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Slipchenko Alina

Slipchenko Alina

Faculty of management and innovations

Speciality: Management of the personnel and economy of labour

Theme of master's work:

Organization of development of personnel

Scientific adviser: Chumachenko Yelena

Materials on the theme of master's work:


About itself:

Middle mark in the period of studying: 4,76
I speak Russian, Ukrainian languages, and also English at base level
Fascinations: swimming, basket-ball, tourism, dances, psychology

Short biography:

I was born on July, 27, 1987 in town Enakievo to the Donetsk area. My throughout of children's the year passed exactly in this town. In 3 years, as well as many children, I began to visit a kinder garten. Favourite employment was – not to sleep on a sleepy hour, for what it was often necessary to stand in a corner. I – unique and late enough child in family, therefore from childhood my parents surrounded me a heat and anxiety. My dad, Slipchenko Evgenij Viktorovich, more than 25 years worked at the Metallurgical plant of Enakievo, up to a pension. My mother, Slipchenko Olga Aleksandrovna, long time works in a hospital ¹7 of Enakievo by the trained nurse. Years of children's I reminisce how about the merriest and carefree time, often remember our friendly court, as we constantly played something, as a mother in the evening hardly led home. In general, I had childhood bright and colourful.

My years of schools began in 1994 years at school ¹15 Enakieva. At school I studied well, not counting permanent bad marks on a conduct in a diary in initial classes. Loved mathematics, English and physical education. Often participated in city olympiads on exact sciences. From 6th to the 11th class engaged in basket-ball and consisted of school womanish basket-ball command. Did not take active part in public life of school, unique, that could interest are dancings appearances. A favourite teacher was Ruban Irina Ivanovna is a teacher of Russian and literature, just and responsive teacher, real professional and man, simply falling in love in the subject.

With entering institute of higher was heaved up a question as early as beginning 11 class of school, and weigh 11 class I was additionally engaged in mathematics for a receipt exactly in DonNTU. But all the same entered at once a few Institutes of higher and on a few specialities. Choice of the speciality «Management and economy of labour» a personnel was done quite spontaneously, simply because this direction suffices new and there are little good specialists in this area. Years in an university flew unnoticed, especially last courses, in a great deal to due to my groupemates. Our group always exuded between other the solidarity and amiableness. A decision to go out into a city council was accepted yet on the third course, as another step to forming itself, as a highly skilled specialist.

For master's degree work the most interesting for me direction was chosen in the management of personnel is development of personnel, because this theme requires creative approach in a great deal. Complete formulation of my theme of master's degree work: «Organization of development of personnel». A leader is an associate professor, candidate of economic sciences Chumachenko Helena Vladimirovna.

Now my unique purpose is deserving completion of university. After it would be desirable to find job which was á interesting, had prospects of quarry growth and deserving payment. And also, it would be desirable to create family. I do not consider thus, that domestic anxieties can prevent a career, main to learn correctly to distribute the time. In general, it would be desirable to find the place in life and see all its possible paints.

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