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Pakhomova Olga

Pakhomova Olga

Faculty: economy

Speciality: economy of enterprise

Theme of master's work:

Management of activity of little enterprises

Scientific adviser: Popova Olga

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Average in the period of study at the university was 4.8. I know the English language at a colloquial level and I have a driver's license category B. I like sports, music, dance and love to travel.

Short biography:


I, Pakhomova Olga was born in June, 3, 1987 in Donetsk.The basic places of my stay were the nursery, and the kindergarten. Both of them caused negative emotions, mainly because of necessity to live on time table.


In 1994 I went to school. Elementary grades could be characterized unequivocally - it was boring and not interesting. I liked to read very much. In 2000 I entered gymnazium. Then the spirit of a competition was felt for the first time. It was necessary to study and to prove, that you were the best. Active life went after lessons: we prepared for days of the Ukrainian culture, concerts, holidays, carried out KVN, days of self-management. There was the system of an estimation of knowledge by rating. In 2004 I ended a gymnazium with a gold medal.


The faculty of economy and management of DonNTU was chosen. I always liked foreign languages, so at university I continued to improve my English. During studing I tried to take part in life of university: I took part in student's scientific conferences which in many respects have defined a theme of my graduation work. Therefore I began to develop it in my research work. I think, that the theme will be studied because any enterprise tries to occupy steady position among competitors. The requirement for experts of economy of the enterprise will be constant because any enterprise in the activity uses economic calculations.

I'm going to occupy my future with management and open my own business.

DonNTU > Master's portal || Abstract