Ann Trusova
Faculty: Economic
Speciality: Management of innovative activity
Theme of master's work: Perfection of the bank financing of innovative activity of Ukraine
Supervisor: PhD A. Meshkov
Brief resume
Date of birth: 18.09.1986
Average grade point: 4.36
Languages: Russian and Ukrainian, English (reading, writing).
- working with software packages:MS Office Mathematica;
- working with the database: Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL;
Additional knowledge: I get the second higher education on Finances speciality.
Hobbies: theatre, reading, English.
My parents Tanya Trusova and Igor Trusov got married at an early age. That’s why the question about the first child was very important for them. It is known that every father would like to have the first baby a son and my mother was eager to have a son too. They even chose the name for him, it was Dmitriy. But on the 18th of September 1986 a girl was born, it was me. My parents didn’t have any problem with the name because all my greatgrandmother’s names were Ann, so it was favourite name in both families. My height was 56 centimeters, my weight was 2,5 kilograms. There is such regularity when children are born with blue eyes the color of them is usually changes for the first six or nine months, but my eyes remained blue. I was a very thin and naughty girl and it was very difficult for my parents to feed me. They even thought a game. One pigeon flied up to our window – seal in the kitchen and my grandmother told me that this pigeon was going to eat my meal. And in this case they made me eat a little. Sometimes my grandmother fed me during the game with rubber telephones, playing a game – a talk between two little girls.
At the age of three I was taken to the nursery school. I enjoyed there very much except sleeping in the afternoon. At that time we had been living for 6 years in the Crimea and it was a great time of walking and playing in the open air, eaten a lot of fruit and vegetables, so I grew a healthy and active child.
In 1993 I went to the 1st form of school # 41 of Krestyanovka village. At the age of ten our family came back to Donetsk and I went to the 4th form of school # 136. It was new world for me, new friends. In the Crimea we lived in the village and I went to the country school there, that’s why I was afraid of going to the 4th form to town school. I thought that the level of teaching in these schools was very different, and I was right. During the first year at a new school I had to study hard and in the 5th form I was ahead of other pupils. I would like to mention some words about my form mistress in the 4th form Stepanenko Victory. She was well-educated, very strict and demandable teacher, but nevertheless good-natured one. We loved her very much. It so happened when we finished 4th form in summer she died. She was only 28 and it was a great shock for all of us.
In three years I changed school again and finished school # 122 in 2004 with a gold medal.
As a mater of fact I have a lot of friends from all this schools I have studied and we are still keeping in touch with each other.
As for my future profession I have been hesitating for a long time where to continue my study. My parents advised me to enter to Donetsk National Technical University, Computer Science and Informatics. I would like to tell that it is one of the most difficult faculties at this University.
After the 4th year I got a degree of bachelor and decided to change my specialty. It is management of innovative activity.
It seemed to me that it is too little for my future promotion and I made a decision to enter to international University of finances. Now I am a student of two Universities . I have a lot of jobs, tests, exams, besides I have my extra-English classes. Sometimes I surprised how I manage to do everything in time.
I hope my knowledge received at the Universities and my English will help me to find a deserving place in the life.