Kononov Dmitriy
Faculty of economics
Department: Management of innovative activity
Theme of master's work:
Financial providing of innovative processes
Scientific adviser: a candidate of economics sciences, associate professor of department of economics Kravchenko Sergey
About author |
Summary of master's work
Actuality of problem
Uses of innovations substantially influences on economical development of a country in the direction of acceleration of structural alteration of economy, also it increases its competitiveness, investment attractiveness and providing of financial safety of country, in the world economic system. Fixing of innovative pattern of economic growth in Ukraine is a necessary condition of its subsequent dynamic development and integration in outer economic space. Therefore all greater attention spared to creation of favorable terms for development of innovative processes.
One of the most effective stimulation of activation of innovative activity are become by financial, that is why the questions, which are related to forming of the system of the financial providing of innovative activity and searching of perspective sources of its financing both acquire actuality.
It is predefined by narrow-mindedness of financial resources, that inherently to the modern economic situation, by exceptional importance of innovative transformations in the economic and social spheres of country, and also by the necessity of creation of effective forms of the financial providing for every stage of innovative activity. Financial stimuli are instrumental in activation of introduction of innovations on conditions of legal and administrative decision of problems, related to transfer of technologies, by creation innovative infrastructures, by defense of intellectual ownership rights. Theoretical principles of research of influence of innovative processes on the economy grow and base on the financial providing of innovative activity are stopped up in works of the known scientists,such as M. Kondratyeva, D. Clarck, D. Nort, G. Freedman etc.
Purpose and task of research
The purpose of master's degree work is deepening of theoretical principles of the financial providing of innovative activity and development of recommendations in relation to the commercial investing of innovative activity.
1. to investigate innovative activity as object of financing and define the features of its financial providing;
2. to watch the modern state of material of the financial resources of innovative activity in Ukraine and to define influence of financial factors on the rates of its development.
3. to analyze the features of functioning of the system of the financial providing of innovative activity in Ukraine and find out the basic problems of subsequent development.
A research object is an aggregate of financial relations which arise up between the subjects of menage in relation to form and direct financial resources on innovative activity.
The article of research :
Theoretical bases and practical aspects of the financial providing of innovative activity in Ukraine
Basic maintenance of work
Actuality is grounded in introduction, a purpose and task of research is formulated, a scientific novelty and practical value of the got results of research is represented. In the first section “General theoretic principles of the financial providing of innovative activity ” the value of innovations is investigational in economic development of country, certainly economic essence of innovations and innovative activity as objects of financing general theoretic questions are considered financing of innovative sphere in the conditions of transformation economy, a necessity and features of financing of innovative activity is exposed.
In the second section - “Financial providing of innovative activity of industrial enterprises of Ukraine and its feature in the conditions of transformation of society” the features of innovative activity are investigational on the industrial enterprises of Ukraine; the tendencies of financing of innovative activity are analysed; a place and role of income and depreciation decrees is certain in the structure of facilities for providing of innovative processes. Considerable attention is spared to the questions of government control of innovative activity.
In the third section - “Directions of improvement of the financial providing of innovative activity are in Ukraine” formulated to recommendation in relation to perfection of methods of financial stimulation of innovative activity in Ukraine.
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