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Polyakova Yana

Polyakova Yana

Faculty: Management and innovation department
Speciality: Human Resource Management and Economy of Labour

Theme of master's work:

Improving the conditions of labour in the enterprises

Scientific adviser: Podluzhnaya Natalia

About author

Summary of research and developments

Introduction (Motivation)

At the present stage of development in Ukraine there is the growing problems in the field of working conditions. This is because a significant portion of workers employed or in hazardous conditions or heavy. Increasing use of chemical and biological agents and the new, neglected forms of energy. However, the medical standards established for only 1,2 thousand substances (less than 1% of commonly used chemical components). Maintenance of complex equipment and high-risk increases psycho physiological tension of that is reflected in the increase of cardiovascular disease and mental illness. Among the causes of poor working conditions in Ukraine include:

- disparity of large part of technology hygienic, ergonomic and technical safety requirements;

- the moral and physical deterioration of most functional equipment;

- socio-labor relations on the working conditions do not encourage employers to improve the working environment.

Assessment of working conditions in the workplace is carried out by direct measurements of the working environment and to compare them with the standards, as well as by monitoring the functional status, performance and health of employees.

Relevance. Widespread introduction of flexible manufacturing systems operating under the control of electronic computers, display technology, human form of adaptation that is not explored, accompanied by an increase in the intensity and monotony of work, diseases muscular, nervous, cardiovascular system, mental disorders, the laser irradiation. Therefore, the problem of improving working conditions for metallurgical enterprise is relevant.

Connect with scientific themes. Many scientific works devoted to this subject. Disclosure of the nature of the problems of working conditions in the production of authors: V. Kostyuk, Krushelnitska L.V. Important contribution to the development problems of the working conditions did Krushelnytska L., K. Doroshenko, L. Shchur-Truhanovich, Alexandrov Yu.I. , Amosha A. I., L. Androsov and others. In the direction of optimizing the working conditions are some social studies Lysyuk G., D. Timoshin, G. Lesenko, V. Vischipanom, I. Lubyanovoyu and other scientists.

The purpose and objectives of development and research

The aim of the research work - find out the effect of working conditions of the company on economic growth and human development, to analyze the heavy and harmful working conditions, health characteristics, to develop ways to optimize working conditions.

The idea of the study - definition of working conditions, labor protection, working conditions influence research enterprise in economic growth and human development, the introduction of an integrated methodology for assessment of severity scoring of Labor.

To achieve the objective of the research work and has solved the following tasks:

1) an analysis of the current state of working conditions at enterprises of Ukraine, through the study of all factors of production environments;

2) evaluation of the legislative base for providing training on safety, the establishment of the leaders of working conditions in the workplace to motivate workers;

3) the development and systematization of measures to address the problems of optimization of working conditions at the facility.

The subject of study - the relationship between the organization and optimization of working conditions and the factors that characterize them.

Object of research - the methods of optimization of working conditions at the facility.

Methodology and research methods: the integral index of hygienic assessment of working conditions IWE; integral method of scoring the assessment of gravity work. Methods of qualitative analysis, formal logic, prediction.

Scientific importance

Problems in the field of working conditions remain unresolved. Therefore, new approaches on the assessment of severity of Labor. F. A. Gromov and B. Kleiman specify the causes of occupational injuries, which are related to psychological factors. They believe one of the causes of accidents at work of employees or the irresponsibility of their leaders, which is accompanied by negligence, indiscipline, declining quality control, and poor organization of work. The breach of labor discipline for hard work not only damages the workers, but also to the aircraft exits. Specialists believe that the introduction of the large enterprises of Engineers ergonomics and psychologists, the organization of classrooms with ergonomics and psychology, knowledge and respect for workers safety rules would greatly reduce the injuries in the workplace. A. A. Balaev and A. A. Zyukov, analyzing the problems of safety and occupational injuries, indicate that reserves reduce accidents should be looked for in the field of mental and physical human activity.

The practical value

Today, the question of reducing the seriousness of the labor and the prevention of occupational injuries are valid. In recent years the economic crisis in Ukraine to cover the scope of protection of labor. Its effects are an increase in occupational injuries, diseases, the deterioration of working conditions, increasing the number of exits from aircraft accidents. M. V. Krot, A. F. Novikova, A. I. Amosha and other донецкие recommend to expand the section of the collective agreement for health and safety in the following areas:

- to provide additional rights to employees who are engaged in working with difficult and dangerous working conditions, for partial or full payment at the expense of the enterprise such as diagnosis, medical consultation, therapeutic massage, vitamins;

- provide the right of workers injured at work and in the employment relationship with the company for additional leave during a spa treatment to the storage at this time, the average monthly wage.

Enshrined in legislation and collective bargaining rights and benefits to employees must be supervised by the regional services of safety and inspection work, as in the transition to a market economy have been violated by the owner. In the Donetsk region, which has a high specific weight of the coal industry, particular attention should be given control over the mines annual major holidays of at least 28 calendar days, and additional leave for work in difficult and hazardous conditions. Abidance and improving labor laws, specifically the work in the field of labor protection, full financial support for a safe working environment, new technologies and skills of employees, will contribute to reducing occupational injuries and severity of workers of the company, maintaining their health, work and efficiency work [6,7].

A review of research on the topic in DonNTU

Occupational diseases are one of the most important socio-economic and health and hygiene problems, as the number of the last has a clear upward trend. The degree of hazard and the risk of each factor in the work environment and work process is determined by the criteria. Assessment of working conditions in the presence of two or more harmful and dangerous factors of production is carried out on the higher class or level. The activities, which create optimal microclimatic conditions in the steel production, are: the mechanization of heavy work in hot shops, remote control thermos processes and devices, insulation of hot surfaces of equipment, application of heat of air curtains at the entrance to the production facilities; ventilation and air conditioning, adjustable humidity. Improvement of air quality achieved through improved manufacturing processes, equipment and sealing equipment, isolation sites and processes with the formation of intense dust and emitting toxic substances, the use of machines that capture and eliminate harmful substances, the use of remote control manufacturing processes, ensure the personal protection of workers. This was disclosed at the source А. В. Соболева. Формирование безопасных условий труда на предприятии / А. В. Соболева, О. В. Захарова // Актуальные проблемы экономического и социального развития производственной сферы / Донец. нац. техн. ун-т, фак. экономики и менеджмента. - Т.2. - 2005. - С. 153-158 [21]. On the basis of cause-effect relationships between factors in the labor process and working conditions and the functional state of the organism an employee has been developed an integrated method of scoring severity assessment work, which can be used in production [28]. Substantiate that the static load - this is the product of effort and time to support it in carrying out specific work. All values for selected segments of time summarizing and receive static load for the shift. With the integrated assessment of severity of labor takes into account only those elements that form a category of severity for the workplace. This element of the full score is evaluated, if the duration of its action (exposure) ranged from 90% to 100% of the time eight shift. There are two methods of calculating the integral indicator of the seriousness of work on the elements of the labor process and working environment. But there are certain difficulties in implementing this technique, so it needs to be improved to apply in the workplace to improve working conditions. However, this method can be used in the context of JSC "Donetsk Metallurgical Plant" in order to assess the state of working conditions at the facility.

A review of research on the topic in Ukraine

Status and prospects of development in Ukraine of human potential in the structure of productive forces are the main conditions of the welfare of the country and the most important factors of national security. The problem of providing a safe and healthy working conditions of employees is not only a social and economic but also political, therefore requires an integrated approach. In recent years, in Ukraine there is the dynamics of reducing industrial injuries were fatal, but its level can not be considered as normal. Harsh working conditions are the cause of the high level of occupational injuries and diseases. Each year, more are injured in the production of 200 thousand people die from exposure to harmful dangerous factor of about 100 thousand people. For the Ukrainian economy is characterized by high share of extractive economic activities and natural resources, which are the most dangerous, so the problem of the formation mechanisms of social protection and safety in the country of complex occupational and environmental risks is becoming more urgent. It is necessary to establish rules of finance in 2008 and in a planned period 2009-2010 precautionary measures to reduce occupational injuries and illnesses of employees and health-resort treatment of workers employed in jobs with harmful or hazardous production factors. The issue of working conditions in Ukraine displayed in his scientific papers W. Kostiuk, Krushelnytska L., K. Doroshenko, L. Shchur-Truhanovich, Alexandrov Yu.I., Amosha A. I., L. Androsov, Lysyuk, D . Timoshina, G. Lesenko, V. Vischipan, I. Lubyanova [16,19].

A review of research on the topic in the world

The issue of working conditions in the European Union, compared to conditions in Ukraine, located in the plane of the ratio of common European legislation and national legislation of each EU member state. The factors of working conditions, which are studied in the EU, primarily included:

- hours of work;

- organization of work (intensity, rate, independent work);

- safety and Health at Work (physical risk, psychological risk);

- wages.

Factors that affect the working conditions in the EU are also: an opportunity to improve skills and training, education, age, sex, worker status, personal factors. For unlike the Ukrainian legislation, the scope of collective agreements practically not limited. The Parties shall consider them as the best way to consolidate the adopted working conditions that create safeguards for the activities of both employers and employees. To address the problems should be put to use to achieve other branches of science who study the physiology and psychology of work, sociology, health and safety. You may also need to draw on the experience of the European Union, which formed a model of quality employment, which provides for the establishment of such working conditions, which are the basis for the success of economic processes. The European Commission on the basis of its proposed program of economic and social reforms, which by 2010 to raise the GDP growth rate to 3% per year and create over 6 million new jobs. One major limitation of growth in Ukraine is the demographic factor. According to UN forecasts, the population of Earth layer will increase in 2020 to 17.7% and reach 7.7 billion. Almost 97% of this increase will be given the increase in population of least developed countries (Europe and Japan). For these conditions, increases in productivity will provide more than 90% of GDP in developed countries. In the EU countries to ensure the personal protection of workers vitrachuetsya from 500 to 800 euros, given that employer’s vitrachuyut more on improving working conditions and health care workers. The implementation of targeted interventions to improve conditions and safety will reduce the overall rate of occupational injuries, approximately its importance to the level of developed European countries, to reduce the share of workers employed in conditions that do not meet hygienic standards. These issues are reflected in the sources: В. Костюк. Условия труда по законодательству Европейского Союза // Справочник кадровика. К. - № 4. - 2007. - С. 10-15; О. П. Фролов. Забота об охране труда работающих - основа повышения эффективности производства / / Кадры предприятия. М. - № 4. - 2008. - С. 81-90 [10,26].

The content

In the research analyzed the characteristics, factors and elements of the working conditions at the enterprise, defined by the gravity of Labor and the adverse effects of adverse labor rights, reviewed the payment of benefits and compensation for adverse working conditions. The analysis of the operation for optimizing working conditions in the workplace today and identified key requirements for their use in market conditions. Analyzed as a certification of employment and training on safety to improve conditions for workers, as this is the level of favorable labor society and the situation on the labor market. Analysis methods to improve conditions and safety, methods of scoring the assessment of gravity (the conditions), labor, calculated the effect of measures to improve conditions and safety.
Conditions of work - a set of working environment and working processes that affect the performance and health of workers. By the conditions of work are: the conditions of employment, which includes technology and forms of work organization, workplace conditions, micro ecology work, which is under the influence of technological regimes and the general condition of the surrounding atmosphere, appearance and comfort of the place of work, focus employees on the labor guard when increasing the level of culture.
JSC "Donetsk Metallurgical Plant" is those groups of individuals of dangerous and harmful production factors: air pollution, fever, increased noise and vibration, high atmospheric pressure, humidity and air movement, ionization of air, inadequate lighting, high brightness, and reduced contrast.
The health status and level of disability of the plant is largely dependent on the environment in the workplace, in which the work. In adverse conditions, working environment, not only the employee performs work activities, but also subjected to additional stress on the body because of the need to perform physiological work to adapt to that or other factors.
There are following conditions of employment:
- psycho physiological, causing physical and psychological stress on the worker, monotony, pace and rhythm of work;
- sanitation, defining the general state of production facilities, sanitation and hygienic conditions in the workplace, the presence (absence) of harmful and hazardous factors of production, health and welfare of employees;
- aesthetical, contributing to formation of positive emotions;
- psycho-social, that characterize the relationship, style and methods of management, workers participation in management of the organization, the level of motivation and attitude towards work.

So, the creation of favorable conditions of work maintains a high ability to work and health workers, promotes creativity and efficiency of labor. Key elements that appear in the scheme, characterize describe the state of working conditions in the workplace [17] (Fig. 1).

Elements of working conditions

Figure 1 - Elements of working conditions

Microclimate of the production facilities of metallurgical plant is characterized by temperature, humidity, speed of movement of air masses, as well as thermal radiation from hot equipment, machinery, items of work. Performance in terms of thermal radiation and high temperatures cause pronounced physiological changes in your body working. Their performance under such conditions is reduced by 50%.
The activities, which create optimal microclimatic conditions in the steel production, are: the mechanization of heavy work in hot shops, remote control thermos processes and devices, insulation of hot surfaces of equipment, application of heat of air curtains at the entrance to the production facilities; ventilation and air conditioning, adjustable humidity.
Improvement of air quality achieved through improved manufacturing processes, equipment and sealing equipment, isolation sites and processes with the formation of intense dust and emitting toxic substances, the use of machines that capture and eliminate harmful substances, the use of remote control manufacturing processes, ensure the personal protection of workers [17].
So, the creation of favorable conditions of work maintains high efficiency and health of workers, promotes creativity and efficiency of labor.
Study of working conditions at a particular company is held to determine the direction and ways to improve them and to compensate workers harmful effects of working conditions on their health, in cash or otherwise. The main task of studying the working conditions is to allow the creation of workplace conditions for normal work in the following areas:
- technical (development of new technology that ensures the preservation of health and minimization of the cost of labor);
- technology (introduction of new technological regimes to remove people from the working areas);
- organizing, psycho physiological, and social trends are to rehabilitate the industrial environment, a greater interest in the work and its results;
- aesthetic (change colors, sounds, lights, shapes, which are used in the production and implementation of artistic elements that positively affects the well-being of the people at work and helps to increase the productivity of labor).

There are a classification of which depends on the dominance of individual factors [11] (Fig. 2).

Classification work of the nature of the influence of individual factors

Figure 2 - Classification work of the nature of the influence of individual factors

Heavy work related to the high demand on the muscle system, and require significant energy costs. Strenuous activities require intense nervous tension for processing information. Hazardous work performed in contact with the toxic, ionized, and infectious agents can affect the human body. Unattractive work cause negative emotions in humans because of the simplicity of operations performed, the low social prestige, lack of opportunity for creative growth. Hazardous work is performed in a potential threat to the health or life of the employee. Hot work performed on the premises, where the highest temperature.

The cost of labor protection Act, the profit attributable to the cost of dual-use and therefore they can be included in the gross expenditure. Based on the provisions of legislation (the Law on Profit, Law on Labor Protection and the Labor Code) and regulations, it is possible to compile a list of dual-purpose expenses that relate to the protection of labor [25] (Fig. 3).

The list costs of dual-use appointment

Figure 3 - The list costs of dual-use appointment

The cost of labor protection for businesses, regardless of ownership, or individuals who use hired labor, constitute not less than 0.5% of the amount of sales and 0.2% of payroll for businesses that are contained in the budget [1].

Status and prospects of development in Ukraine of human potential in the structure of productive forces are the main conditions of the welfare of the country and the most important factors of national security. The problem of providing a safe and healthy working conditions of employees is not only a social and economic but also political, therefore requires an integrated approach.
In recent years, in Ukraine there is the dynamics of reducing industrial injuries were fatal, but its level can not be considered as normal. Harsh working conditions are the cause of the high level of occupational injuries and diseases. Each year, more are injured in the production of 200 thousand people die from exposure to harmful dangerous factor of about 100 thousand people.
Dangerous working conditions, occupational injuries and diseases worsened demographic situation. Occupational Health and Safety as a system for life and health of workers in the work connected with the current state of the economy, the environment, fixed assets, the level of treatment and preventive maintenance, provision of means of individual and collective protection for workers, the quality of education and training, research and information capabilities.
For the Ukrainian economy is characterized by high share of extractive economic activities and natural resources, which are the most dangerous, so the problem of the formation mechanisms of social protection and safety in the country of complex occupational and environmental risks is becoming more urgent.
The priority areas of the State Population Policy of Ukraine should be the reduction of mortality, especially of working age from external causes, create conditions for a healthy lifestyle.
In the medium term should provide:
1) the adoption of additional measures to reduce mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer, including prevention and timely detection of diseases on the morning stages;
2) the activities of prevention of occupational accidents and diseases, their timely identification, development and implementation of employer and trade union action aimed at improving conditions and safety, including reducing occupational risk insured under compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases and the optimization of insurance rates, as well as increased responsibility of subjects of labor relations - workers and employers for violating labor laws.
In the long term should provide:
1) implementation of programs promoting models of healthy living, special measures to promote the employment of women with children, the elimination of jobs with harmful or hazardous to health conditions, prevention and early detection of occupational diseases among employees, creating the conditions for a comfortable life families with children;
2) conduct activities to respond to potential risks in the demographic development and adoption of preventive measures to conserve the population.
The strategic goal of public policy in the labor market in the long run should be to create conditions for the economy highly qualified personnel and increase efficiency.
In negative working conditions, occupational injuries and diseases country has high social costs. Therefore, employers must provide for the protection of labor in full, under the law. In industrialized countries have become aware that accidents at work, occupational diseases and the common disease of workers can not contribute to the success of business, economic and social development of States.
Analysis of the causes of morbidity in Ukraine has shown that up to 40% of occupational diseases associated with unpleasant working conditions. Conditions of work - not the only factor affecting human health, but its impact on life expectancy should be taken into account. In response to particularly harmful and dangerous conditions every year, retire 37% of the citizens. For the employer the best way to protect workers from harmful and hazardous factors of production should be the timely provision of quality special clothes, special footwear and other personal protection equipment. In the EU countries to ensure the personal protection of workers expend 500 to 800 euros, given that employer’s expend more on improving working conditions and health care workers.
To ensure safe operation in the workplace requires skilled personnel, and responsible, concerned attitude towards the realization of constitutional rights as workers by their employers, and managers at all levels of government.
Low quality of jobs has a negative impact on the functioning of the labor market and leads to high turnover of the workforce in jobs that are related to heavy physical labor, harmful and dangerous conditions, to the loss of human resources in relation to occupational injuries and diseases. Due to the significant social and economic losses caused by occupational injuries and diseases, increases the importance of thorough research, evaluation and development of new management tools and methods of influence on working conditions and occupational hazards.
Today should be working to organize the work so that it was aimed at:
- main aspects of state policy to improve conditions and safety;
- prevent and reduce occupational injuries and diseases at enterprises and organizations;
- the coordination and methodological support of the regional centers of health and safety, which taught the organization;
- distribution of domestic and foreign information on measures to improve safety.
Among the important issues of the economy work - improving the socio-economic and operating conditions of employment, enhancement of its creative nature, to reduce manual unskilled and heavy physical labor, a better mix of material and moral incentives, strengthening their impact on production efficiency.
We need to put to use to achieve other branches of science who study the physiology and psychology of work, sociology, health and safety. You may also need to draw on the experience of the European Union, which formed a model of quality employment, which provides for the establishment of such working conditions, which are the basis for the success of economic processes. The European Commission on the basis of its proposed program of economic and social reforms, which by 2010 to raise the GDP growth rate to 3% per year and create over 6 million new jobs.
Since the preparation of specific measures to ensure safe and healthy working conditions, it is important to determine: for which they will be held on who designed what results to expect. Depending on the purpose of the measures chosen to achieve it, given instructions to staff, created the commission. The feasibility of the development and implementation of labor protection is justified by the economic efficiency of such indicators as growth in labor productivity, reduction of production cost, a conditional annual economic effect, increase profits and profitability.
Effectiveness of measures depends on the timing of the meeting, to determine the performance, preventive action. We must thoroughly justify the technical equipment of the workplace, financial and personnel support. In safety to meet the challenges of protecting an employee in the work necessary to apply different measures, that will create the necessary level of security. The introduction of remote control, automation, robotic and other activities will help to save staff from working in hazardous areas [9,15]. Normalization of the working area is achieved by eliminating the risks and adapt to adverse environmental factors of normative values.
A complex of measures to reduce occupational injuries and illnesses in the workplace include [5]:
1) improving the management of safety and security work in organizations;
2) providing ongoing comprehensive assessment of job requirements from the position of ergonomics, health and technical standards and government regulatory legal acts on labor protection;
3) appraisal of jobs on the working conditions and introducing a system of certification of work on labor protection [27];
4) establishment of modern means of individual and collective protection devices control hazardous substances in the work zone.
The implementation of targeted interventions to improve conditions and safety will reduce the overall rate of occupational injuries, approximately its importance to the level of developed European countries, to reduce the share of workers employed in conditions that do not meet hygienic standards.
It is necessary to establish rules of finance in 2008 and in a planned period 2009-2010 precautionary measures to reduce occupational injuries and illnesses of employees and health-resort treatment of workers employed in jobs with harmful or hazardous production factors [26].
The purpose of the appraisal of jobs in enterprises can be divided into 2 groups - corporate and public-significant.
It is necessary to ensure the timely issuance of workers special feed, overalls, Special, detergents, and other personal protection measures in accordance with sanitary requirements and standards. Every year until 20 August to carry out the planned activities to prepare the classrooms and laboratory facilities to conduct classes in the autumn-winter period. The act of willingness to register the premises 25.08.2006 - 2008.
Ensure that standards of heat treatment on the premises of businesses that need to be trained to operate in winter. Ensure strict compliance with the officials and experts of the law "On safety, regulations, processes, scheduling maintenance of equipment and ventilation [12,13,14].
Go on treatment at the expense of social insurance in the first persons on account of dispensary. To give medical trips according to the medical staff committee and arranging the next vacation (particularly war invalids, war veterans, the repressed, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, the veterans of labor, donor).
Provide periodic (once per month) monitoring of radiation in all academic buildings and premises of the company. The results of the measurements to bring to the attention of employees.
In the case of injuries associated with the production on the employer's fault, the victim (family) to pay a lump sum in accordance with Art. 11 of the Law "On Protection of Labor:
- the amount of the average monthly wage for each percentage of persistent disability;
- at $ 10, 20, 30, the average monthly salary in case of disability the third, second and first groups, respectively;
- tvhe eight annual earnings of a worker at his family, as well as three annual earnings for each dependent on the deceased and his child who was born after the death of the employee.
If the Commission of Inquiry to investigate the accident found that failure to comply with the requirements of normative acts of the victim to safety, the size of a lump sum may be reduced by joint decision of the employer and trade union committee, but not more than fifty percent [8].
Reimburse expenses for medical treatment and vocational rehabilitation for victims of accidents and occupational diseases according to a doctor and check for the purchase of drugs (the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Labor, Article 30, part 3).
In the lease of state property of a separate paragraph to provide health and safety division of fire safety and control of security environment and the facility rental and provide for the right to terminate the lease on them in case of breach of such conditions.
The distribution of medical-prophylactic nutrition, detergents, medicines, personal protective equipment and clothing to carry out in consultation with the department of health and safety [23].
Provide a preliminary (in employment) and periodic (for work), medical examinations of workers engaged in jobs with harmful or dangerous conditions, as well as the annual compulsory medical examination of persons under the age of 21 years. Promote priority rehabilitation of chronically ill workers [24].
Provide the estimate of not less than 2% of the costs of the extra budgetary funds for activities on environment and labor protection [18].
Members of trade union committees and public inspectors of environment and health in consultation with the managers of enterprises to provide during the year additional paid days off (no more than five). At the request of employees, these days may be added to annual leave (Art. 29, Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Labor") [2].
In order to ensure the rights of workers, long working in hazardous conditions [29,30]:
- performance Commission to conduct a survey of conditions and safety at work in offices of enterprises;
- set bonuses and allowances for work in difficult and hazardous working conditions at 12%, and in especially difficult circumstances, and particularly deleterious - 24% rate or salary;
- according to the managers to establish an additional leave of up to 4 days for the special nature of work to employees who are constantly working on the computer at least 80% of the time. (Law of Ukraine "On Leave", Art. 8, part 2) [4].
Policy on quality, safety and environment aimed at implementing the objectives of society - the production and implementation of a competitive high quality products: ammonia, mineral fertilizers, ion exchange resins, products of air separation and related products for their production and processing to meet the needs of customers, shareholders partners and businesses, focused work to improve the working conditions of workers, reducing the impact of the activities of society on the environment, improving the social policy of the company and for the benefit of society.
Successful implementation of this policy may be subject to a systematic approach in addressing issues of quality, environmental protection, ensuring a safe working environment, bringing to address these issues for each employee.
Eacvh employee of the company understands the need, promotes and seeks to introduce a safe and efficient operation in accordance with the policy, making its contribution to the team, united by a common purpose; ensures compliance with the requirements of the rules, norms and regulations on labor protection and job within the framework of his responsibilities for implementing self-safety in the workplace.
Practical application of techniques to assess the seriousness of work by a combined measure of functional status of the organism represents employee substantial difficulties. Therefore, based on the cause-effect relationships between factors in the labor process and working conditions and the functional state of the organism an employee has been developed an integrated method of scoring the assessment of gravity work.

Main planned results

It was found that every year, injuries of workers in the enterprise "Donetsk Metallurgical Plant" declined. It was found that the number of person-days of disability from the disability suffered by 100 employees over three years is 12,72%; 3,46%; 0,84%. Determined that this situation is due to the improvement of working conditions in the workplace, but there are some problems in the field of occupational safety. Thus, the frequency of injuries per 100 employees was 0,2%; 0,18%; 0,17%, respectively, in 2006, 2007, 2008, in order to identify the influence of complex factors at work, taking into account the body weight of each They developed an integrated indicator of the hygienic evaluation of working conditions IWE, which takes into account the impact of physical, chemical and psycho physiological factors. But the practical application of this indicator is considerable difficulties. Therefore, based on the cause-effect relationships between factors in the labor process and working conditions and the functional state of the organism an employee has been developed an integrated method of scoring severity assessment work, which can be used in production.


Present status of the Ukrainian labor market is characterized by problems: a low level of labor conditions, loss of skills of qualified personnel due to the introduction of flexible manufacturing systems operating under the control of electronic computers, display technology, human form of adaptation that is not explored, the deterioration of the quality characteristics of jobs lack of introduction of the new jobs, inadequate structures and forms of training and retraining requirements of the modern labor market, a difficult situation for the organization of the working conditions for individual socio-demographic groups (youth, women, disabled, ex-soldiers), deficiencies in compliance with the rules labor laws with respect to the treatment and safety of individual groups of workers. In assessing the legal framework is necessary to note that it needs to complement a number of important laws of Ukraine. To optimize the working conditions the state should provide a system of priority: Approximation of state standards for working conditions to EU standards, limiting the level of labor supply in unprofitable, unpromising areas of management, with difficult working conditions, the mobilization of institutional, technological, socio-economic reserves to reduce the labor intensity of production processes primarily on the basis of their technological innovation. With the help of the data can be systematized measures to address the working conditions of our country to regulate areas such as: the formation of a regulatory framework for occupational safety, the creation of new jobs. Satisfaction of conditions depends on the improvement of occupational safety, comfortable working atmosphere, as well as more opportunities for learning and growth. On the state of working conditions showed the level of employment in industries. Thus, improving the study of labor market demands an immediate solution of a number of important tasks. This would allow permanently and systematically monitor the working conditions in the country.

The list of literature

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  13. Лисюк М. Забезпечення працівників спецодягом [Текст] // Справочник кадровика. К. - №8. – 2006. – с. 81-87
  14. Лисюк М. Забезпечення транспортної безпеки на підприємстві [Текст] // Справочник кадровика. К. - №9. – 2006. – с. 74-78
  15. Лисюк М. Управління охороною праці на виробництві [Текст] // Справочник кадровика. К. - №1. – 2006. – с. 70-73
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  27. Щур Д. Л. Аттестация робочих мест по новым правилам [Текст] // Кадры предприятия. М. - № 9. – 2008. – с. 55-67
  28. Лесенко Г. Методика контролю стану умов та безпеки праці [Текст] // Охорона праці. – №9. – 2003. – с. 37-38
  29. Гигиеническая классификация условий труда [Электронный ресурс] /
  30. Оценка условий труда и предоставление льгот за работу с радиоактивными веществами и источниками ионизирующих излучений [Электронный ресурс] /

When writing the abstract of the Master's work is not yet complete. The final completion: after December 2009 Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.