The theme of management business efficiency becomes more popular. All more frequent our enterprises apply to to to the specialists with a request to work out for them the complex of measures for the increase of business efficiency. Moreover, many Ukrainian companies run into the necessity of creation of the systems of increase and maintenance of efficiency business not in the first time. Their managers complain, that the already conducted measures are distributing of responsibility, construction of the checking system after efficiency, periodic estimation of job of subdivisions of company performances and them employees - does not give the desired effect.Experience of Mckinsey testifies that success of realization in the company of the system management efficiency straight depends on a complexity, sequence and vzaimouvyazannosti of conducted measures. It is thus important to understand that a management efficiency is a many-sided problem, assuming use of different approaches and conceptions. Task of leade, concerned efficiency of activity companies, just consists of that, to choose approach, in a most degree proper the terms of him enterprises, and organically to enter him in general control system by organization.
It is reasonable to analyse control system by business efficiency as a constituent of three vzaimouvyazannykh elements:
· Ethics of effectiveness - organizational context, culture and mentality of employees within the framework of which company aims to attain one or another results.
· Checking and management business results system - systematic processes, procedures and methodological approaches which are used for the estimation of results of activity of company and reverse influence with the purpose of their improvements.
· Control system by efficiency of personnel - processes and stimuli, used a company for achievement maximal level of return from employees.
Each of these three elements plugs in itself a number of directions which must be closely tied up between itself. For the Ukrainian companies most essential from the transferred elements of control system by efficiency is management business results. Speaking about a management the results of activity of organization, saying it is possible "nothing sown, nothing reaped" to paraphrase: "that will measure, will get". Exactly mechanisms of measuring and estimation of results of activity companies are a head stone of general control system by efficiency, and exactly many companies meet here most difficulties. On the face of it, here is nothing difficult, in fact there is financial and administrative accounting, on the basis of which it is possible to formulate tasks and control their execution. However many managers will consent, that frequently from information of book-keeping and administrative account it is impossible to get necessary information. Not knowing it, very difficultly to conduct a subject talk with answering after it is direction leaders. Even if similar information is accessible, it often does not give an answer for questions about veritable reasons of one or another problem and ways of correction of situation. For example, there can be neyasny reasons of decline sales: whether it is investigation of more high quality of products of competitors, whether a sale works uneffective subdivision, whether problems are necessary to be searched in deliveries. It is possible, certainly, to begin a separate trial, but also it can end nothing. In any case, in default of exact information acceptance of administrative decisions will be more protracted and less objective. An informative vacuum deprives the managers of possibility actively to manage activity inferiors by him subdivisions. Being not in a position simply to formulate tasks and degree of their priority, they can not expressly watch their execution.
Development of market relations is promoted by responsibility and independence of enterprises and other subjects of market in preparation and acceptance of administrative decisions. Efficiency of these decisions in a great deal depends on objectivity, timeliness and comprehensive estimation of the existent and expected financial state of enterprise.
· ocenka of the financial state of enterprise is presented by interest for the wide stake of market subjects: enterprises, which wants to know a nepredubezhdennuyu idea about the activity and develop measures on its improvement;
· investors, interested in efficiency and acceptable riskiness of investing of the facilities;
· creditors and suppliers which want to be assured in solvency of enterprise;
· partners on business, which aim to set stable and reliable business relationships with an enterprise (suppliers, user, transportirovschiki, insurance companies and pr.);
· extraneous in relation to an enterprise structures (yes, State tax administration wants to ascertain in to pay taxes solvency of enterprise, trade union - in stability of employment of workers and ability in good time to pay a zarabotnuyu pay, eleemosynary organizations - in potential solvency enterprises to help).
The basic phases of crisis process can be presented in the following sequence:
1) Strategic crisis, conditioned low quality of strategic management 2-3 and more than years ago;
2) Tactical crisis, conditioned low quality of the tactical marketing and production management;
3) Crisis of nedostatochnoy material well-being of organization resources, credits and t.d.;
4) Neplatezhesposobnost' of organization, its unprofitableness;
5) Restructuring of organization;
6) Bankruptcy and liquidation of organization.
The primary objective of creation and starting going of the system of antikrizisnogo management of organization is conducting structural alteration of all national economy in accordance with the necessities of market. This purpose will be realized after decisions of the followings tasks:
- prevention of bankruptcies of organizations and their social consequences;
- it is providing of state sponsorship of organizations for conducting of sanadionnykh measures;
- it is an exposure of neperspektivnykh and not possessing the real possibilities for renewal of solvency organizations and their liquidation.
As world practice shows, the indicated aims and tasks are arrived at at the observance of next basic principles antikrizisnogo management organization:
- it is establishment of single stable and reliable for all economic subjects commercial mutual relations, rights and duties in the situation of insolvency or bankruptcy of organization;
- it is prevention of possibility to the debtors, to meetings engagements, update of the activity;
- it is introduction of the system of safety measures at bankruptcy and cutback of economic activity;
- creation of mechanism of adjusting of financial businesses executing the obligations of debtors for their making healthy.