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Shapovalova Margarita

Shapovalova Margarita

Faculty of economy

Speciality: Economy of enterprise. Marketing

Theme of master's work:

Sale policy of the enterprice - methodology of formation and realisation

Scientific adviser:professor Kucher Anatolyi

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


My middle mark during the studying in the university 4.4. Freely I own Russian, Ukrainian. In a volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, own English. I like sport and poetry, like to listen music, read and talke with pleasant and clever people.

Short biography:


I was born on the 25 of April in 1987.My mom Shapovala Lina Anatolievna and my dad Shapovalov Nikolay Dmitrievich. This year the winter especially long contested with a spring and did not want to retreat, because in this day our city was fully of snow. Apparently for this reason it is named Snegnoe. In this town I lived all of the childhood and youth. My not simple character began to show already from diapers, my squeal was known by all of midwifes and doctors in a hospital, emotions beat in me through an edge, that was saved till today. In kindergarten I did not walk, there it was me not interestingly, but stranger children did not amuse me. In the circle of people which I loved in childhood, the "select" entered are my parents, grandmothers and granddads and those people which indeed sincerely to me behaved. And I was absolutely happy in childhood, I chosen that I liked and engaged in this. My interests were extremely scalene, as well as for all of children however, - I liked to draw, model, read, bind, play with dolls, think of the different funny and cognitive stages and show them for relatives, and every my role was recorded by a video, that very glad me now.


My mom brought me to my school to First "A" class on the First of September in 1994 year. I was in a brown form with large bows. I studied fine, but did not forget about true friends and favourite fascinations – to poetize, embroider, sew, read, draw and other. I was go to other school and became the student of "7Â" in spring 2000 year, which situated in my town too. And here I was waited by a yet greater internal fight, what in first class, I accustomed already in eighth. Then, from a next school year, classes broke up to on specialization, and I chosen a physics/mathematics class. Instiled interest to mathematics and its understanding me very professional teacher Slepec Svetlana Borisovna, I want to thank her for that. These all years, conducted at school, were, and interesting, and heavy, and cognitive, but there were moments, when I often dreamed about studies in an university and some changes in my life.


And, at last, in 2004, successfully finishing school and due to knowledges which I got in it, I independently, handing over only one rating, entered in Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU). In this university included, if rating on mathematics was written successfully, therefore for me this was a suitable variant which required knowledges of mathematics only, with what all was all right for me. And I chosen speciality «marketing», on a that moment this word and associations, related to him, simply pleased me, caused aspiring to the successful future. Although I yet tried to entered on law speciality, but did not pass. So a fate bossed and I am glad it! New independent life began, my emotions overfilled me, heap of new acquaintances (although not all of acquaintances became the real friends), quite other teaching of objects, other order, not all was liked, but at all and all there are failings. In such situation of education, intercourse and development passed four course of my studying in a university and I became before a new choice is a «specialist» or «magistr». Nobody understood to the end, what better, everybody did a choice, coming from own persuasions and priorities. And I will become the master's degree of economic sciences quite soon! Yes, sounds loudly, but main, that a shell corresponded maintenance. I hard try very for this purpose, read much, engaged in a self-education, sport which helps me all to have time, and certainly aspire to writing of excellent master's degree work! My scientific leader was become by the professor of our producing department (Economies of enterprise and marketing) Kucher Anatoliy Timopheevich. Together with him we chosen a theme for my work – «Sale activity of enterprise is methodology of realization and organization». This theme very interesting for me, in fact the effective conduct of sale politics of enterprise is formed by his position at the market and instrumental in his primary objective – it was arrived a receipt. Now ideas and efforts are directed exactly on masters work, but also I do not forget about the future which waits me after defence, and in summer want to find job itself, but not time-part work for students, work which my specialization will be related to. For this purpose it is needed to make a lot of pushes and perfected every day, but I am ready to it, in fact I always in life get that I like and what I want!

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