as the purpose of any commercial enterprise consists in maximisation of profit received by it. 1. Competitiveness on a product: 3. Competitiveness on product finishing to the consumer: 4. Competitiveness by criterion of advancement of a product: The conclusionFor a full most exact estimation of marketing activity of the company it is recommended to use the developed author's technique of the given work. The literature