
Brief biography:


I was born on July, 2nd, 1987 in Donetsk. In 1989 I went to kindergarten named "Ivanko" which is situated in Donetsk.


In 1994 I went to the general school ¹ 32 in Donetsk. During school education I preferred humanities subjects like different languages. I finished school in 2004.


After finishing school, in 2004, I decided to enter a Donetsk National Technical University. My choice was speciality "Economy of enterprise and marketing", which was and remains popular among university entrants. In the process of studying I spared the special attention to the practical application of my knowledges. Confirmation of this is my production practice in 2007 at stock corporation "Nord", one of the greatest and known enterprises of our region. In addition, now, I pass practice on that enterprise with the purpose of receipt of practical knowledges and materials which need for writing of master’s thesis.

My choice of theme of the master's thesis is conditioned above all my knowledges, which I got in the process of studying, and my practical experience, which I got on different enterprises. Important role had advices of my scientific adviser, who helped me to formulate the theme of my work, create its plan and find the necessary literature.

In the future I hope successfully protect my master’s thesis and get the diploma of master's degree. After it, I hope to find job, which will allow me fully expose my knowledges and abilities.