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Actuality of the topic
The modern stage of development of world economy characterized by the important acceleration of rates of scientific and technical progress, which stipulate the permanent changes in a structure and dynamics of public needs and, as a result, sharpens a competition in suggestion of new commodities and services, and also improvement of their high-quality descriptions. In this connection the firmness of economic position of most management subjects determined mostly by rates and scales of realization of innovative activity, which settles in good time and quickly to react on the terms of competitive activity, which change constantly, by the use of various innovations, providing more high-quality and complete satisfactions of market needs. Therefore development of innovative sphere, through which move up in the production of achievement of scientific and technical progress, are an especially actual area, which needs serious attention from the side of a particular branch organs of management and other subjects managements which take part in innovative processes.
The purpose of this master's degree work: the research of modern aspects, development of theoretical conceptions and creation of methodical recommendations from a management innovative processes on an enterprise. According to the purpose of research there were posed and decided the followings tasks:
- the theoretical and methodical approaches which are exist, and also practical positions of management innovative processes are summarized;
- the system of innovative processes is specified;
- the features of management of innovative processes at state level and at the level of separate enterprise are discovered, the practical recommendations of the improvement of management innovative processes on an enterprise are developed.
The object of the research of this master's degree work is innovative processes which take place on an enterprise.
In the process of research were used: complex and system approaches, method of expert estimations, method of questioning and supervisions, traditional methods and receptions of economic analysis (tabular, comparative, grouping, graphic).
The scientific actuality of theme of master's degree work is grounded in the introduction. The estimation of the state of scientific researches is conducted, basic tasks and purpose of master's degree work are formulated.
1 Theoretical bases of planning of innovative processes
1.1 Modern innovative processes are in Ukraine: their state and rates of development
The innovative processes in Ukraine are described In this chapter, their state and rates of development. The state of integration processes Ukraine participates in which is considered.1.2 Essence and features of innovative theory
The evolution of concept "innovation" is presented in this chapter. Different determinations of concept "innovation" are presented. Different authors see this concept variously. The interpretation of concept by Law of Ukraine "About innovative activity".
1.3 Principles and methods of the innovative planning
The basic principles of planning are presented.
2 Conceptual bases of planning of innovative processes
2.1 Organization of management innovative processes on a macrolevel
The management of innovative processes is carried out on a few levels: level of the state, level of region or area, level of specific subject of economic activity. First two present the makrolevel of managements, and the last the micro one.
2.2 Management of innovative processes at the level of enterprise
Miсrolevel of management of innovations specifies the variants of actions of separate subjects of entrepreneurial (economic) activity on the search of ways of development of market possibilities which lean against continuous and successive development and conclusion to the market of different sort of innovations with the purpose of providing of long survival and proof development in a competition environment.
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