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Abstract |
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Kovalenko Helen Theme of master’s work: "Innovative potential of the mining enterprise" The important remark: At a spelling of the given author's abstract work is masters not completed yet. Final end: January, 2010. The full text of work and materials on a subject can be received from the author or his head after the specified date. |
Urgency |
In the current economic climate strong role in the competitiveness of individual economic entities, regional and national economy in general have an innovation. The development of Ukraine as an industrial-agrarian country depends not only on a clear vision for the development of certain areas and industries, but also from the definition of priority activities of specific businesses. This, in turn, every company should have its own capacity to innovate. Potential (from Lat. Potenita - force) - are the sources, opportunities, stocks, funds that can be used to solve any problem, achieve a specific objective, to individual, society, state in a particular industry. The definitions of the objectives that the company provides to achieve and the means, ways and conditions of their achievements solves strategic planning. It is therefore important to consider the innovative potential of its structure as well as strategic planning for mining companies. |
Purpose and tasks of work |
The main objective of this paper is to assess the innovative capacity of enterprises, identify its most important components. Achieving this goal requires the implementation of such tasks: the analysis of innovation potential of the company, its components, the definition of the objectives of the strategic planning and its implementation method of network planning |
Scientific novelty |
An evaluation of the innovative capacity of enterprises based on the method of analysis of hierarchies. |
Practical value |
The proposed assessment enables a qualitatively assess the level of innovative capacity, with its various components. |
Basic part |
INTRODUCTION In the introduction unsubstantiated scientific relevance , the basic tasks and the purpose are formulated of the master's work. In the first section «Theoretical aspects of concept of innovative potential of the enterprise» the basic concept of innovative potential of the enterprise, its characteristic and structure is considered. In the context of a market that is characterized by instability of the goals of the company, due to strength in demand and supply, prices of goods and factors of production, changes in the competitive environment and other macro-and microeconomic factors, one of the priorities of management becomes the establishment and assessment of current and future business opportunities , ie its capacity [1]. Classification of forms of potential carried out in such areas: There are different approaches to the interpretation of the concept of innovative capacity. Some authors stress the availability of resources, others to the possibility of their use. But most so-called resource guided approach, ie first becomes innovation potential as a set of resources, allocating most of its elements such as staffing, information technology, organizational and logistical components. Separately, it is possible to allocate financial resources, which provide conditions for the implementation of other elements and act as their measurement. The financial component of innovative capabilities ensures the flow of funds to implement innovative processes, incentives and conditions for the development of innovation, influence the choice of subjects of innovative projects to the needs of the operation and development of the areas of innovation[2]. Consider the components of the innovative capacity of enterprises. Market potential. Displays the level of compliance of opportunities outside the enterprise market needs innovation, which are generated by the market environment. According to the success of the market reach about 65% of innovation, although only 10% is really new, but only 20% of new versions of well-known products. Thus, the need for a marketing analysis of the market of innovative capacity is obligatory. Intellectual potential. Determines the ability of generation and perception of ideas and designs and bring their innovations to the level of technology, design, organizational and management decisions. Personnel potential. Characterizes the ability of staff and workers of the company to apply new knowledge and technology, organizational and managerial solutions to fulfill the design and manufacture new innovative products. Personnel component provides training personnel. This component largely determines the management system, its flexibility, adaptability. Technical potential. Displays the ability to rapidly reorient production capacity and develop cost-effective production of new products that meet market needs. This component is the appropriate logistical and technological mortgage companies, the availability of reserves or the ability to obtain quick, flexible equipment and technology, the speed of the design and technological services. Information potential. Displays information, businesses, the degree of completeness and accuracy of the information necessary for effective innovation. Thus, the above says that without the availability of reliable and relevant information becomes impossible to use a strategy of permanent innovation. The most essential innovation in the information about market needs, consumer demands, market situation, the level of competition, long-term direction of the STSC and an assessment of the economic, political, legal, social, technological, environmental, compared with state rivals development potential and attractiveness of their business. Financial potential. Displays financial collateral, investment attraction, credibility and good financial management of the company to ensure a resilient innovation at all stages of the innovation cycle. Motivational potential. The potential of the company on the align and harmonize divergent interests of subjects of the innovation process: development of innovation, producing new products, investors, suppliers of the raw materials, materials and components, trade and marketing intermediaries, customers, society at large, etc. Especially important to the formation of an adequate system of motivation of the subjects of the innovation process, where a significant role to play what should be a motivation of consumption and production of new products, since the lack of interest of consumers and producers makes it impossible for the success of any innovative products. Communication potential. Characterized by the existence of communication links, which show the level of certainty and efficiency of interaction of the company with the elements of the external environment, which contribute to achieving the goal of innovation, ie availability of reliable communication with partners, suppliers, resources, distribution channels and marketing innovative consumer products. Research potential. Shows the existence of a provision of scientific research sufficient to generate new knowledge, the ability to conduct research to test the ideas of innovation and their possible use in the manufacture of new products. All the constituent parts, which have influence on the development of innovation, should be agreed among themselves and to perform certain functions under the mechanism of their utilization, which is being developed in the bosom of innovation management companies. Use of resources is always focused and organized a certain way to realize the needs of society and economic entities. The objectives of innovation may be the survival of the enterprise and the preservation of a niche in the market, increase product competitiveness, expansion, increase profits, and so on. By the innovative capacity also must be a concept that characterizes the internal capacity of the innovation environment in which enterprises, purposeful activity of bringing specific business resources. It should be borne in mind and the external economic factors that affect the innovation potential, such as the state innovation policy, the policy of credit institutions, the competitive strategies of consumers, suppliers, financial intermediaries, changes in consumer tastes. So, the resource approach is insufficient for the definition of "innovative capacity". The innovative capacity should be viewed as a complex dynamic system for the generation, accumulation and transformation of scientific ideas and scientific results into innovative products, processes. The innovative capacity of the company - is a subsystem of a complete system, in which it interacts with the other potentials of the company (human resources, scientific, technical, technological, etc.) [3]. Fig.1. Place of innovative capacity in the economic potential of the company (animation: 1 sec, repeat 10 times) Considered above, the totality of the innovative capacity of an opportunity to make such conclusions: The second section "Strategic planning of the mining enterprise" defined strategic planning of the company and its main methods of determination. Strategic planning is a set of procedures and decisions, which is developing a strategy companies that achieve the objectives of the operation of the enterprise. Strategic planning is a tool with which justified management decisions in the field of business. His biggest challenge - to provide innovations and organizational changes required for life business. As the strategic planning process includes four types of activities (functions of Strategic Planning). These include: the allocation of resources, adaptation to the external environment, internal coordination and management, organizational change [5]. Long-term planning for mining companies require investment and innovation strategies. In other words, the long-term planning - a process of forming parameters determining the condition of the economy and enterprises in accordance with the socio-economic policies of the state. It includes policy and private performance. Policy-making - it is performance-oriented implementation formulated by the State before the goals (of the order, the economic regulators), private - rates, generate business for the strategic production program. Therefore, long-term planning can be viewed as a coordination mechanism and the activities of the state and enterprises. Important at current planning, reliability, implementation plans, forecasting costs and benefits of economic activities, evaluates the impact of uncontrollable factors, industrial and commercial (market) environment, whose values can not be fixed at the planning stage, how to compensate the deviations of actual from planned or under contract[6]. There are no modern methodological documents regulating the process of planning of coal mines, mines did not have long-term and medium-term plans for production, while the current plans are based on techniques developed in the 70-to 80-years of the last century, who did not take into account market conditions management. The main objective of planning at present is limited to the justification of public support for the partial compensation of costs for the cost of production. Development of methodology of strategic planning in the coal industry is based primarily on scientific approaches and principles used in strategic management: a systemic, behavioral, administrative, marketing, reproduction, regulation, integration, and others. Applying an integrated approach to strategic planning is especially important, given the wide-ranging reform of the industry and its importance to the country's economy. The approach is that the strategic development of the industry should be determined on the basis the relationship between the state and the economy as a whole. An integrated approach, except for an energy policy and energy security, allows for the analysis and assessment of the economic regulation of industry, the impact on its socio-economic status. The proposed integrated strategic planning process of the development of the industry as opposed to the current consideration of a joint and mutual agreement on the concept of development, strategies, targets and programs and practical solutions to problems at the level of mining enterprises. The principle of systemic helps identify problems and develop strategic approaches to their analysis and elimination, as an opportunity to address the issue as a single integrated system to identify all the implications and in conjunction with the decision of private relationships. Reproductive principle in strategic planning focused on the continuous renewal of the productive capacity of the coal companies, the needs of a particular coal market. One of the priorities in market conditions of managing the coal industry is the establishment and use of production capacity of the mines. Only on this basis, perhaps the revival of the optimal planning of coal. Under a production capacity of the company refers to the volume of products that can be made for a certain period of time. For some time this power can be considered permanent. However, as conditions change, it must be corrected [7]. |
List of unresolved problems |
The task of future research is to assess the innovation potential of the method of analysis of hierarchies. |
Current and planned results on a theme |
A basic definition of the innovation potential of the company, reviewed its structure, as well as an analysis of strategic planning at the enterprise and the basic methods of determining it. |
Conclusions |
Thus, an analysis of the innovative capacity and strategic planning, evaluate the innovative capacity of enterprises. |
The important remark |
At a spelling of the given author's abstract work is masters not completed yet. Final end: January, 2010. The full text of work and materials on a subject can be received from the author or his head after the specified date. |
Biography Abstract | |
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