Master's portal of DonNTU
Shapovalova Margarita
Faculty of economy
Speciality: Economy of enterprise. Marketing
Theme of master's work:
Sale policy of the enterprice - methodology of formation and realisation
Scientific adviser: professor Kucher Anatolyi
Materials on the topic of final work: Biography
Abstract of thesis of master's degree work
Theme: «Sale policy of the enterprise - methodology of formation and realisation
Actuality of theme
Actuality of problem of perfection of sale policy of industrial enterprise for the increase
of efficiency of his activity is conditioned presently next circumstances.
At first, the sale system is one of main providing subsystems of functioning of industrial enterprises [1, p.6].
Secondly, forming of sourcings activity of industrial enterprise lately all anymore takes a place on the opened
capital markets on which the hard terms of selection operate and clear dependence of cost of financial resources shows
up on efficiency of activity of enterprise [2, p.66]. This situation compels leaders to promote efficiency of not only
basic but also auxiliary business - processes.
Thirdly, in the conditions of increase of corporatization and fund openness of large managing subjects such integral
performance of industrial enterprises indicators, as satisfaction of shareholders, market capitalization, mutual relations
with a market, go out on the first plan [3, p.193]. By the increase of efficiency of production in Ukraine, in opinion of
experts, are: increase of the labour productivity, professional growth of employees and decline of administrative costs.
It seems to us expedient to add perfection of the sale system. A decline of losses is during realization of sale function,
to our opinion, one of the most accessible backlogs of increase of efficiency of production activity.
There was a necessity of perfection of the existent sale systems, and development of economic mechanism, allowing to
utillize effective levers management the sale of products on domestic industrial enterprises. All of aforesaid confirms
that a research theme are interesting and climed today.
Purpose and research tasks
A research purpose is an improvement of method of estimation of influence of marketings instruments
on forming of demand and sales promotion on efficiency of work of enterprise in area of the products. In accordance with
the put purpose the followings tasks decide in master's degree work:
1. Analysis of economic literature on questions of the methodical going near the estimation of influence of marketings
instruments on pushing up sales to the products of enterprise and other most essential economic indicators of work.
2. Research of dependence of volume of sale products from different facilities of increase of demand and sales
promotion for a choice from them most effective.
3. Improvement of method of determination of change of volume of sales products from the utillized facilities of
sales promotion.
4. Development of business plan of concrete measures on the increase of îáúåìîà sale the products of enterprise.
4.1 Development of organizational measures on introduction of the offered improvements;
4.2 Determination of volumes of money charges for realization of the offered measures and sources of their financing;
4.3 Determination of benefit from the offered measures;
4.4 Calculation financially - to economic efficiency of introduction of the offered measures on the increase of volumes
of sales the products of enterprise.
Object and article of research
The object of research of work is an industrial enterprise, elaborative the program of perfection of
own sale policy.
The article of research of master's degree work is the program of perfection of sale policy of industrial enterprise,
realization of which directly influences on the increase of efficiency of activity of industrial enterprise.
Scientific novelty
A scientific novelty consists a master's degree in that in it on the basis of complex research of the
sale system and factors of efficiency of activity of industrial enterprise their hard intercommunication will be rotined and
basic directions are formulated perfections of sale policy, directed on the increase of general efficiency of activity of
industrial enterprise
Basic maintenance of work
In the first part works were considered basic concepts and determinations of sale and sale activity
enterprises, offered different authors and scientists, the system of FOSSTIS is also considered, its value in
the construction of the competent sale system on a modern industrial enterprise [4].
Classification of aims, tasks and functions of the sale system of industrial enterprises is also resulted.
Coming from consideration of having a special purpose bases of sale, it is possible to divide implementation of all
of functions of the sale system to on to three to directions [5]. At first, actually a sale which determines the necessity
of functions of the physical distributing of products (delivery of the made product and assignment of rights a propert)
and as a feed-back is a compensation of money market equivalent of commodity. Secondly, observance of requirements
of reproduction – to advantage of exchange achievement of which is supposed by the calculation-analytical ground of
sale (market analysis, planning, prognostication, sale program development, publicity support et cetera), and also
organization of execution of the programs of sale. Thirdly, the best satisfaction of user, which is provided the
functions of sale policy of enterprise in the plan of consumer qualities of commodity and prices on
the basis
of market researches, and also service, that finds embodiment in the programs of sale also.
Also the organizational multilevel model of sale policy of industrial enterprise is developed in master's degree work.
It is rotined in this work that one of major descriptions of sale policy is its level device.
It is thus necessary to distinguish the levels of production processes of industrial enterprises,
and also levels of decision of sale tasks [6].
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An organizational multilevel model of sale policy of industrial enterprise is absolutely
integral, because all of these relations in an aggregate are an informative base for the system
of monitoring, planning and prognostication within the framework of sale policy of industrial enterprise.
The sale policy of industrial enterprise is not built one time and forever, its efficiency can change.
Therefore guidance of industrial enterprise must periodically conduct control of efficiency of functioning of
sale policy. It is a systematic and regular analysis of sale policy from point of expenses, use of resources and service,
on results which can be mined-out decision in part of organizational transformations to the sale policy on the whole.
In particular, basic measures, cooperant the increase of carrying capacity of ductings of sale and, accordingly,
increase of efficiency of the sale system, are developed:
At first, it is necessary to conduct clear segmentation of client base and select the most perspective markets and
ductings of sale, able to satisfy demand on information perspective markets.
Secondly, to develop the flexible system of motivation of personnel of sale service, and also more effectively to
reconstruct the system of planning and financing, in particular in area of determination of necessity of selection
there is an enough large budget to sale service of industrial enterprise.
Thirdly, to line up a price policy, especially in area of work with the largest dealers and distributors. Within
the framework of this measure an industrial enterprise must develop the flexible system of determination of discounts
and privileges depending on the volumes of the realized commodity.
Fourthly, to define the structure of ductings of distributing for the increase of efficiency of the logistic
providing of sale policy.
Introduction of the transferred measures on an enterprise was not yet conducted and on this stage the prosecution
of master's degree work is not yet finished and after December, 2009 a complete variant can be got for an author or
scientific leader.
Publications on the topic a master's degree
1. Shapovalova M. N., Kucher A. T. The main aspects of forming of sale activity of industrial of
the enterprise. // In col. of scien. reasons «Marketing in the third millennium ».DonNUET, 2009.
2. . Shapovalova M.N., Kucher A. T. Management an enterprise on principles of the strategic marketing // In col. of
scien. reasons « Management tendencies are in Ukraine: legal and economic aspects». – DONNTU, 2009.
1. Balabanova L.V., Balabanic A. «Marketing audit of the system of sale.» Scientific manual., —Ê.: VD "Profess³onal", 2004.
2. Sale policy of industrial enterprise/ V. N. Voropay, L. V. Tarasyeva// Economy and marketing XXI of millenium/ Donec. nat. tech. univer., Donec. Gov. Adm³n³stration. –P. 1.- 2006.
3. Nikolaychuk V. Å., Belyavcev M. I. Industrial marketing. - Donetsk: CLL «BAO», 2004.
4. A magazine "Management a sale"
5. Marketing bases - Kotler F.
6. Dayan Arman - Sales promotion, electronic book
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