RUS UKR ДонНТУ Master's portal of DonNTU

Shelest Helen

Shelest Helen

Faculty: Management and Innovations
Speciality: Human Resources Management and Economy of Labour

Theme of the master's work:

Foreign Approaches to HR-management and Using Them in the Practice of Ukrainian Enterprises

Scientific adviser: prof. Shvets Irina

About author

Summary of research and developments


Today HR-management systems at the Ukrainian enterprises do not take into account the modern lines in economic changes and development. It involves a backlog of the domestic enterprises in the level of competitiveness which is expressed in the poor quality of decisions, actions and labour productivity, absence of innovations. The decision is in a plane of work with human resources because the greatest potential for development and increase of efficiency of enterprise's activity is hidden in the efficient HR-management.

Presence of such models and tools which would allow to be focused on the key processes occurring at the enterprise is necessary in the HR-management system. Actuality of this question is confirmed by experience of the foreign companies. It testifies successful realisation of management system by using evident representation of basic directions of economic activities and process of human resources involving. In this connection the purposes of this research are the analysis of using features of specific HR-management tools in a practice of foreign companies, consideration of application possibilities of some tools at the Ukrainian enterprises, and also working out of approaches which can be realised by Ukrainian enterprises in own processes of strategic and current HR-management.

The object of the research is practice of foreign companies in HR-management and HR-management processes of enterprises and their structural subdivisions in particular. Research methods are the following: formal and dialectic logic, quantitative and qualitative analysis, synthesis, and system approach.

Great attention to coordination of enterprise's purposes and problems with possibilities of personnel, increase of degree of employees' involving in the improvement of results is given in researches of experts at foreign companies, and also consulting HR-management firms. For example, the expediency of evident representation of strategic and tactical targets in quality management is reflected in works of Japanese expert E.Kondo [3]. Professor of Business Administration of Michigan University D.Ulrich focuses special attention on the accurate formulation of company's goals and objectives with the purpose of balancing of internal personnel resources and requirements which are shown to employees. The American expert M.Lanius stops in more details on the successful realisation of the model which assumes deployment and structurization of strategy of the company's activity. Dmitrenko G. accents attention on the development of approach to organization management called "on aims and results" or management by objectives. It is a tendency in the development of world management. It allows to set the degree of works preference; to develop the plan of achievement of the tasks; to watch, that has been done for realization of purpose [8]. At the same time, the most interesting are practical work and results of experts in the field of HR-management who work at large European companies. For example, concrete advantages of using of one of the approaches were formulated by K.Dezekur, the HR-director of French company GGB France EURL. Review of researches and results according to the theme of this work at local and national levels is also necessary.

Main results

In the master's work the comparative analysis of features of foreign HR-management models and tools using is carried out. During researches separate stages have been approved on international and national scientific conferences. Possibilities of development of additional tools for the organisation of dynamic HR-management and for control over the processes occurring at the enterprise are described in details in the work. Also it is offered to develop the computer network program for the effective adaptation of one of the models (The Policy Deployment Matrix) for the conditions of the enterprises of various activity fields. Research work is directed now on the development of statement of a problem for the program realisation of the matrix, construction of quantity indicators system for the organisation of awarding of personnel. Adaptation of The Policy Deployment Matrix according to the modern conditions for one of the Ukrainian enterprises will be the main result. Conclusions in the master's work are based on the studying of special literature and practical experience on this question. This work has certain theoretical value, and the practical recommendations, that are offered in it, can be interesting for enterprises of all fields of activity. Developed recommendations also allow to confirm about perspectivity of the further research work in this direction.

Conclusions and future research

The analysis of foreign experience allows to draw a conclusion that Ukrainian enterprises should use practical approaches which are applied abroad for the development of effective HR-management systems. The main accent they should do on the problems that are pulled out to the enterprise by a market, what purposes it is necessary to put before itself, and also сommunication of enterprise's strategy and the personal purposes of each employee. The most flexible tool for the practical realisation of this problem is The Policy Deployment Matrix which allows to supervise all processes that are occurring at the enterprise operatively. Evident representation of the key processes occurring at the enterprise, and splitting of strategic targets into separate tasks give the chance for the enterprise to choose the stablest and the most effective ways of achievement of goals. Failures in the course of plan performance focus attention to process of the tasks formulation and efficiency of human resources involving in the realisation of the plan. Besides, the matrix can be used as rather reliable tool for rational distribution of enterprise's financial resources, as the additional mean of the achievement of necessary financial results. The matrix's structure lets the application of separate tools in HR-managemenet processes. These tools should be developed according to the specificity of the enterprise's activity, strategy of its development and its HR-management strategy.

The further research of the mechanism and features of drawing up of the matrix, and also advantages of its application to the organisation of dynamical management and control at the Ukrainian enterprises assumes the following:
1. Development of estimation criteria of the each employee's contribution in the achievement of the enterprise's purposes;
2. Development of material and moral encouragement system of employees on the basis of estimation of their actions efficiency;
3. Risk estimation of default of tasks at different levels of the enterprise's purposes;
4. Development of new approaches to application of information blocks of the matrix in the HR-management processes;
5. Statement of a problem for working out of the network version of the matrix.


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About author