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Slipchenko Alina

Slipchenko Alina

Faculty of management and innovations
Speciality: Management of the personnel and economy of labour

Theme of master's work:

Organization of development of personnel

Scientific adviser:

Chumachenko Yelena

About author


Teaching of personnel – one of the most essential constituents of common rise of efficiency of production. Today all greater attention is spared to teaching and development of personnel as basic component strategy of rise of efficiency of labor of workers. In connection with growth of competition at the market of labor teaching of personnel all more frequent is carried out parallel with development of company.

An important problem is disparity between development of production and level of the personnel training. The problem of teaching of personnel was rarely pulled out on the first plan, but exactly in modern terms the development of this question straight affects the economy growing. Attaining high results is possible only then, when people possess knowledge, ability, proper mood. Education and teaching of personnel must be continuous and provide necessary professional development. At modern terms the problem of preparation and retraining of personnel acquires all to greater actuality. To taking it into account, in a country the problem of revival of the professional departmental teaching of shots on production takes on special significance.

To the theme of teaching of personnel with the purpose of rise of general economic efficiency a lot of the advanced studies of home and oversea researchers are devoted. In particular it is possible to call labors of such authors, as Umanskiy O., Borodina E., Shapovalova T., Yagorka A., Muzichenko V., Pospelova T. and many other.

The exposure of essence of notion of teaching, consideration of order of teaching of working personnel, disclosure of essence of modern forms and methods of teaching of personnel, their perfection and subsequent introduction, in practice is the purpose of the given work.

Coming from a definite higher theme, the tasks of work are: research of directions of introduction of modern methods of teaching of personnel, their improvement, development of effectively operating methods of the in-plant training of personnel, consideration of concrete terms of their introduction in practice, evaluation of change of efficiency of work of enterprise after introduction of methods of teaching by means economic indicators.

The article of research: process of organization of development of personnel on an enterprise.

Research object: methods of teaching and in-plant training of personnel within the framework of concrete enterprise.

By the main methods of treatment and analysis of economic information, which are used in work, there are the following: analysis, synthesis, analogy, systems analysis, supervision.

In the given work main approaches to organization of teaching of personnel on an enterprise are systematized, the base models of estimation of efficiency of teaching are described, the main terms of application of the considered models of estimation of efficiency are definite.

In modern terms the quality of labor force is the main factor of the economy growing. Labor force as skills and abilities is a definite supply, development of personnel provides him to the proprietor of receipt in the future of more high profit. Role of process of upgrading personnel it is determined:
   - by possibility of enterprise to estimate the strong and weak sides of skilled potential from point of competitive edges;
   - by estimation of possibilities and threats from the side of external environment;
   - by creation of base for allocation of labor resources;
   - by determination of alternative actions or combinations of actions in relation to forming and effective use of skilled potential.

There are a few base principles of organization of development of personnel: all procedures, operations which take place on an enterprise in relation to development of personnel must be carried out it is coordinated and synchronously; the charges related to it, must be carefully grounded taking into account return; it is needed to connect the centralized actions with actions of leaders on places from the exposure of backlogs of upgrading labor abilities of workers; all measures on development of workers must be socially justified.

There is the huge number of methods of development of professional knowledge and skills. All their aggregate can be parted on two large groups — teaching directly on a workplace and teaching out of workplace.

The basic methods of teaching on a workplace are: instructing, rotary press, apprenticeship and tutorship.

Teaching out of workplace more effectively, but a worker is related to the additional financial charges distraction from his duty duties. Thus an environment changes consciously, a worker is torn away from a production process; teaching is carried out in the process of reading of lectures, practical employments, training (business games, production situations and etc).

Estimation of efficiency of teaching can be conducted with the following purposes:
   - desire to know, in what state employees after teaching are found;
   - aspiration to estimate the depth of mastered by an employee knowledge, in order to be in in future a position to rely in the process of work or charge him a new responsible task;
   - conducting of estimation of teaching;
   - economic result which was got by a company, conducting the series of training or seminars.

The offered is today considered the classic method of estimation of efficiency of teaching in 1975 by Donald Kirkpatrik’s model consisting of four levels. Other models of estimation of the programs of teaching were selected from that was already developed. They are aimed on estimation of process of teaching at first, after bringing of changes, on estimation of that situation in which teaching is conducted or which such training is needed in, on estimation of result of training and process of teaching.

Models which are based on the model of D.Kirkpatrik:
1. The Tyler’s Objectives Approach;
2. The applied theory of Paul Kearns;
3. The Model of Skrivens;
4. The system model (CIPP);
5. The CIRO model, developed of Berd;
6. The Guba’s Naturalistic Approach;
7. The B. Aaron’s Model.

Coming from maintenance of work it is possible to do the following conclusions:
   - presence of highly skilled personnel – main aspect of the successful functioning of any enterprise;
   - development of personnel of organization can be realized to many direction and many methods the main from which are definite in work, here it is necessary carefully to study the necessities of enterprise and personnel for the correct choice of method of development;
   - after conducting of measures on development of personnel expediently to estimate the got result for determination of depth of the knowledge got workers, efficiency of method of teaching, changes of economic job performance of enterprise. To calculate and to estimate rationality of the inculcated methods allow the considered models of estimation of efficiency of teaching.

*---On the given stage of work above master's degree dissertation is not finished. At the head of 2 it is planned to explore the labor indexes of concrete enterprise, methods of teaching of personnel, which are used on the given production, and at the head of 3 it is planned the on a base analyzed material to offer the improved methods of organization of development of personnel and calculate their economic efficiency.

Final completion of prosecution of master's degree dissertation: on a December, 2009š. A complete variant can be got at an author or scientific leader after the indicated date.