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Donetsk National Technical University
«Managing the economic security of innovative enterprise»
Faculty of Economics
Managment of innovation activity
Group DI-08m
The abstract on a theme of final work
Scientific adviser: Podluzhna Nataliya
Donetsk – 2009
Relevance. Under the conditions of formation and development of market mechanisms in Ukraine's economy, privatization of public enterprises in all sectors of the national economy next to the raging growth of private enterprise rather important tasks of economic science and practice of economic activity of companies is the development and practical application of the economic security of domestic enterprises in terms of the general economic and socio-political instability in economy and society in general.
The enormous challenges of economic and political problems associated with the break up of the old economic mechanism of the national economic system, as well as a radical change of political regime and system of values adopted in the community, forcing Russian companies to quickly adapt to the conditions of the socio-political and economic instability, and find adequate solutions to such important problems and threats to the efficient functioning of economic agents of domestic economy, the lack of complete and qualified to prepare a legislative framework that governs various aspects of public enterprises, as well as the constant change of the current legislation, the lack of skilled professionals in enterprises, especially for senior and middle management enterprise economy Ukraine, the catastrophic state of technology and production equipment, an acute shortage of working capital in the enterprises, caused by strong monetary and fiscal policies of government, breaking ties of cooperation and utterly low implementation of treaty obligations under economic contracts, which exploded under these conditions, the acute payments crisis that has gripped most sectors of Russian economy, which in conjunction with the overall difficult recession in the economy of Ukraine and other serious problems raised the whole area, such as, for example, light industry, some areas of engineering, most of the enterprises of the military-industrial complex, to the brink of collapse and destruction.
Confirmation of the relevance of the problem of creating a system to ensure the economic security of domestic industries can serve and the fact that currently many large domestic enterprises, including most of the leading financial-industrial conglomerates, creating in its special sub-structure, designed to provide economic security to these enterprises. However, once created, these services do not have in their own designed and well-functioning system of scientific assessment and economic security of enterprises, the theoretical base of their work, which significantly reduces the efficiency of their operations and causes a large current is demand for scientific development in the field of problems of the economic security of many companies from large enterprises in different areas of the economy. Summarizing all the above, we can conclude that the perspective, which considers this work, has very much relevance for economic theory is elaborated in the context of a weak economic security issues enterprises, both domestic and foreign economic mind's eye, and for the practice of domestic enterprises.
The purpose and objectives. The aim of the thesis is Integrated development of theoretical, methodological and practical issues of governance risk of innovation projects and recommendations for their implementation.
Basic scientific and practical problems diploma work due to the intended purpose and contain:
· analysis of the nature of risk as the economic Categories;
· analysis of existing classifications of risks;
· analysis of existing methods for assessing and managing the economic risk;
· analysis of the essence of innovation and its condition at Ukrainian enterprises;
· analysis of the characteristics of the risks of innovative projects;
· justification the need for risk management in the development and implementation of innovative projects on the use of modern approaches to risk management;
· development integrated methodological framework for assessing the risk of innovative projects based existing methods;
· formation organizational and economic mechanism for risk management innovation projects;
· development of practical recommendations from the risk management innovative projects;
· Analyzing the effectiveness developed in the diploma provisions of the risk management of innovation projects in industry enterprises and the introduction of the recommendations that are developed on the basis of theoretical studies.
Scientific novelty of the research results, which are made, is as follows:
the necessity of comprehensive and permanent risk management at each stage of the life cycle of any innovative project using all the functions of risk management;
proposed tools of risk assessment of the innovation project and methods effective management, which allows to make informed managerial decisions of the feasibility of developing and implementing innovative projects.
The practical significance of the results.Is expected submit to the Development of methodology for risk management in the development and implementation of innovative projects:
a comprehensive risk classification of innovation projects can implemented their sorting by objective functional subsystems of the enterprise and to innovation, which allows to determine the source of risk, conduct analysis and develop measures to address or limit the risk;
made a classification of sources of risk innovation projects will allow to create conditions for faster risk management in their development and implementation;
the relationship between the functional subsystems of the enterprise in development and implementation of innovative project on the risk and installed principles of risk management will allow organizations to form organizational-economic mechanism for risk management of innovative projects, which is intended for the preparation and adoption of integrated solutions from management risk.
In work on the basis of the Research carried out a theoretical basis and practical solution task of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise. Key findings and results study are as follows:
1. Arguments need to strengthen industrial innovation Ukrainian enterprises. The factors that hinder innovation activities of enterprises. Substantiated that innovation - is the process of implementation new idea, which aims to introduce the results of scientific research and achievements in all areas of business. Proved that innovation should always be oriented to the market for a specific customer or need.
2. Investigated characteristics of innovative projects. That one of the features of a high level of risk innovative projects. The classification of the sources of risk of innovative projects, which takes into account the influence of external factors and internal environment. The necessity of integrated and permanent risk management at every stage of the life cycle of any innovative project on the use of all functions of risk management.
3. Expediency of the use of modern concept of management in the risk management of innovative projects in the form of process, systemic and situational approaches.
4. These general and partial principles of managing risk innovative projects. Common principles of risk management principles for innovative projects assigned program and target management, integration, self-regulation system approach and the principle of the logical framework. Among the partial principles of organization Risk management is proposed to use the unidirectionality system goals risk management with corporate business objectives, the adequacy of power authority for project managers to effectively manage risk, security level of modern communication technologies, the sufficiency project budget for the implementation of measures to reduce risk.
5. Implemented sorting of risk for functional tasks subsystems for enterprise and innovation through the matrix set of risks. This allows to determine the source of risk to analysis and develop measures to eliminate or limit the risk.
6. A organizational-economic mechanism for risk management of innovative projects, which is defined as combination of techniques for interdependent the functional sub-companies to develop and implementation of innovative projects within the existing organizational structure with the diagnosis of risk of projects and the optimal allocation resources to prevent it. The capacity of the organizational and economic mechanism for risk management of innovation projects is ensured interaction of its units. Established target, semantic and logical relationship between the blocks, the logic of their interaction, which is aimed at achieving common goal - risk management of innovation projects.
7. The method for diagnosing the risk innovative projects, which includes a two-stage qualitative and quantify risk and allows management to make informed decisions regarding the feasibility of developing and implementing innovative projects.
8. A set of teaching materials designed for qualitative multi-criteria assessment of risk of innovative projects. These methodological developments allow to outline the risky profile of innovation project. Risky Profile of the innovative project is based on expert evaluation criteria, which characterize the risk of different parties the enterprise in the development and implementation of the project. Risk Corridor considered in the work as a set of risk areas, or parts thereof, in within which the total losses of the company from possible attack adverse events did not exceed the value of losses that are installed managers of the enterprise.
9. Provided a comprehensive approach to formation algorithm implementation of the functions of risk-manager, which provides selection and implementation of effective forms and methods of risk management innovation projects.