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Kuzmenko Liudmila Nikolaevna

Kuzmenko Liudmila Nikolaevna

Faculty: of management and innovations

Speciality: A management and economy of labour

Theme of master's work:

"Organization of estimation of personnel"

Scientific adviser: k.e.n., lec. Mormul' Natalia Ilinichna

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


A middle mark for period of studying in an university was 4. I speak fluently Russian and Ukrainian languages. In a volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, own English. I have an experience with a skilled document. I carry with football. My favourite team is «Illichevec». Like to travel.

Short biography:

Mother – Kuzmenko Tatyana Nikolaevna, was born on March, 12, 1966, got sredne-special'noe education on speciality kassir-kontroler. Works in a fuel –transport workshop of CLL «Vostokenergo». Father – Kuzmenko Nikolay Dmitrievich, was born on October, 18, 1961 Works as a driver I class of workshop of trackless transport of OC DMPZ. Sister - Kuzmenko Julia, was born on Desember, 14, 2002. I was born in town Kurakhovo on April, 28, 1987 in 21:25. In a kindergarden I got very early. In kindergarden I was favourite of educators and took part in all morning performances on leading roles. I was not on years clever, that my mother was insisted to gave me to study in Kurakhovskiy polytechnic lyceum. I am very thankful it for.

School years

In school I went in 1994. In a class I disembogued easily. To 7 class to study it was easily – I was otlichnicey, have praiseworthy deeds. Then is transitional age, and I became khoroshistkoy. In 10- 11 class made up leeway, and finished a lyceum with one four. From a 11 class studied in the public-humanitarian group polytechnical lyceum of Kurakhovo. Sweet one my objects it was been: History, Ukrainian and Russian literatures. Due to teacher of history Filipenko Tatyane Michaelovne I understand history very well. In CPA Donetsk I was advised to act in DonNTU on speciality Management and economy of labour a personnel.

Students life

An university is new life, new acquaintances, new knowledges. Here I purchased enormous experience in socializing with people, purchased many skills and knowledges. To study it was easily merrily, due to my groupmates. My friends and friends are the most valuable acquisition. I will never forget life in a hostel ¹ 5. These celebrations of Hellowin, New Year, days of Student, evenings with a guitar a shore of river Kalmius. Two words is student life. Very cognitive and interestingly pair passed on type objects. Jointly with my first counsel of Kovalenko Tat'yanoy by Victor I was determined with the theme of the RWS: By «Organization of estimation of personnel», wrote 3 articles. With one of them came forward at conference in DonNU. I consider that the theme of my master's degree work is actual enough, as allows to expose failings and advantage in-process of personnel and thus to promote efficiency of their work and work of enterprise on the whole. Now my counsel is d.e.n. Mormul' Natalia Il'inichna. I am sure that with it we will find new methods effectively and inexpensively to conduct the estimation of personnel. In the future I plan to find job in large company, which will give pleasure to me, create family and not to lose connection with friends.

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