Faculty: Economy
Speciality: Economy of enterprise
The theme of efficiency of functioning of the banking system of Ukraine in the conditions of Euro integration is considered in master's paper. Eurointegration intentions of Ukraine have made changes to development of its economy and in particular to financial sphere. The essence of these changes is shown in increase in presence of foreign banks, necessity имплементации the norms of the bank legislation operating in EU, and the European methods of conducting bank business in domestic practice. To provide effective functioning of bank system of Ukraine in the conditions of strengthening of eurointegration processes, it is necessary to investigate features of the present stage of its development, to investigate influence on its work of the foreign capital. All it predetermines an urgency of working out of a problematics of effective development of bank system of Ukraine in the conditions of eurointegration.
At the same time questions of effective development of bank system taking into account eurointegration processes of Ukraine remain not investigated enough. The urgency of the specified questions, necessity of their profound research have caused a choice of a theme of dissertational work, have outlined the purpose and the research problem.
The purpose of master's paper are workings out of teoretiko-methodological and applied principles of increase of efficiency of development of bank system of Ukraine in the conditions of eurointegration.
According to the purpose and problems conducted research is received such theoretical and methodical results which are characterised by scientific novelty:
For the first time:
- The technique of definition of efficiency of functioning of bank system of Ukraine and separate banks on the basis of use of the economic specifications established by National bank to which relative densities are given is developed and the group of indicators of profitability is added. The offered technique supplements methodical base of the analysis of bank activity and allows to trace in dynamics changes of efficiency in work of banking establishments and bank system of Ukraine in general;
It is improved:
- A technique of an estimation of competitiveness of bank in the market of bank services. In its basis it is put integrated factor which generalises indicators of relative competitiveness of actives, obligations, own capital and profitableness of banks;
- Approaches to increase of efficiency of development of bank system of Ukraine to which it is carried: isolation of service of bank supervision from National bank in separate organizational structure, improvement of work of associations of commercial banks, creation of establishment of the bank ombudsman and conditions for occurrence in the country of specialised, co-operative, municipal banks. Their complex introduction will allow to raise efficiency of functioning of bank system of Ukraine;
Have got the further development:
- Classification of external and internal factors which interfere with advancement of bank system in the European financial space which allows supervising bodies to apply more adequately mechanisms of their minimisation and elimination;
- A substantiation of features of development of bank business in the European countries depending on level of their integration into EU that gives the chance to define priorities of development of bank system of Ukraine on a way of deepening of process of its integration to the financial market of EU.
The master's work is devoted to the ground of theoretical principles of influencing of Euro integration processes on development and functioning of the banking system of Ukraine and determination of mechanisms of improvement and effective development of the banking system of Ukraine in the Euro integration conditions of with the purpose of providing of its competitiveness is devoted. It was examined the theoretical-methodological and applied aspects of functioning of the banking system of Ukraine in the conditions of Euro integration processes are examined. The modern state and basic progress trends of the banking system of Ukraine in the conditions of Euro integration processes are considered. The basic reference points of adaptation of the banking system to the European conditions with the help of the model are outlined.
The analysis of teoretiko-methodological principles and applied aspects of an overall performance of bank system of Ukraine is carried out in the master's work . On its basis and taking into account foreign experience offers of improvement of the theory and a technique of estimation of efficiency of development, and also a direction of its increase are offered. As a result of the conducted research began possible to formulate such conclusions and offers.
1. Integration processes in Europe have created qualitatively new conditions for activity of banks.
2. Having analysed practice of a monetary and credit policy to Ukraine in 2001-2006 and having compared it to the European analogues, it is possible to assert that in general it was adequate to those processes which occurred in state economy.
3. With advancement of domestic bank system in the European financial space interfere both external, and internal factors.
4. Presence of the foreign capital promotes more dynamic development of all bank system of Ukraine, its adaptation to EU requirements.
5. By the most actual offers for increase of an overall performance of bank system of Ukraine it is considered: improvement of organizational structure.
On this stage the prosecution of master's paper is not finished, after December, 2009 a complete variant can be got from an author or from a scientific adviser.